Lord Vader and His Troops (in feudal Japan)
Hey y’all!
As I’m wont to do, I like sharing interesting things I find in my Internet travels. For today, this means sharing something particularly awesome, combining my favorite movie (Star Wars) with my second favorite country (Japan).
I find this to be just totally awesome. The image creator, Patrik Rosander, certainly has captured the scene from Star Wars where Darth Vader first appears. Changing the Tantive IV to a Japanese castle is just awesome to me. I’d actually like to see Patrik do more.
By the way, note the rebel symbols that are part of the gate’s roof. ^_^
I’m going to see if my budget will allow me to get a print of this. “Vader-sama” indeed.
Oh ya. Awesome. Imagine what a samurai could do with a light saber.
A lot. ^_^
I like the red katana that this Darth Vader has.
I like that modified mask Vader’s wearing.
I know the artist is trying to keep things real within the scope of Feudal Japan, so I think that’s a real mask that would have been worn by samurai back then, just tweaked slightly.
Great idea. Feudal Nippon melded with “Star Wars.”
I’d love to see the artist do another painting on this subject. ^_^
Me too. It looks like a combination of hand drawn, computer graphics and digital tweeking. I presume a lot of manga contains this combo. I’m About 90% sure the covers and those great black and white images in “Yotsuba” are that way. It gives a beautiful, mystical look. The randomness in those backgrounds of Azuma’s is so good that he must have started with photographs.
I saw the artist’s creation process, and it does appear to have all been done on the computer.