There’s no new UQ Holder! chapter this week (Weekly Shounen Magazine is not being published this week), so there shouldn’t be any spoilers until next week.
For the new blog, I’m going to use the wallpaper below for the featured image, thus giving an added layer of protection for those coming to the front page who do not wish to be spoiled. ^_^
I’m not sure when Akamatsu-sensei’s next break for UQ Holder is scheduled for. As I understand it, he’s on a 10-1 break schedule (ten weeks of manga, one week off). I don’t think the magazine’s off weeks impact Akamatsu-sensei’s schedule, meaning that the magazine’s down week doesn’t count as an off week in Sensei’s schedule.
So, until next week, y’all! ^_^
testing, testing.
have no fear, Ken is already done with ch. 18 before he is going on break.
btw, the fact I can’t tell how many replies for a post from the front page bother me a bit…
I never even thought about having comment counter on the main landing page. I’ll have to consider that.
There will be a tweak on the comment system to allow folks to sign in from other platforms. I don’t know if that tweak will do anything to display comments on the landing (or category/date) page(s).
Damn ! Not again 🙁
But anyways , Love the new look on the website , Just need a few tweaks and stuff since it`s kinda confusing bit and Merry Christmas and a Happy new year !
Just to help me out, what’s kind of confusing? If I know, I can try to fix. ^_^
No trouble navigating your .com yet on my cable connection. However, on my cell phone (Android – Verizon) it kicks me clear off the net whenever I trip one of your sublinks from home plate:> “AstroNerdBoy’s Anime & Manga” ?? My signal strength is good and your home station appears just fine, but . . . (WMC)
Hmmm…not sure what that is about. I do need to set up a mobile version of the site.
Different servers for cell and cable but that shouldnt make a difference
My cell is just between billing cycles and I only pay by paper check in the US mail so their drones probably havent processed the check that I sent on time three days ago
This response is by cable but as you can see even here the word processor has suddenly become very primitive
Dont you just love technology (WMC)
Yes, don’t I just.
QSL and thanks. I’ll wait. (WMC)
Try it now. I think I have mobile version set up.
Got it. Very nice on my cellphone. All sites should look like that. Easy to navigate now; sublinks quick and easy. BUT when I tried to download WordPress, Google timed out within about 10 seconds! Couldn’t even finish reading the options and permissions. Also I can’t type a response from there! The keyboard disappears immediately and will not return! Very strange. Maybe just my account. Let me wait to see if Verizon catches up. This is from my cable account. Again, thanks a lot. (WMC)
When you say “download WordPress,” I presume you mean the app? I know that there was an option to display a link for some kind of app, so I said “do it” just in case.
Yes. But I don’t think I’ll need that app. I’ll probably have to go see a human at the mall to get my cellphone configured better, since no amount of searching the “Settings” setting helps. Password? What password.
(Incidentally, my favorite geek is a very young girl at the mall who rides a very big, liquid-cooled Harley. I’ve never asked her a question about IT she didn’t immediately know the answer to.)
Just jumped around successfully again on your site with my phone. Well done!
Oh yeah. I’d like to change my “Name(required)” to WMC instead of William M. Carhart. That’s way too long.
Happy holidays. (WMC)
You can put WMC if you like. The support team for my theme is researching why logins to other platforms aren’t being allowed here.
Happy new year to you as well! ^_^
[no comment. just changing user name to “WMC”]
I put it through, just in case.
Okay! Added “New Browsser for Android,” and that fixed the problem of automatic punts off the net from my cellphone. The old “internet manager” was Google Chrome. This text is from my cellphone. (WMC)