My Monster Secret Volume 11 Manga Review

My Monster Secret Volume 11 Manga Review
Jitsu wa Watashi wa/実は私は 11
My Monster Secret: “Actually, I am…” 11

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Did I mention that it is so good being back in the world of My Monster Secret? And that it is good to knock the literal dust off my purchased manga volumes? Well, it is and My Monster Secret Volume 11 continues the fun.

NOTICE!!! In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I am the adapter for the official English translation of the True Tenchi Muyo! novels, which are also published by Seven Seas.


The Story in Brief

My Monster Secret Volume 11Nagisa gets word from her home planet–she’s to return home immediately. Because she’s afraid of a public spanking, she consults with Shiho for perfect buns. Shiho takes things too far. Youko discovers Nagisa is leaving and races to say goodbye. However, this was all a practical joke by Nagisa’s brother, Ryo.

Next up, Youko is excited to be invited to a hanami. However, things get out of control during the flower viewing celebration.

The new school term starts and Akari-sensei gets a teaching assistant named RYOKUENZAKA Yumi. Yumi-sensei appears as a classic, Japanese beauty. However, Asahi accidentally discovers that she’s another vampire. Further, it is Youko’s father in disguise, thanks to a spell from Akane.

Genjirou continues working in disguise as Yumi-sensei. He confesses to Asahi that he thinks his wife Touko is getting suspicious. Youko joins them and Genjirou almost reveals his secret after getting ticked with Asahi. But then Touko shows up.

Nagisa praises herself for giving up on Asahi. However, she actually has not truly given up on him. As a result, Asahi feels compelled to turn her down again. In addition, Youko feels the need to defend her turf.

Finally, Akane sends Rin to get ingredients. Akane and Asahi tag behind in secret. However, Shiho and Nagisa assist her, turning a shopping trip into an epic quest.

Romance Storylines

Now that Nagisa and Asahi are a couple, Masuda-sensei takes a break from doing too much in the romance stories. However, Nagisa hasn’t given up on Asahi. As such, it seems Masuda-sensei is going to use this as comedy fodder, based on My Monster Secret Volume 11. But I don’t mind. It may nut be gut-busting funny, but it is amusing.

As to Youko and Asahi, a tiny bit of progress was made with them. They are still nervous around each other in the romance area. However, when Youko senses Nagisa making a move on her man, she gets very defensive. Youko isn’t going to have her man stolen from her.

Genjirou’s New Comedic Role

The surprising bit from My Monster Secret Volume 11 came from Genjirou being disguised as a traditional Japanese woman and becoming Akari-sensei’s teaching assistant. I laughed because he just wanted a disguise so he could be a teacher at school and keep an eye on Youko. But Akane decided to make his disguise female.

The real hilarity comes from Genjirou attempting to hide this from his wife, Touko. It is pretty clear that she knows what Genjirou is up to. I’m going to guess that a combination of Genjirou’s suspicious behavior combined with Akane being a squealer is how Touko keeps up to speed.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Let me wrap up my review of My Monster Secret Volume 11 with some final thoughts.

  • Akane didn’t have much more than comedic cameos. As such, this volume wasn’t as funny to me.
  • I got a kick out of Rin’s shopping trip turning into an epic quest.
  • The 4-koma omake comic strips are included at the end of the volume.

In the end, My Monster Secret Volume 11 is a fun volume and an enjoyable read. However, it wasn’t that funny to me. But that’s OK. I still liked it.

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4 Responses to “My Monster Secret Volume 11 Manga Review”

  1. NullApostle says:

    This is pretty much a transitional volume as far as I remember.

    I also found it funny how they treat Rin’s shopping basically like “my grade-schooler’s first shopping trip”, but she’s a teenager, lol.
    There’s some hilarity in store for Ryokuenzaka-sensei in the future.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      This is pretty much a transitional volume as far as I remember.

      Interesting. I’m going to take it that this is plot related? There are hints, or so it seemed to me.

      There’s some hilarity in store for Ryokuenzaka-sensei in the future.

      Haha! I look forward to that.

      • NullApostle says:

        I meant ‘transitional’ in a more general sense. Having looked through my volumes again, v11 is the halfway point of the manga and switches the story from Youko and Asahi GETTING together to Youko and Asahi BEING together (as a couple).

        There will also a bit more seriousness sprinkled in, especially the last third of the manga. It’s not just comedy all the way to the end, some somberness and more serious issues will be tackled. Inklings of this will show up in the next volume.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I meant ‘transitional’ in a more general sense.

          Understood. Thanks for the info. 😄

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