The Chuunibyou Girls Sanae, Kurin, and Nibutani in Sailor Moon Garb

Hey gang! The one nice thing about working 60-84 hours a week of late is that it gives me a good excuse to share some nifty image that I find online, or that is brought to my attention.Β  In this case, a fan in Taiwan knew I have been enjoying the Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! series and so directed me to this nifty image of Sanae, Kurin, and Nibutani, who’ve been redressed to appear in Sailor Moon outfits.

I wish I knew the person who Photoshopped these images, but alas, my Taiwanese contact did not know and I don’t have time to try to hunt it down.Β  Still, they did a good job.Β  It is a shame that Rikka wasn’t involved, but then I suppose no one in Sailor Moon wore an eye-patch, did they? ^_^;

Which reminds me, has the series actually done a parody reference to Sailor Moon yet? They’ve hit a bunch of other titles, including The Slayers, but I’m not versed enough on the Sailor Moon franchise to know if it isn’t blatantly obvious.

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2 Responses to “The Chuunibyou Girls Sanae, Kurin, and Nibutani in Sailor Moon Garb”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh Internet, you so silly.

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