UQ Holder Chapter 66 SPOILER Image (Update #1: More info)

Here is a SPOILER image and a bit of information for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 66, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 66 should come out Wednesday.)


The UQ Holder chapter 66 goodness begins.^_^

The image from this week’s chapter.

UQ Holder Chapter 66

Heh. The Japanese were remarking on how cute Kirie looks here. I agree, it is a pretty cute look for her and the annoyed, “shut up already” Touta.

It is really difficult to tell, but it does seem that Eva might be in the chapter, if that’s her in the bottom right of the above image. If that is her, it may indicate that Touta was trying to do stuff to get into the tournament, but is failing massively.Β  However, way too little information is out to do more than sheer speculation.

I’ll keep the thread updated with new spoiler info/images, should that come up. I suspect MK won’t have anything until late Monday (US time) and I don’t know if we’ll get anymore from 2ch or not.Β  If anyone else has anything to share, please do so. ^_^

The update from ChaosProphet:

Touta is sulking up after three days in the base. He was ordered to not leave the HQ for an year until the end of the tournament. Ikkuu comes and explain the three people there were Negi, Nagi and the Lifemaker. Karin and Kirie focus on the Nagi, that is supposed to be the person Eva had feelings for. The spoilers is Kirie saying Touta was rejected by his beloved Yukihime. In the end Touta runs away from the base.

Touta running away would seem to flag two things. First, Karin, Kuroumaru, and others giving chase. The second flag would seem to be Touta meets someone new, thereby allowing Touta to learn some new skill.Β  We’ll see though.

UQ Holder Chapter 66


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17 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 66 SPOILER Image (Update #1: More info)”

  1. Seimei says:

    Hmmm. I feel that Tota try to listen a secret conversation between Eva and Fate. If my hunch is right we may be able to have more information on the lifemaker, Negi and events that took place in 2065.

  2. chaosprophet says:

    Touta is sulking up after three days in the base. He was ordered to not leave the HQ for an year until the end of the tournament. Ikkuu comes and explain the three people there were Negi, Nagi and the Lifemaker. Karin and Kirie focus on the Nagi, that is supposed to be the person Eva had feelings for. The spoilers is Kirie saying Touta was rejected by his beloved Yukihime. In the end Touta runs away from the base.

  3. Apparently, Mana is also in the page where Eva(?) is.

  4. Magnum says:

    WOW! i am waiting

  5. Mattcgw says:

    Touta bumps into jack, unknowingly. Gets some advice and a way into the tournament.

  6. NML says:

    I guess this chapter is like an intermediate chapter, I’m a bit disappointed we’re not hanging around Mahora a bit longer.

    It sounds like Akamatsu is re-establishing the whole Eva-Nagi thing for new readers.

    It’d be cool if Touta ran into his friends from the village, it’d be nice to get some more development of those characters.

    I like that Akamatsu apears to be not going to straight to the tournament and we’re going to have at least one, hopefully several arc before the tournament.

    Also, I’d be very open to Touta running into Chachamura sooner or later.

  7. OverMaster says:

    You know, this once, I’m siding up with Touta. Oh, his action at the end may be rash and foolish indeed, but you know what? It’s perfectly understandable regardless, especilally from a teenager. It’s all born from UQ Holder’s, and especially Yukihime’s, atrocious handling of his situation. Yukihime has the galls to, without any explanation, just basically establishing herself as his owner rather than his caretaker.

    After Fate tells Touta he’s killed his parents, Yukihime, with no explanation whatsoever, says he’s going to work with him. After exposing Touta to a life of acting in public displaying his abilities, he has the lack of foresight to have recognized the risks in it, and now basically shifts the blame on Touta. Touta is first charged with massive debts over something that wasn’t his fault, in a situation where he saved dozens of lives, and after the organization basically makes him an underpaid near-slave, they make him a prisoner within his walls too, without giving him the right to know why. I’d be upset and feel betrayed too; who wouldn’t? Add to that how UQ seems to be worried only about Nagi and Yukihime, and Kirie basically just mocks and taunts Touta while he’s got every right to be sad, attacking his relationship with the person he cares the most about in the world… and, wow, but this people, other than Kuromaru and maybe Ikkuu, sure is insenstitive. Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen.

    • OverMaster says:

      Oops, sorry, I meant ‘she’ is going to work with Fate, and ‘she’ had that lack of foresight.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yukihime has the galls to, without any explanation, just basically establishing herself as his owner rather than his caretaker.

      Yeah, Eva’s actions aren’t good. Unfortunately, I think it is based more in keeping the audience ignorant. *_*

      …and, wow, but this people, other than Kuromaru and maybe Ikkuu, sure is insenstitive. Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen.

      That’s why I think that if the story follows Touta striking out on his own for a while, it will be Kuroumaru that joins him and possibly Santa.

  8. NT says:

    So, part of my thoughts were actually unfounded. But, the results seem to fit into the ‘ran away and metr someone and gets into tournament anyway’ type thing.

  9. eigen says:

    how come in japan they already have the book? do they release it by chapters? how did the scanlators got that? could somebody explain the business going on

    • cold_menthol says:

      I want to say “read Bakuman”, but I’m not sure how close that manga is to reality.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      In Japan, Weekly Shounen Magazine is published every Wednesday and it has UQ Holder, Fairy Tail, and other weekly manga titles in it. The magazine is put together well before Wednesday and sent out to be sold in stores. As such, there are some Japanese fans who have early access to that magazine and get snapshots of it, or are able to scan it in.

      A digital copy is sent by Kodansha to Crunchyroll so that Crunchyroll can publish the official English version online when the magazine is officially available for sale in Japan.

      Hope this helps.

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