Here is some SPOILER info for the upcoming UQ Holder Chapter 126, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder Chapter 126 should come out late Tuesday night or Wednesday, U.S. time, depending on when Crunchyroll publishes the chapter.)
The UQ Holder Chapter 126 goodness begins. This looks to be the chapter’s spoilers. ^_^
ネギ「お久しぶりです 師匠(マスター) 僕は 始まりの魔法使いです」■かつて世界を救った男の口から出た、”憑依している”ラスボスの名前――。
DerGilga’s translation .
the beginning of everything
an unbelievable amount of miasma which was summoned by Negi, in an instant Kiriwe is frightened by it
its scale, even Santa sees it and compares it to 10000 times that of Sayako
even Karin, who wants to help Yukihime and was on her way, stopped moving and is trembling
Mizore and Shinobu reach a state of ‘incontinence’ and ‘ stupefaction’Negi’s first attack… a stripping sneeze which affects the entire venue/place
Not being affected by it are only Touta and Santa (Curtlass, who was stripped first, takes out some spare clothes)
the atmosphere, which turned flat, becomes chilling for a second time due the entry of even more followers/servants
a lineup of Nodoka, Yue, Al and Rakan
Negi “It’s been a while, Master. I’m the mage of the beginning”■ What came out ouf man’s mouth who once saved the world, the name of the last boss who’s possessing him—
Finally, the true enemy Touta* has to fight!! Next issue an even graver situation!! Continuing in issue 29!!
// * who starts moving
Thanks for this. Things are really moving along now.
And there are images from Astell&Kern.
Well, Yue and company are with him. Interesting.
Update #1: Another image from the same source as above, originally sourced to Y神. NSFW! So I’ll keep it smaller. (Not sure how that will look on a mobile browser.)
More updates as needed.
And thanks to everyone who’s sharing this. This is the first UQH spoiler post that has traffic levels anywhere near the old Negima! levels. I guess Negi having a substantial role has something to do with it. (Either that, or it is naked Eva as Yukihime. )
Update #2: More images, now with both a Sayoko vibe and an old Negi vibe.
Well, it certainly looks interesting.
Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. After all the late nights, I just slept like a log today.
Why the hell would Negi’s battle harem fight to carry out the MotB’s will? I can understand them not wanting to leave Negi’s side as long as there is something of him left, but here they look simply like henchmen. Makes no sense, unless they all have also been taken over.
If any of them were still the characters they used to be they would have been trying to find solutions of their own instead of just standing passively by or even furthering the MotB’s plans.
‘course it’s still early days on this development yet, but all of this has the taste of overly hasty developments coupled with a complete haphazardness in the approach to the story of this manga. Of course none of that is anything new with UQ Holder, unfortunately.
Like an obsessive fool for a love that is long gone I will keep reading but there is nothing here that fills me with any kind of confidence. I can only envy the people for whom it takes nothing more than seeing the likeness of characters that were once interesting to get them all hyped up again in spite of a complete lack of the narrative substance that once had made these characters worth following.
The only chance I see for Akamatsu to still somewhat turn this around is if he reveals the MotB to be something significantly different from a simple, OP Last Boss type of character here. But that would involve some heavy conceptual lifting and the track record is against him being willing to try something like that again.
If you don’t want to produce solid drama anymore, Ken-chan, please, at the very least don’t contaminate the harem-hijinks you are still capable of with pointless, undignified melodrama!
(huh! It’s surprising how much bitterness can come from seeing those dear old characters in these new pictures and imagining them becoming subjected to the overall mess that is UQ Holder. Sorry if I rained on anyone’s parade!)
Concretely it is OBVIOUS to me, that the characters accompanying Negi are not in their normal state. Either there are copies or they are bewitched by the life-maker, but I do not think they follow the wishes of MOTB with their own will (even if it is probablent they believe it themselves).
Then I’m sorry, and I know that every time I say that, I was told by some peaple that simply “I do not understand the true fans of akamatsu” but I see NO problem that characters who had an opinion 80 years ago, in changing today.
Perhaps they have lost hope, become crazy, and have considered the lifemaker was right in the end about destroy all life in the solar system. Nobody remains the same person and keep the same opinions for 80 years, whether in fiction or real life.
Personally I am thinking hardly to write stories (we are three working together on this, for our pleasure ^^). And we imagine completely, some characters who are heroes of one of our stories, become antagonnistes during the next, because their opinions about the world are changed ! A character does not have to have the same opinion or ideology, preprogrammed in his head as in a stone, for life, we would be aware of it.
Personally it does not displease me to see ala-rubra and ala-alba to the side of lifemaker, especially Rakan or Al, it may be interesting. Ditto for Yue and Nodoka. Again, the most likely solution is that they are bewitched. BUT, would just fascinating to have seen them give in to the rhetoric and argumentation of MOTB.
You say “if these characters were still what they were supposed beings.” So, already, as I say, the personality of a character is not etched in stone. On the other hand, there is one thing that every reader should ask (even if has someting difficult, me in first, I have difficulty with this exercise.) And is the following : image I have of a character is it really the truth about him? The image, that the author intended to pass me? Or is it MY PERSONA VISION (idealized or demonized) of the character in question? You seem to think that all girls 3-A, including Yue and Nodoka, are superwomen with nerves of steel, which would have searched an other solution against all. But as I say, maybe they have cracked, lost hopes and abandoned. You know nothing about it.
Then the lifemaker is ALREADY more than just a “simple OP Last-Boss”. His motives, already in Negima were noble, but with bad means. Although the plan is differant and the method is not the same, maybe he also wants to “save the world”. Maybe he wants to kill all life in the solar ssystème to send everyone in the “Cosmo-Entelekeia” Or maybe for him, the fact of dying and “to pass in the Afterlife” is an issue facing “the horror of life”? There are countless possibilities about his plans to “save the world”.
And before you tell me this. Yes, I know that you had sad yourself, that it was too early to judge the situation. But precisely what I am saying is to stop judging things without having all the elements in hand to do it.
Secondly, I draw your attention to one thing about lifemaker. Know that just like you, I appreciate his side “misunderstood hero.” In the sense that it is the main antagonniste, but his motives are just as noble as those of the hero. HOWEVER, a friend of mine raised an issue for zoning. “In our days, most shonen villains are anti-vilain more than antagonnistes. At which point the “villain pursuing a just cause by bad means”, has become just as cliché as true cruel and sadistic villain”. And he’s not wrong.
Therefore, I would find that interesting that lifemaker either be much tormented. Rather than being fundamentally a logical being, wanting to bring “salvation” or a manic psychopath, destroying everything for fun, as a Freezer-like, I would find good whether a real crazy wizard, which in the manner of Sayoko , did not reason or consistency psychism and is completely nihilistic.
Clues have also been given in Negima. On one hand, he ordered his subbordonnates to NOT kill humans, but on the other, he organized 20 years ago, a planetary war that lasted 2 years and that killed millions of people, including humans!
The board that can be drawn is that he had a very personal logic, wich operates according to a different level than common sense. In Negima, it seemed improbable, but UQ proved us wrong.
Why? My theory (or more precisely, the theory of another friend^^) is simple. The lifemaker has one hand, become insane VERY long ago because of the raisonnance. On the other, there is, simply, influenced by the personality of each of his avatars.
We see it here, he introduces himself as both Negi and as lifemaker. This proves that their consciences were fused. Thus, it is likely that the “ban kill humans” order, was a specific order of lifemaker-Nagi, or perhaps lifemaker-Zekt. But this prohibition does not concern the lifemaker of the great war and it perhaps not concerns Negi-lifemaker.
In short, the lifemaker is a concept, a fuzzy and formless entity, transmitting his memories, knowledge and wishes, at each of his reincarnations. However each of them, willaccomplish, this wishes, in his own methode. The lifemaker therefore would possess no clearly defined personality.
To fact, lifemaker is it something other than a simple “FOP last-boss”? Well… Yes and no. It depends on his host and his mental state after his awakening. And as I say, even if is was not the case, it would perhaps not necessarily a problem,.
As I said at the beginning of this second comentary, if the exposed theory is correct then the lifemaker is a totally crazy entity, disturbed by hundreds or even thousands of successive lives and memories intertwined. And besides, as I say, ironically, a real cruel and sinister villain, might be a less stereotypical villain than a anti-vilain with good intentions. Although as I often say, stereotypes, from my point of view, are not a problem either. And as I say, I like as much the idea of an anti-villain life-maker (a being with good intentions, bad methods) than the idea of a really nasty and cruel lifemaker.
ps : lol, I wanted to say “lifemaker is it something other than a simple “OP last-boss”? Well… Yes and no.”, not a “FOP last-boss”.^^
I suspect they are manifestations, though having the powers of the original. Otherwise, if they are the real thing, then MotB has preserved Yue and Nodoka as they should be quite old. Hopefully, we’ll get some information from the chapter (or the next one thereafter).
Possibly. And I would like to say “we’ll see” but given Akamatsu’s information policy in UQ Holder (at least) I don’t think we can count on that.TT
I doesn’t help that everytime we see a mind-controlled Negi – or any of the old favs from Negima – I keep being returned to the memories of just how badly Negima ended.
We’ll see, we’ll see. Perhaps then we’ll know!;)
Yes, that’s true. And it was nearly as bad in Negima too. After all, we didn’t learn about Eva’s past there, and we certainly never learned what became of Arika.
Mage of beginning probably has the power of illusion creation. All these members are obviously fake creations.
Actually, the Lifemakers creations are not illusions. Constructs, yes, but very, very real all the same. Unless exposed to the Code of the Lifemaker, they’re all otherwise material and possess souls and free will, and with the exception of (at the time) the normal residents being unable to cross into Mundus Vetus. The Lifmakers personal entourage does not have that limitation. That’s really it.
Still, the assembled group are most likely constructs at the end of the day. The Lifemaker can create beings that only function with certain mental parameters (Even if they themselves can find loopholes and exploit it), so these aren’t likely the real things. Chances are, the real Nodoka, Yue, Jack, and Al are all dead.
Even Negi might be a construct/illusion, as Nagi was back when Negi defeated MotB at the end of the Magic World arc.
That’s probably true. Even Negi here may be an illusion. I cite Negi “killing” the Nagi MotB at the end of the Magic World arc in Negima. However, I suspect the characters here have the powers of their original selves (if they are illusions).
new oppai, ah I mean pic Astro!
Heh! I really think sometimes that Akamatsu-sensei should just shift the manga to a seinen magazine and just go all out, since that seems to be where he wants to take things these days.
Honestly, in comparison with some other shounen this is still pretty tame.
As an example, “Air Gear” was published in the same magazine, but the art ‘quality’ far surpasses the most echi thing in UQ. The fact that the mangaka of Air Gear, Oh! great, drew hentai probably is a factor in this.
No to mention that other famous shounen manga….. you people know what I mean
True, but I do wonder if Akamatsu-sensei shouldn’t go into the seinen realm to be able to go all out.
I have a cracy theory the King is nagi
That would suppose he’s been doing tournament stuff all along. Anything is possible, but I don’t know why Negi would bother with a tournament.
Of course this just raises further questions… Yue and Nodoka are older than they appeared in space. But there’s no point in having illusions fight because… they’re illusions. They could be constructs of the Lifemaker, but then again they have their artifacts in tow. That seems even a bit much for the MotB. I think back to when the girls were playfighting and trying to figure out who Negi liked, and just before Negi uttered the name that likely would’ve shattered the fanbase, Yue and Nodoka defected. That probably would win some points in Negi’s book.
Of course we need to see the whole chapter, but I’m becoming less and less convinced that they are illusions. I can see the point of having illusions trying to get Negi to submit to the MotB but to fight alongside him as well?
Also Touta and co should recognize Adult!Yue from the video that Mana showed. There’s a lot of intrigue here, and of course we probably won’t get much more until the whole chapter is out, even if that. But the fan in me is giddy at the potential of a showdown between Negi and Eva’s crew. I suspect there is some degree of foul play here on behalf of the MotB whether it be mind control, blackmail, or somesuch. As a poster here already said it’s strange that a faction of Negi/Nagi’s crew who fought against the MotB previously would join him unless he had a better idea of what was going on.
Also Yue/Nodoka should be very, very old by this point, if they’re even still alive. But the theme of UQ has always been immortality. Albiero is at least 2 millennia old so he’s probably immortal. Rakan is immortal in the “Can’t really kill him until he dies” sense, but Yue/Nodoka are the odd ones out in this equation. Perhaps the MotB did the same thing to them what s/he did to Eva? Unlikely but I do remember that Eva was an experiment. It seems unlikely that Ken would do anything too dark or cruel to two of the favourite girls from the previous series, but it’s already been well established that Negi’s happy ending has been harshly overwritten. Not to mention that a fight between classmates was always the one thing Negi tried to avoid at all costs.
Anyway there’s a lot of evidence for various arguments. I suspect that Negi’s crew are either constructs or perhaps immortal given the theme. The artifacts really tip me off here.
Also a minor detail I noticed but Yue’s hair is slightly different than her other adult appearances. Usually her braids aren’t there. Nodoka’s seems to be from when she was a middle schooler.
The term “illusion” in the world of Negima/UQH is quite broad. After all, the non-human residents of the magic world were considered to be illusions (dragons included), as was the entire landscape on the surface of Mars. However, these illusions look and feel very real. So Yue, Nodoka, Jack, and Al could be illusions under that notion. Heck, Negi could be too, since the first time Negi defeated MotB, it was an apparent illusion of Nagi.
Back when MotB revealed herself, Negi and Nagi were standing there and Negi was trying to explain to Fate that things weren’t what he thought, but MotB rose from the ground and cut him off. There’s a lot of information we don’t have and hopefully we’ll get more of that in the upcoming chapters.
Yep….. I knew it.
Well, looks like Nodoka and Yue aren’t illusions after all, since they’re obviously physically there and they have their artifacts. I guess they were granted immortality at some point. Alberio was already confirmed immortal (plus he was part of Ala Alba when they supposedly defeated the Lifemaker before), and Rakan being immortal too isn’t unlikely, so their earlier appearance with Negi in space wasn’t out of the ordinary, but seeing Nodoka and Yue there was puzzling.
That’s possible, or Yue, Nodoka, Jack, and Al are illusionary constructs. We just don’t have enough information either way.
Is Cutlas a cyborg or something
I don’t think so, but who knows for sure at this point.
I was wondering why Cutlass was making a clacking sound, and the spoiler showed a possibly cyborg leg… OR … like Tota, she might also have M.E. also, but her leg and hips gets armored and not her arms like Tota does … heh … I first thought of Cutlass was wearing a chastity belt to keep her pure, but I don’t think so.
It does appear to be an artificial leg.
If they are real, as its kinda leaning towards that, I was also confused on Negi’s group, that they know who and what the MotB is all about from Negima, and yet to be willing to fight for the MotB.
This leads to soo many spinnable assumptions and possibilities which Akamatsu-sensei does tend to leave the readers in the dark till he’s ready to tell its story. As far as showing their age, that can be relative to their long life like Jack, immortality, or some other magic.
My question still isn’t answered is: are they real, illusions, copies, fakes, and how powerful are they. I would assume very powerful.
Too many possibilities on why they are with the MotB. Along with the ideas that others have brought up, I thought that maybe Negi as the MotB has gone after these individually and put a spell on them/defeated/kill them and allowed the MotB to manipulate them under the spell/resurrect/control them.
The reason is to have the same powerful force that once almost defeated the MotB via Nagi, to now do what the MotB wants having them and Negi (and maybe Nagi too) – it makes sense strategically to get the power that almost defeated the MotB to fight for the MotB.
Another idea is Jack, Al, Yue, Nodaka had as a group or individually tried at some time to free Negi from the MotB in the past and failed, and became puppets to the MotB/Negi.
By disrupting the race, Negi and his crew will be seen by TV, so the world would know what is happening. Once considered a hero, his actions will quickly change that opinion. Others from Negima that has gathered for this tournament will probably be watching, and may now also appear to help Eva’s group so its not so one-sided – and then I’m sure Fate and C.E. should show up at some point.
Interesting idea.
I was also reminded by ANB’s comment that Negi did tell Fate its not what it appears, but didn’t have a chance to say what it was, when Eva looked at Negi’s application to the tournament. So maybe Negi’s been duped or assumptions have been wrong or there is another reason for Negi and crew to be on Earth, its still not very clear why things are happening.
Also Fate has feeling for the MotB too… by his tearful talk about the MotB with Tota when he pulled the twins out of the water. So there are many unknowns.
I agree. Too many unknowns to make any educated speculations.
Hold on.. from these images(update 2)… is Negi/MotB cracking a joke? WTF?
Well,m this was within what i was expecting for him to do but…….. What is he saying?
Also, what if for some reason… Touta join the MotB? like, if she is really not the real enemy this time…well not that she was anyway really.. well.. yeah she was.
He was being the Negi of old, embarrassed by having sneezed the clothes off of folks and apologizing for it.
I have speculated about this as well, based on how Negi ultimately approached Fate in Negima.
Whoa… what a range of facial changes, looking at the spoiler images, Negi sneezes, and his face is his joyful self as if he hasn’t changed, and then the other dark side pic is totally different with his associates and Cutlass covered herself up. Spooky.
wait … read the translation again a few times … is Negi talking to his master??? … that He’s introducing himself (Negi) as the MotB… and its been awhile since he talked to his master which is Tota, and Tota is the TRUE real enemy? Now I’m getting confused….
or could the TRUE enemy of Tota be someone that also just appears at the same time… as in Nagi or Fate (possibly).
That would certainly be a plot twist.
Evangeline is his master
Anyone else thought by the last double page, where ala alba assembled, that it screamed: “EPICNESS”??? and “Its time to whoop some a**”?
Rakkan looks as epic as always.
Curious about Yui and Nodoka thought.
Rather than that I am curious how the heck Al is on MotB side.
We havent got Als background yet. Its suspecious that he is appears out of books and labels himself as the “oldest”, even when Eva is arround. As such i doubt that there isnt a connection to the MotB or to one of the World Aristocrats
I’m curious about the whole situation.
I am taking no pleasure in Negi and 3A being mind slaves. It is still great to see them. Hoping Ken doesn’t fumble this awesome instance.
That presumes they are mind slaves.
There’s just not enough information at this point.
Well this is titillating fans on both sides of the Pacific, for all the right reason for once.
The raw korean version has been posted…
seems the pic of update #1 is missing — makes me wonder what else is missing/censored from the original.
I also saw the Japanese raw as well as the Korean scanlation. And CR had the chapter up a bit early today.