Fairy Tail Zero Chapter 06 (A bluff has no substance.)

FAIRY TAIL ZERØ ch 06 review
フェアリーテイル ゼロ 06
Fairy Tail Zero chapter 06

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Fairy Tail Zero Chapter 06An old man greets Mavis and her company, telling them they should leave since Magnolia is a dead city, thanks to Blue Skull. He is killed by a ranged attack from a Blue Skull member. The others with him celebrate as Mavis becomes the next target. Yury saves her as he, Precht and Warrod defeat the three Blue Skull thugs.

A large group of Blue Skull reinforcements arrive, so Mavis uses her illusion magic to summon a legion of Tenrou Soldiers. The Blue Skull guild members are freaked by this, but when their Guild Master shows up, he calls Mavis’s bluff by dispelling her illusion. Blue Skull immediately attack. Yury is taken out when the Blue Skull Master repels his attack. Precht loses his eye in the fight.

Warrod grabs the two downed teammates and flees as Mavis flees with them, crying as they race to a nearby forest.


Poor Mavis. Being an illusionist, her powers are all a massive bluff. So when her bluffs work, she’s pretty impressive. Unfortunately, as this chapter showed, if Mavis has her bluff called, she falls apart and really can’t help.

Fairy Tail Zero Chapter 06

Still, this chapter is obviously setting the stage for Mavis to show why she will become the first Master of Fairy Tail.

The only other item of significance is showing how Precht lost his eye.

I did note that Zeira is around, but mostly in unidentifiable places, save for when she pulled the stunned Mavis away. But there’s nothing in this chapter that will say she’s a ghost, illusion, or real. Yeah, she wasn’t dispelled, but that could be that she wasn’t in the line of fire, or that she has the most resilience if Mavis created her ages ago and believes she’s real.

Otherwise, there’s not a lot to talk about since this chapter dished Mavis and her team a loss, setting up their return.

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4 Responses to “Fairy Tail Zero Chapter 06 (A bluff has no substance.)”

  1. NML says:

    I guess this is what motivates the treasure hunters to learn magic.

  2. chaosprophet says:

    I believe this chapter is important so that the trio will want to learn magic. They know learned their limits without magic. In FT universe at least, you can’t really be a human and reach the higher levels without magic.

    And regarding Zeira, besides the three option you listed, there is also the possibility of her being just a product of Mavis’ imagination but without being visible to others like her illusion can.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I believe this chapter is important so that the trio will want to learn magic.

      For some reason, I was under the impression they already knew magic. I must have missed something, or assumed things that weren’t true.

      And regarding Zeira, besides the three option you listed, there is also the possibility of her being just a product of Mavis’ imagination but without being visible to others like her illusion can.

      Interesting. I hadn’t considered this. I’ve been leaning toward Zeira being like Mavis is to Fairy Tail — only seen by the select few.

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