Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! – 06 (Mama make it better.)

Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 2wei! Episode 06 REVIEW
Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! – 06

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06Miyu-Saber and Kuro-Archer engage in battle as Kuro takes the time to explain that she was the one who took over Ilya to install the Archer card in their earlier fights. Further, she has the ability to cheat, so that even without knowing the theory behind the Class Card system, she was fully able to use it. To prove her cheat point, she teleports behind Miyu and the battle continues with Kuro having the advantage. Kuro is going to kill Ilya even at the cost of her own life, and she’ll kill Miyu to do it. Before they can exchange final blows, Ilya arrives and stops them. Ilya can’t understand why Kuro hates her so much, and she rejects Ilya’s offer to grant her wish. Before Kuro can attack, Iri’s car comes literally flying in.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06After punishing both Kuro and Ilya for fighting (knocking them out), Ilya has a vision as an infant where her parent’s discuss sealing her away. When she comes to with Kuro, they are in Luvia’s enormous bath. Iri arrives with Miyu in tow, telling the two girls that she’s been briefed by Miyu, Ruby, and Sapphire. So she says that they can ask “Iri-mama” questions. Meanwhile, Rin briefs Luvia on what she’s learned about the Einzbern family as Iri tells Ilya that she was created to be the Holy Grail in the Holy Grail war. Kuro corrects her as she was the one created to be the Holy Grail, infused with knowledge and abilities. Kuro is angry at having been sealed away and wants to know why, though Iri doesn’t answer.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06After Kuro demands to have her own life as a mage and an official member of the Einzbern family, Iri tells her the news that the Einzbern family no longer exists. In grief, Kuro expends all of her mana and begins to fade away. Her rage gone, she begins to reflect on what she really wanted in life. Before she can disappear, Ilya transfers mana to her. Ilya says that none of what Iri told them shocks her, and she acknowledges that it was Kuro that helped her all along. Ilya’s transfer doesn’t hold and Kuro begins to fade again. Kuro is happy that someone cared if she died. Ilya screams at Kuro to use her Holy Grail ability to make her wish, so Kuro wishes for a family, friends, a normal life, and to live. As such, her life is returned to her. Iri introduces Kuro as cousin “Chloe” to Shiro, Liz, and Sella as Kuro will now live with them.


And so the mystery of Ilya is solved.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

I have to say that I really feel I should have figured out more earlier in the series, but I’ve discovered that I’m merging my knowledge of elements from Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero, and putting them into Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei!  What I mean is, until last week, I had presumed that the characters here knew more about the Class Card system than they actually know.  Despite this, I think that I had an idea of where things were going, but never in a fully conscious manner, if that makes sense.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

Anyway, I can understand having Ilya’s memories, abilities, and powers sealed up as an infant after Iri and Kiritsugu decided to end the Holy Grail war by not allowing Ilya to become the Holy Grail.  As I see it, if they hadn’t done that, there was still a chance that Ilya would fulfill her role as the Holy Grail and the war would have started anyway.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

I guess they hadn’t counted on Kuro-Ilya being aware of her environment despite only being an infant/toddler. Further, it is obvious that they hadn’t counted on the sealed part of Ilya to become a separate persona within Ilya, one that was aware of things with life, especially after Ilya became a magic girl.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

It is tragic that Kuro experienced this, but I am glad that the story worked itself out so that Kuro can be a regular member of the cast and have the family life she always wanted. As such, the “Kuro must kill Ilya” stuff is gone, but it does appear that the rivalry will still be there.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

While I’m still thinking about Kuro, I know she had access to vast amounts of knowledge and abilities, yet without knowing anything about the Class Card system, she somehow knew how to do it. I know she said she’s a cheat, but that doesn’t really explain why she was able to absorb the Archer card and fully access Archer’s abilities.  I guess it was because she was the Holy Grail, thus having access to how the Heroic Spirit for Archer worked.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

I was disappointed that we didn’t see Ilya asking her mother questions about being a mage. After all, Iri didn’t speak of her own mage abilities.  She shocked Ilya by showing her abilities when she “spanked” Kuro, then again when she did the same to Ilya. But that never came up, and I felt that it should have. (Yeah, I know — time constraints.)

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

I’m also disappointed that Kiritsugu didn’t come with Iri. Seriously, what kind of terrible father is he? Iri is traveling the world with Kiritsugu, feels the need to return home because of Ilya, but he’s like, “I don’t want to see my daughter.” *_*

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

So what did happen to the Einzbern family in this universe? What the heck are Iri and Kiritsugu doing that requires them to be away from home for months at a time (or longer)? I presume Liz and Sella know the truth of Iri and Kiritsugu (based in part because of their roles in the original Fate/stay night). If this is true, will Ilya learn the truth about them?

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

I’m running behind, but I’ve got to wrap this up. I thought the fight between Miyu-Saber and Kuro-Archer was well done. I liked the explanation of Kuro’s existence, and I like that she’s become a real person now. Other than the couple of disappointments I mentioned earlier, I really enjoyed this episode and look forward to seeing where things go from here.

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! - 06

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20 Responses to “Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! – 06 (Mama make it better.)”

  1. Farray says:

    Now the secret is lifted. Kuro Ilya hates being called a fake because she actually was the original Ilya and would have grown into the Ilya we know from FSN if she hadn’t been sealed. She is closer in personality to the Ilya from FSN than the actual Ilya here. It was her who took over whenever Ilya was in danger.

    While I’m still thinking about Kuro, I know she had access to vast amounts of knowledge and abilities, yet without knowing anything about the Class Card system, she somehow knew how to do it. I know she said she’s a cheat, but that doesn’t really explain why she was able to absorb the Archer card and fully access Archer’s abilities. I guess it was because she was the Holy Grail, thus having access to how the Heroic Spirit for Archer worked.

    I know it’s been over a year, but I already mentioned how that works. Remember what I said about Sorcery Traits? (http://anime.astronerdboy.com/2013/08/fatekaleid-liner-prisma-illya-04-why.html#comment-15134) That’s what happened (and in the first manga Ruby had an idea of what Ilya did). Kuro was able to do install because she had the needed mana.

    This is exactly how the Einzberns intended to play out their abilities to make their thousand year old dream come true (to get back the Third Magic), with the defeated Heroic Spirits being the energy source. It’s not exactly like the Holy Grail, which needs a method to work out a wish, but it is based on their Sorcery Trait to recreate spells without actually knowing the theory behind it. Like Kuro said, it’s a cheat, a shortcut.

    The Kuro vs Miyu fight felt kinda half-hearted. Miyu doesn’t really have a grudge against Kuro and Kuro sees a magical companion in Miyu who can understand her. Both of them pulled their punches, even if Miyu did it unconsciously. Kudos to Silver Link for a great action scene and also for not forgetting that Saber can actually stand on the water. ^_^

    So Kuro attacked Ilya because of her wish-granting abilities (that and the jealousy etc.). Ilya may not have thought about it too hard, but “I want to be normal”, the wish she harbored since season 1, caused all of this. Kuro’s interpretation wasn’t wrong, that was the whole reason they split off and Ilya was left incredibly weakened in the first place. She discarded and rejected the magical part of hers, Kuro, so her wish, even if accidentally, endangered Kuro’s existence from the beginning, which means Kuro had every reason to get rid of Ilya. As long as Ilya wished for that, co-existence was truly impossible. Well, maybe Kuro should have talked with Ilya and perhaps Ilya would have understood. At least she does now.

    Of course there are parallels to Archer again. Kuro is a more experienced version of our protagonist, who relies on the Archer vessel (here it’s the Archer card) of the Holy Grail to exist and needs mana to stay in the world. There are a few more other similarities, which I’ll leave out for now.

    I was disappointed that we didn’t see Ilya asking her mother questions about being a mage. After all, Iri didn’t speak of her own mage abilities. She shocked Ilya by showing her abilities when she “spanked” Kuro, then again when she did the same to Ilya. But that never came up, and I felt that it should have. (Yeah, I know — time constraints.)

    The last time Ilya wanted to talk about magic with her mother in season 1 (http://www.batoto.net/read/_/81538/fatekaleid-liner-prisma%E2%98%86illya_v02_ch13_by_suimasen-scans/10), Iri played dumb, so yeah… Ilya probably figured out already her mother is a magus, if Ilya is supposed to be a magic tool.

    Anyway, while the whole scene in the anime is more dramatic (Kuro’s speech and such), the manga was more focused on the comedy as far as I can see. Like… Kuro got two bumps because Ilya was also hit by Iri’s punch and Kuro shares Ilya’s pain (http://www.batoto.net/read/_/61554/fatekaleid-liner-prisma%E2%98%86illya-2wei_v02_ch10_by_suimasen-scans/8). Ilya also remembers how Iri always ruins the mood on the next page, which the anime left out and so on.

    The “Teach me, Mama Iri” joke is a reference to the “Teach me, Ciel-sensei!” sections from Tsukihime, where you got tips whenever you reached a Bad End/Game Over. Type-Moon created something similar with the “Tiger Dojo”s in FSN and ufotable made the “Einzbern Consultation Room” episodes as a bonus for the FZ BDs, which serve a similar purpose. Iri also beat up Assassin with her string magic in one of these episodes.

    I’m also disappointed that Kiritsugu didn’t come with Iri. Seriously, what kind of terrible father is he? Iri is traveling the world with Kiritsugu, feels the need to return home because of Ilya, but he’s like, “I don’t want to see my daughter.” *_*

    So what did happen to the Einzbern family in this universe? What the heck are Iri and Kiritsugu doing that requires them to be away from home for months at a time (or longer)? I presume Liz and Sella know the truth of Iri and Kiritsugu (based in part because of their roles in the original Fate/stay night).

    He’s busy. http://imgur.com/aqAiZ3p

    It’s not outright stated, but considering the fact that, according to Iri, the Einzberns no longer exist, it’s heavily implied Kiritsugu killed them all. Or at least he heavily damaged them in a way that there were no news of them for the last ten years. It’s not like Einzbern magi are great in combat, that’s why they always lost the Holy Grail Wars and hired Kiritsugu. Leysritt and Sella knew about Ilya’s seal (in the manga), so they should know what Iri and Kiritsugu are doing.

    So there is one thing that keeps bugging fans (including the manga readers of course). The timeline here does not match the original one from FZ, FSN etc. Kuro Ilya was sealed ten years ago, when she was eight months old, which means Ilya would soon become eleven years old. However, in the FSN universe, she is definitely older than Shirou, who is 16 or 17, as old as Rin, when the 5th war starts.

    Also, since there is no Fuyuki inferno, there is no reason for Shirou to get adopted and it sounds like Kiritsugu ended the wars before they even began. Whether Matou and Tohsaka were involved is unknown. Rin at least is clueless, but then again… she was also clueless in FSN, so who knows.

    Well, overall a good episode. I really liked Chiwa Saito’s performance btw. Kuro’s speech was very impressive voice-acting.

    • Gore17 says:

      Actually, the divergence might have been Illya being born much later then in canon. And it makes sense: if Illya was born later, then she might have ended up the Holy Grail vessel for the 4th War. This could very well have pushed Irisviel and Kiritsugu into abandoning the war.

      Of course, the Einzbern wouldn’t have accepted to this, so they’d have to fight their way out, which would have broken the family.

      With no Holy Grail vessel, and the ones with the required knowledge/materials dead, the Holy Grail War would be pointless. As such, Rin was probably never told of it, as it wasn’t required for her to know.

    • Farray says:

      Actually, the divergence might have been Illya being born much later then in canon. And it makes sense: if Illya was born later, then she might have ended up the Holy Grail vessel for the 4th War. This could very well have pushed Irisviel and Kiritsugu into abandoning the war.

      Yes, I’ve seen this theory before. However, that would kinda defeat the purpose of Irisviel’s creation in the first place. At the moment, there isn’t even a confirmation that it was supposed to be the 4th Holy Grail War. Nyfb gurer ner gjb Ubyl Tenvyf. Vyln zvtug unir orpbzr gur pber sbe gur Terngre Tenvy, yvxr Whfgrnmr va SFA, juvpu jbhyq zrna guvf jnf fhccbfrq gb or gur svefg jne.

      Eva svaqvat bhg abguvat jbhyq xvaqn fhccbeg guvf, nf rira Jnire sbhaq bhg nobhg gur 200 lrne-byq evghny va Shlhxv. Bs pbhefr jvgu ab Ubyl Tenvy Jnef, Eva jbhyq abg arrq gb or rqhpngrq ol ure sngure nobhg gur jnef, ohg ure cneragf’ fgnghf vf nyfb haxabja.

      Anyway, I don’t think we need to think too hard about how it fits the FZ/FSN timeline. Hiroyama Hiroshi, the mangaka, says himself his work is nothing but fanfiction that is officially published. As an alternate universe, I’d say he just wanted to make a scenario where Ilya is innocently growing up and happily living with her family, parents and Shirou included.

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        Anyway, I don’t think we need to think too hard about how it fits the FZ/FSN timeline. Hiroyama Hiroshi, the mangaka, says himself his work is nothing but fanfiction that is officially published. As an alternate universe, I’d say he just wanted to make a scenario where Ilya is innocently growing up and happily living with her family, parents and Shirou included.

        That’s all true. Still, I understand why fans try to work it in. However, if this is an alternate timeline/universe, then all kinds of things could have been done differently to come up with the scenario we have in this series. (At least, that’s how I look at it.)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I know it’s been over a year, but I already mentioned how that works. Remember what I said about Sorcery Traits?

      I hadn’t remembered, but I’m getting a refresher now. ^_^

      Kudos to Silver Link for a great action scene and also for not forgetting that Saber can actually stand on the water. ^_^

      I agree. But you are right that Miyu and Kuro didn’t go all out before Ilya showed up. I wonder if they would have if Ilya hadn’t shown up.

      …Ilya was left incredibly weakened in the first place.

      Is it my imagination, or is Ilya growing in power again? Or is that just Ruby?

      Well, maybe Kuro should have talked with Ilya and perhaps Ilya would have understood. At least she does now.

      Well if that happened, we wouldn’t have had all these episodes. *lol* But what you say makes a lot of sense to me.

      The last time Ilya wanted to talk about magic with her mother in season 1

      I didn’t remember that in the anime, but it may have been there and I just forgot. That happens to me. ^_^;;;

      He’s busy. http://imgur.com/aqAiZ3p

      Yeah, but he still could have made a quick pit stop to see his daughter. 😉

      As to the timeline thing, well…^_^;;; One could say that there were changes so that Ilya was born later than FSN, but Kiritsugu adopting Shirou doesn’t make sense.

    • Farray says:

      Is it my imagination, or is Ilya growing in power again? Or is that just Ruby?

      Ilya is acting smarter now and can control her powers better (like when she made a well-crafted barrier against Kuro’s shot), but in raw power she is definitely still much weaker.

      I didn’t remember that in the anime, but it may have been there and I just forgot. That happens to me. ^_^;;;

      You can’t remember because it didn’t happen there. 😉 That’s what happens (and what I feared when I criticized this last year), when the anime studio removes or changes scenes from the manga that were clearly meant to be foreshadowing and/or are referenced in later episodes. Here, they only removed that line in which Ilya asks Iri to not play dumb like last time, because there obviously was no last time in the anime.

      Yeah, but he still could have made a quick pit stop to see his daughter. 😉

      I guess that is true. 😉 Still, he is probably doing his best right now to protect his family and their happiness, something he couldn’t do in Fate/Zero. I’m already satisfied. ^_^

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        That’s what happens (and what I feared when I criticized this last year), when the anime studio removes or changes scenes from the manga that were clearly meant to be foreshadowing and/or are referenced in later episodes.

        You’d think they’d get a clue, but somehow, I suspect they just think, “Well, most folks have read the manga, so who cares if we drop the reference.”

        Still, he is probably doing his best right now to protect his family and their happiness, something he couldn’t do in Fate/Zero. I’m already satisfied. ^_^

        I’m just wanting that family photo moment with Kiritsugu in shot. ^_~

  2. NT says:

    So.. in a technical sense Kuro had actually (re)appeared back when illya turned into a mage?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      That’s my understanding. She took over Ilya’s body every time Ilya “became” Archer.

      • NT says:

        Yeah, I went ahead and marathoned the first season in like 2 or so hours after this comment and I surprisingly actually understand it all now.
        Course, since i havent watched Fate Zero or Fate/Stay Night yet i dont know who most of the characters are yet.(course this is a different timeline but…)

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          Fate/Zero you could go ahead and watch. I’d wait for the remake of Fate/stay night as I think the remake version will be better than the original anime version. I think they are focusing on only the main route for the visual novel in the remake anime rather than try to incorporate elements of other routes in.

        • Farray says:

          Whether you start with Fate/Zero or Fate/stay night is up to you, but keep in mind that the author wrote FZ with FSN in mind, as in, he expected you read the FSN VN already. Still, whether plot twists are already spoiled or not, you’ll get a different kind of experience if you start with the prequel (FZ).

          It may not be what Nasu and Urobuchi intended, but it can still be an entertaining experience. Personally, I always recommend release (and intended) order. FSN -> FZ. With ufotable animating the remaining routes, this will be easier to recommend very soon.

          The 2006 FSN anime is based on the first (out of three) route of the Visual Novel with some additions from the other two routes. The remake will focus on the second route (and interviews say they won’t really add elements from other routes).

          Of course it would be best if you just read the Visual Novel, but if you only want to watch, you can go ahead with the 2006 anime and then watch the 2014 version that starts airing this October. Just skip the movie from 2010 (which covers the second route in a 100 minutes long summary). That’s a waste of time.

      • Farray says:

        To add to that, it was also Kuro who killed Assassin. The eyes were the give-away. Whenever Ilya’s eyes changed, it was her other personality who took over. Iri’s seal cracked and eventually broke when Ilya’s life was in danger several times (http://imgur.com/KjTrfIa,u68SqHs,3DUN94p).

  3. Aki says:

    Can I just say… A true hero has shown up in 3rei and things are getting awesome

    • Farray says:

      As long as you don’t specify who it is, it’s okay (yes, I know who you’re talking about).

      • Aki says:

        I know I have this same issue with sword art online, but given who it is… Things will only get amazing, I mean I know it a parallel version of a parallel but to be that version of that person is just wow!

        I want chapter 24 of 3rei, I honestly did not expect it to be that person of that person who is obviously begun undergoing the effects of becoming that person

        • Farray says:

          I know you’re excited about this and everything, but this is really not the right place to talk about it. Even keeping it vague may spoil others who get what you’re saying. I am asking you to not write anything about 3rei or at least conceal it in a spoiler hiding code.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’ll take your word for it. ^_^

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