Here is the first SPOILER image from the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 24, courtesy of the VERY gracious Southrop. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 24 should come out Wednesday.)
The UQ Holder chapter 24 goodness begins.^_^
Well now, well now. We are getting a flashback to Negima!, specifically stuff that happened during that massive time skip in the final volume to get us to the end of the story. Is that Al in the background? Man, I hope we learn what happened to Al.
I like seeing that Eva had a more active role in Ala Alba (or at least, I’m presuming that Negi’s gang was still going by that nom de plume). Zazie and Mana both being in there is pretty awesome too. I wouldn’t mind seeing Zazie show up in UQH (assuming mazoku are immortal). Mana was half-mazoku, so who knows if she could show up or not. I’m betting this won’t happen since Akamatsu-sensei already has his crossover immortal from Negima! (Eva).
I wonder whom the other person is in the group. I’m surprise Setsuna, Konoka, and Kaede aren’t here, but maybe I’m forgetting some tidbit from Negima! that would explain their absence.
I think this is more flashback, showing Negi battling Nagumo. If so, sweet (unless it is Touta turning into Negi, which would make me laugh out loud). Assuming that whacked scenario isn’t at play, I wonder if this means we’ll get more info on Touta now.
The Mage of the Beginning, Magister Magi, and The Gospel of Darkness (Dark Evangel) all being talked about in this chapter? Oh yes! This may well be the chapter that puts UQ Holder back up in my charts. ^_^
Well, naught to do but wait for the chapter to come out. I have to say, I haven’t been this excited about a chapter in a long time. In the meantime, I’d like to express my continued thanks to Southrop for sharing these awesome images. As usual, he has some notes for those interested. ^_^
This does look like the most interesting chapter that has been out in a while.
Yeppers. ^_^
It does seems he is talking about the mage of the beginning doing something in 2065, and apparently because of him that things like immortal hunters appeared (to hunt/stop him who was an immortal?). Anyway if this really is it, then chances are we really are in the timeline with Asuna sealed (as on the last timeline in Negima they seems to have dealt with him once and for all, and even saved Nagi way before that date).
And as Quigonkenny reminded, Negi died in 2065 in the one timeline. I’m hoping this is the Asuna sealed timeline.
Actually if you re-read the final volume where asuna in the future in the telephone box and look closely at negi Wikipedia page… It states him as missing in action, then towards the end we got that grave scene.
So the debate is, did negi die or is he just presume dead and is missing for decades.
Also I pray that isn’t touta who turned into a literal negi clone…
Anyways first spoiler pic pretty much shows the sort of immortals in ala alba… Zazie rainyday the demon princess (I think), alberio (there were hint that’s he s extremely old so he could be an immortal), fate averruncus (tertium, doll of the life maker) mana who is haf demon (Succubus) and was known to possess a long life spam… Eva of course the high daylight walker and I assume that is chachamaru on the far right… And of course raiten taishou, demonised negi springfield…
If I had to guess… This could be negima ver. Of uq holder group of ‘immortals’
Where did it say that Mana is a succubus? I know she’s half mazoku in the Japanese, just as Setsuna is half youkai. Just curious.
Well, she’s certainly got the body for it… ^_^
Well the design of mana demon form is rather Succubus like but it was never comfirmed, if I had to guess her mother could have been a demon Succubus or she just happen to be design like one. But she s half demon
Setsuna was a member of the bird tribe, other than the wings she lacked healing abilities.
Anyways chapter 24 was interesting, it covered magia erebia… More info on Mage of beginning and the big question I have is if negi really dead is played on even more.
Here’s the problem. As I understand it, “mazoku” and “youkai” are not the same thing. Mazoku are more akin to the Judeo-Christian “demons” and live in a “demon realm” whereas youkai are merely supernatural creatures of varying origins. Some youkai are evil and some good, and they usually live on Earth, not in a segregated realm. Some youkai were former humans, but even inanimate objects can become youkai, like a chair that has had a lot of feelings poured into it over a great deal of time.
Zazie is full mazoku and Mana is half-mazoku. Setsuna is half-youkai (hanyou). Succubus are not part of Japanese mythology, and are a Western import. I never got the sense that the mazoku in Akamatsu-verse were anything more than rooted in Japanese mythos, as were the youkai. Akamatsu-sensei did import some Western things, like dragons and vampires (there are no vampires in Japanese mythos).
Anyway, I look forward to reading chapter 24. ^_^
I Don`t think this is the timeline where Asuna was sleeping , I mean , As seen from the First chapter of UQ Holder , Evangeline was already leaving Mahora Academy after their graduation , Meaning Nagi was already there and un-did her cursed seal ? Also , If this is the Timeline where Asuna was sleeping , Why would Asuna be in that panel ? She wasn`t suppose to be there after their graduation , Since she was already sent to sleep for a hundred years , The only reason that i think Asuna wasn`t in the second panel when they were adults while evangeline was walking away , Was probably because she went to the Magical World to rebuilt her abandoned kingdom , Ostia , I mean that was stated in the Final Chapter of Negima , With ayaka helping her aswell.
But i could be wrong though , Since i`m only speculating.
It looked like some years after their graduation.
That’s possible, but it is also possible that this is the timeline in which Asuna was sealed. I suspect that if I’m right about Akamatsu-sensei wanting to explore immortality and fill in the massive gaps left by Negima!, then this would be the timeline she’s sealed in. Meh. Time travel and the paradoxes it causes. ^_^;;;
Potential confirmation as to which future timeline UQH is set in. The Negi from the timeline the waking Asuna traveled back from died in 2065, according to his gravestone (chapter 352, page 7).
And do we have a first specific confirmation as to what year UQH is set in (2085) or was this stated before?
Touta’s parent’s gravestones had a date of 2084 as when they died.
Like AstroNerdBoy said, this is 2 years after Touta parents death, 2086.
Also, Negi’s “death” is likely related with their fight against the Lifemaker. He may really have died during the battle, or he may have turned into the next Lifemaker and is sealed somewhere (probably by Eva and the others?).
I’ve never been sure about the Lifemaker jumping bodies theory, but if true, hopefully UQ Holder will confirm it. ^_^
Come on… It was pretty obvious, wasn’t it? The first MoB we saw, the one Thousand Master took out, was a woman, IIRC. Then it took over the body of Zecht, and we saw him running around in Fate’s various flashbacks to the tea lady. Thousand Master eventually defeated that one as well, at which point it took him over. The question now is who is behind the MoB in the UQ Holder flashbacks. Is it the original, in some ethereal form, or still TM (confirming that this is not the “Good End” timeline the Negima series ended with), or perhaps one of the party Negi took with him when he freed TM in the “Good End” timeline?
Here’s the deal — might the MotB be a body hopper? Maybe. But there was nothing concrete about this in Negima. The flaw in this theory is that if you are strong enough to defeat the MotB in its current host, you lose because WHAM! You’re possessed somehow. If Nagi was the one to defeat the MotB in the first place, then why didn’t it take over his body rather than Zecht? If the MotB took over Zecht, why not continue the fight and kill/defeat Nagi and end Ala Rubra once and for all? If MotB can just body hop, then how does one even seal it? After all, MotB is so powerful, it can possess the most powerful mages with no apparent problem? If Nagi is possessed, how’d he escape to know to go save Negi just in the nick of time and give him a staff, then return to a state of sealed possession?
Here was how I interpreted things back in chapter 325.
I still think that this is Amateru, the daughter of the MotB. I also think that Zecht was the MotB all along (though that got muddied along the way after the reveal of the female MotB). Zecht was already considered a youkai and basically immortal by Ala Rubra (Jack’s comments on him). As I read the scene of Nagi defeating the MotB, my thoughts were, “Zecht revealed himself as the true enemy, who’d taken a shine to Nagi to see what Nagi could do, thus joined Ala Rubra in disguise.” I read the words where Ala Rubra spoke of Zecht’s defeat and Al stopping Nagi from saying something more was Nagi trying to say that Zecht had been behind the problems all along. I was surprised when I saw folks leaping on the body hoping theory.
Unfortunately, there’s a ton we don’t know about the MotB. We are all making assumptions and may be well off the marker here. Hopefully, we learn more in UQH ^_^
Amateru was supposedly the Master of the GraveKeeper’s Palace, aka Chibi Mage. It was hinted that she’s Asuna and Arika’s ancestor.
Zecht couldn’t have always been MotB, if for no other reason than because Zecht is the one who protected Ala Rubra from MotB’s attack in the first battle (after Primum’s defeat) with his Kratiste Aigis. Why protect Ala Rubra at all if he’s MotB? Your suggestion that MotB takes over the one who kills him is unsupported, and doesn’t necessarily make sense. Why take over Nagi, whether or not he was strong enough to beat you, when his at least equally as strong master of indeterminate but probably stringer than human origin is right there?
His saving Negi while MotB could make sense for a number of reasons. It’s clear that he was still cogent in there in some respect, since he told Negi to come find him after Negi and Asuna beat the MotB, so who’s to say that he didn’t will back control of himself for some time to go save his only son and heir? He is a Springfield, after all, with all the reality-defying willpower that that comes with. Alternately, he could have willingly become MotB (likely to release Zecht) with some conditions. One of which being that Negi is untouched, at least up until the implementation of CE (which Negi would not be expected to be involved with). Maybe the “Nagi” that saved Negi back in his village wasn’t Nagi after all, but MotB (in Nagi’s body and dress) fulfilling his contractual requirements, with the giving of the staff to Negi being either an effort to avoid having to save him again, or Nagi breaking free for a short moment.
As for how MotB can be defeated, I think we were given our answer indirectly in the series end (“Good End”) timeline, where we know Nagi survived (unlike every other MotB host seen). Unlike in every other decisive battle against MotB (including the one in UQ Holder, if it’s in the “Sleeping Asuna” timeline) Asuna Kagurazaka was not available. Kagurazaka didn’t exist in the initial MotB defeat (the woman), was being “created” during the aftermath of the second defeat (versus Zecht), and the third defeat (versus Nagi “above” Mahora), where she was present, was inconclusive, but her involvement made it look simple. Maybe they even woke up the “Good End” timeline’s original Asuna for a short while and had her lend a hand against MotB with her “sister”.
I don’t disagree with that. I do think that the MotB and CB work quite closely together for the same goal.
Why’d Chibi Mage stop one of the Averruncus from proceeding? In my mind, it is because they were interested in seeing what Nagi (in the past) and Negi (in the present) had planned to fix the problems of the Magic World.
Anyway, we don’t know much about MotB, so this is all theory. I suspect that you guys’ body hopping theory will be correct in the end. That being said, as I see it at present, Zecht and Nagi went in to fight MotB. We never saw Zecht go down in said fight. All we saw was (1) Nagi defeating MotB, (2) Zecht lecturing his disciple after the fight on the hopelessness of the situation and his desire that Nagi feel his 2600 years of despair, (3) Zecht dissolves, only to come alive elsewhere, wake up Fate, then form the MotB robes over himself so that he looked a lot like Chibi-Mage.
So, if Nagi defeated the MotB, then according to the body hopping theory, MotB took over Zecht, who was doing what during the fight (since we NEVER see him in the fight beside Nagi battling the MotB)? Zecht is not even injured when he lectures Nagi, then dissolves. In my mind, if the body hopping theory is correct, then I don’t know why MotB didn’t just destroy Nagi right then and there since clearly, Nagi is a threat to the ultimate plans of MotB and CE. Nagi was injured and helpless, so why spare him? Now, if MotB was in fact Zecht (or Chibi Mage, based on looks, as Amateru could be MotB), then I could see why Nagi would be spared — a master having some compassion for a former pupil while at the same time, wishing to teach said pupil a final, painful lesson.
Then there’s Negi’s battle with MotB, who’s NAGI! Oh wait, but it can’t be the MotB nor Nagi because they destroyed it, and the real MotB is supposed to be sealed under the World Tree. So what did they fight? If that wasn’t the MotB, then it means that the MotB can create illusionary forms of itself where needed, fully powered and everything.
Again, Al did not know where Nagi was (only that he was alive somewhere in the world), but Al did know where the MotB was sealed. That suggests to me that Nagi is not the MotB. I could see Nagi using himself to seal the MotB up though. The problem there (and with Nagi becoming the MotB) is that he somehow knew exactly when and where to go to save his son’s life, a son he’d apparently never met. So, despite being sealed under the World Tree, he goes out, travels half-way across the globe, rescues his son in the nick of time, hands his son his staff, then leaves, returns to Japan and the World Tree, seals himself back up again, and that’s that.
Anyway, we just don’t know much of anything about MotB, as I said earlier. So everything that any of us think is just theory, nothing more. The facts are just too few, which is why I’m hoping we get a lot more in UQ Holder. ^_^
Check chapter 325. The female MotB talks to Primum about her “2600 years”.
As for why Zecht didn’t take out Nagi as soon as he became MotB, he may not have been able to. There might be some kind of “recharge” period when the MotB is forced to body swap, where it takes the host away to some location (hence Zecht disappearing).
How do you quote on this site, BTW?
Right. That’s why I though she might be Amateru. Zecht also mentioning the same number of years, in combination with Jack referring to Zecht as an “old youki” whom he thought wouldn’t die even if you killed him, made me think he was tied to the earlier woman.
But, like I said, you guys are probably right about the body hopping theory. It is just that right now, it is a theory, and for me, I’ve never liked it that much. Of course if Akamatsu-sensei makes it canon, that’s that. ^_^
You have to use the <blockquote></blockquote> HTML tag. I’ve updated the comments greeting to mention this. I cheat because WordPress lets me handle all comments from a single page, which makes it much easier to keep up with comments, unlike how it was with Blogger. As such, I have all of these nifty HTML tag buttons to use when I want.
Actually… judging by the make up of that group it makes sense that Kaede, Konoka and Setsuna aren’t there. All present are immortals, this is probably no longer Ala Alba but already UQ Holder.
Also according to Southdrop this happened in 2065 so none of those characters would be exactly in their prime.
Well, I didn’t know just how immortal mazoku are (though I think some in UQH are from Negima! so…). Also, what affect would being half-human, half-mazoku have on Mana’s lifespan? That’s why I hedged my bets. But yeah, now that I think about it, this may have marked the start of UQ Holder as a group.
Mana is supposedly living and kicking at the war that happens on early 2100 from her epilogue in Negima. Mazoku may have a more “dominant” blood than Youkai, and/or be more immortal than normal Youkai (as there seems to be some Youkais on the only immortal but not invulnerable part of the UQ group).
Ah, I hadn’t remembered that and I don’t have access to the manga at present. Thanks for the info. ^_^
From the last two images you posted (warning, amateur translation):
1体目は不完全体 First one is the incomplete body (hard to know without context, but by the counter 体 he may be talking abut statues or the like)
「闇の福音」と呼ばれた女魔法使い “The female mage known as “Gospel of Darkness”
2体目は完全体 Second one is the complete body (if statues maybe one is broken /never was completed?)
女の弟子で「偉大なる魔法使い」と呼ばれた男だ That woman disciple, the man known as “The Greatest Mage”.
Next page:
20年前。。。2065年 20 years ago, 2065 (that’s 21 years ago, but he probably means in an general way)
我々 不死狩りは最凶の不死者である「始まりの魔法使い」と呼ばれる個体を火星地表夜の迷路へと追い詰めた We, the immortal hunters, cornered the most wicked immortal, an individual known as “The mage of the beginning”, in the Night Labyrinth (this have a reading in katakana but too small for me to read) on the surface of Mars.
Noctis Labrynthus. It’s where Arika and Theodora were kept captive way back when Thousand Master first fought MoB.
Ugh… Make that “Labyrinthus”. @#$& Latin…
Yep, I remember that. I’m trying to think if anything else happened at that location. (I’m half-asleep as I write.)
Its also where Nodoka was when she contacted Kotarou in Chapter 207 when she was separated from Negi following the gateport attack, and its fairly safe to assume that the ruin the Comptina Daemonia was obtained from is located in that area.
Ah. I’d forgotten that as well. ^_^;;;
Dude, Mangastream was just as interested as us and released the chapter already – on the same day they got the RAWs, no less.
Let’s see if you can hold out against the temptation of reading it.
Har! Well, I can’t read it from my current location so…^_^;;;
But, since I cranked up the site’s resource allocation for the increased traffic load, I guess I won’t spend as much money on that if the chapter’s already out and folks don’t drop by as much (meaning I can throttle back).
I’m assuming the other person with the group is Fate
Fate is in there, and I think Chachamaru.
Rationalizing chaos does not compute. Garbage in, garbage out. I smell another Akamatsu chaotic, irrational ending. Even worse, no ending. Wake me when it’s over.
*lol* Well, if it gets good, our screaming may wake you sooner. ^_~
It’s been a while, but the return of UQ Holder as a Negima Sequel makes me want to get the series. Not only is McDowell, Negi, and The Mage of the Beginning are being talked about as legends, but there could also be some interesting backstories created from the previous series.
And that’s where I’m hoping this all goes.
Just read the chapter… *** is all over the place xDDDDD
That was an image I didn’t need to have in my head. ^_^;;; But I laughed just the same. ^_~
Considering how arika negi mum was missing she could have been a likely host of the Mage of beginning… Anyways more the point for being the final boss, the ultimate antagonist, the creator of the magic world etc… Not much about him/her was explored. So I’m guess the age of beginning will once again be the main antagonist.
I personally believe his/her ability is body hopping but of course there could be draw backs like having to supress the host will, power level (nagi exceeded everyone momentarily) but in the end zecht received the least damage from the Mage initial attack and was nagi master.
There could also be compatibility issues and requirement etc… We just don’t know but body hopping/possession is a form of immortality.
All we know is that the Mage of beginning was a woman and had a knight as her pactio partner and a statue of them is made in their honour.
The Mage has been shown in three (4 if you count the statue) different form/body and has the ability to rewrite the magical world, as she was the one who created the magical world and all the magical residence.
Magia erebea has been commented as being just like the mages power by dynamis, then again Eva who is a kin to the Mage did invent the technique.
The Mage was researching different forms of immortality and Evageline A.K McDowell was one of the results of the mages immortality research, however whilst it is indeed powerful… It has flaws like disembodiment could put the Mage out of action or if his/her magic was sealed.
Only two known users of magia erebea is known to date, Evangeline the gospel of darkness who uses an imperefected ver.and negi Springfield the great Mage who uses the perfected ver. And both were master and pupil.
Like the blind guy, I really want confirmation on touta bloodline, is he the decendant of negi? How did he become a user of magia erebea? And just what exactly is touta… The Mage being brought back means that there more to it than immortal hunters vs uq holder…
Seems like we going get more ala alba vs Cosmo entelecheia flash back in future
That’s why I was thinking Amateru was the MotB back in the day. Thanks for reminding me. I couldn’t for the life of me remember why I thought that. I think my original theory was that Zecht was her knight, and the two are still roaming the Earth to this day.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to the new chapter. ^_^
Honestly… We didnt get much info on zecht either… We knew he looked like nagi/negi but with white hair until he change his hairstyle due to theo requesting he changes it.
He was nagi master and was in theory and evidently the strongest of ala rubra in the same way Eva was stronger than negi, so the Mage stealing his body would make more sense than sealing nagi…
Zecht had a child like body, some fan theory says he like Evangeline… However due to the qoutes he made whilst possess… He could have been a product of the Mage just like fate was… Honestly we just didnt know who he was and everyone was shocked/confused at his sudden transformation into the Mage.
If uq holder is set in the same timeline as negima final chapter and nagi was saved… Then it is a matter of finding out whose body was the Mage possessing at the time (could be arika) and if it really is a body hopping ability…
Negi death could be related to the Mage, since the Mage can erase people and send them to the dream world, likely negi could be the current Mage or he still out there hunting the Mage or something…
Anyways I find negi death being to suspicious since he was also listed as missing in action when asuna went looking through the phone book in the future and the blind swordsman calling negi the ultimate evil is strange since negi was a hero…
Very true. One thing you missed in the fact column is that he was that despite having the appearance of a kid, he apparently had lived a long time, and after Zecht’s “death”, Jack referred to him as an old youkai, going further by saying that he though Zecht wouldn’t die even if you killed him (which I always took to mean Zecht was immortal). But even here, it isn’t clear on whether or not Zecht was a youkai, nor was his actual age said. If Zecht were 2600 years old who’s appearance never changed from that of a child, well, it would make sense for Jack to call Zecht an old youkai.
Well, Arika’s absence in the Negima! manga’s end was…annoying. To be honest, she’s the one character I don’t think that Akamatsu-sensei developed until late. Until the magic world arc, Negi didn’t give a rat’s patootie about his mother. It was always about his dad. Heck, even during the trip to the village, no one spoke of Arika, only Nagi. That was one of the reasons I used to think Negi was Nagi in disguise. *_*
It is always possible this is a forth timeline, where Asuna is still asleep, but Negi did die. Once Akamatsu-sensei opened up that can of worms with the multiple timelines, anything goes and can be attributed to being in a different timeline than you expect. ^_^;
Here too, I hope UQH provides some answers. ^_^
Hmmm if negi really is dead, I doubt that blind guy would be worrying so much… Touta using an imperfect magia erebia so he should be easy to deal with when compared to negi completed one in demon form raiten taishou 2.
But yeah I agree it annoying when akatmatsu isn’t patching the gap between negima and uq holder, personally I prefer the ala alba cast than the uq holder one though karin and koromaru r awesome
Well, except that at the end of 23, the ME was going to a new level, thus will Touta suddenly go to a perfected form?
I agree.
I hope Akamatsu doesn’t feel the need to do that. For one thing, it means we get no resolution from UQ Holder. All the stuff that happens from here on is unrelated to how it ever happened in Negima.
Plus, we’ve already got 3 timelines to keep straight in our heads:
“Good End” (GE): The ending shown at the very end of the Negima manga, where the Asuna from a future alternate timeline showed up right after that timeline’s Asuna went to do her sleep thing. (This means there should be two Asunas in this timeline after that point: one in stasis on MM until the 22nd century, one alive and kicking on Earth)
“Sleeping Asuna” (SA): The timeline that the aforementioned awakened Asuna came from. This timeline is identical to GE up until Asuna leaves for MM to be put in stasis for (a planned) 100 years. After 2135, this timeline has no Asuna.
“Bad End” (BE): The timeline Chao came from. Negi never went to MM (or was weaker when he got there) and so the entire “native” population was placed into Cosmo Entelecheia, leaving the “real” human population marooned for all eternity on the surface of a dead planet. Buried alive…buried alive… KHAA—!! Sorry, where was I? This timeline is identical to the other two up to the point when Chao arrived (before the start of the series, but probably after the attack on Negi’s village).
We can safely say that UQ Holder does not take place in BE (Magia Erebea Negi pretty much confirmed it), so that leaves the other two. Any timeline where “Asuna is still asleep, but Negi did die” by 2086, as you suggested, could be SA, assuming no other changes. The 2065 date for Negi fighting the MotB (not to mention fighting MotB at all, which was supposed to have been defeated prior to 2011 in GE) also suggests SA, but it could still be 2086 in GE. Maybe GE’s MotB revived, or wasn’t quite as beaten as was thought. The awakened (then timeline hopped) SA!Asuna’s absence could be explained by age (about 70 years outside of stasis) or by tragedy.
Hopefully this will all be sorted out by the end of the series.
*lol* Yeah, what you said. ^_^
The lady depicted in the statue was Amateru, daughter of MotB and creator of the Pactio system. That was the point of the statue, was to depict the first Pactio pair.
Honestly, I don’t remember where I heard that from, but it was on the Aquastar forum. Pretty sure it was from one of the end of volume sections. Hata would know.
I need to reread Negima! I used to do that before Akamatsu-sensei just shut the manga down. Since then, I’ve not been of a mind to reread it…until now.
Zecht could be alive , I mean as seen from the Promotional art in Chapter one , There is a small person with a hood on standing near-beside evangeline , Seems suspicious.
I thought about that too. If that is Zecht, and that turns out to be Chibi Mage, well that would rock everyone’s boat. *lol*
Hmmm I doubt it a new form of magia erebia, touta is basically transforming into a demon just like when negi died in his fight with dynamis and subsequently revived through magia erebia.
I personally don’t see the point in adding the fancy looking arms… The basic demon arm was better than this gauntlet type
It is possible that Akamatsu-sensei is doing something different with Touta’s ME.
Hmm well akatmatsu sensei does have the habit of adding extra details to design… Uh right now touta is like negi demon form minus the loaded thousand thunderbolt spell for armament effect
to be honest, i think there is like a thread between Asuna, Amateru, Arika, evangeline and the MotB.