UQ Holder Chapter 186 Manga Review (Unexpected Twist)

ユーキューホルダー! 魔法先生 ネギま!2 Manga Review
UQ Holder! Mahou Sensei Negima 2
UQ Holder!: Magister Negi Magi! 2 Chapter 186
UQ Holder Chapter 186

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: 

Touta assumes his Magia Erebea form to square off against the powerful members of the Mage of the Beginning’s forces. Asuna reveals herself and she makes short work of UQ Holder. Gengorou “dies” and finds himself a teenager in his proper world. Gengorou’s old high school friend, Nakayama, shows up. As such, Gengorou questions whether the other world was real. However, he is able to bring up a status window, which lets him know what he experienced was real.

Touta and Juuzou show up, having been brought to this world via Gengorou’s powers. However, the pair are now mortal. Gengorou lets them know there is a way to get back, thanks to his immortality. He shares his log with Juuzou and goes into details on his immortality. After their chat, Gengorou takes them home, where’s he’s emotionally affected at seeing his parents and sister for the first time in 73 years.

The following day, the trio discuss things at Gengorou’s school. Touta wonders if Gengorou shouldn’t remain in his proper world. However, Gengorou is determined to help Touta and Juuzou fix things in the other universe. The next morning, Juuzou and Touta take off to spare Gengorou, but he stops them from killing themselves to return to the other universe. His power is needed to get the other two back. However, Gengorou has decided that once they’ve saved the other universe, he’ll be back to his proper world and family.


As I write this, I’m in parts unknown with terrible Internet. But I somehow got an alert that UQ Holder Chapter 186 was out. So even though going through the pages were painfully slow, it was still an interesting if unexpected read.

Asuna Flip

I suppose it shouldn’t be unexpected that Asuna would switch sides after being absorbed by the Mage of the Beginning. Still, I didn’t expect Asuna, Yue, Nodoka, and others show up at the start of UQ Holder Chapter 186. I figured we’d have some battles with the “lesser” henchmen before moving to the A-Team that was part of Negi’s battle harem in Negima!

UQ Holder Chapter 186

That aside, Asuna was her normal OP self. As such, I couldn’t help but think, “If Asuna cancels magic like she does, then how come she couldn’t just cancel whatever that caused her to turn?” But then maybe I’m thinking too much on this.😅

More Gengorou

I didn’t expect we’d get more character work for Gengorou in UQ Holder Chapter 186. After all, this is pretty late in the game since the manga is ending soon. However, I didn’t mind getting more of his story and his powers. It was kind of cliched to give him a little sister with an apparent brother complex. But it was still cute. And Gengorou’s mom was sweet. However, the mask stuff was pretty cringe to me, but that’s just me.

Having Touta and Juuzou come back with Gengorou to his world is pretty convenient. It was needed, of course, but that doesn’t change the convenience part.

UQ Holder Chapter 186

That aside, it is kind of jacked up that Gengorou, Juuzou, and Touta have to commit suicide in order to return to the other world. Now that they know they are mortal, despite Gengorou’s powers, one would think there would still be a moment’s pause over jumping off a tower to one’s death.

Finally, a part of me wondered if the place Gengorou, Touta, and Juuzou got sent to was CE. The way Gengorou’s mom was at the end of the chapter helped further that. However, I can’t imagine someone being in a “perfect” world that included hideous mask wearing. 😅

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

I have to wrap up my review of UQ Holder Chapter 186 as my semi-decent Internet access is about to go away. That said, the chapter contained some unexpected, additional character work for Gengorou. And we saw Asuna and other’s of Negi’s crew show up. We’ll see how things pan out from here.


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10 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 186 Manga Review (Unexpected Twist)”

  1. Sakurazaki says:

    Super plot twist indeed! Now I kinda felt like the remaining 6 (?) chapters would be super short in fighting scenes unlike Negima’s ending. Especially given that there is likely an epilogue final chapter to summarize everything etc.

  2. Sakurazaki Setsuna says:

    And here comes Asuna lol. I honestly like this chapter — it is an unexpected twist. I agree that we probably don’t need extra fighting scenes as we already have enough so far 😅.

    But I don’t know how everything can fit into the final 6 chapters, of which the last one is probably wrapping up after the fights are over. I imagine we also need like one chapter for each of Eva and Negi+squads, or else the goodbye would be super sudden like how Rakan was wiped in Negima. Well that’s possible, but I would still be a bit shock. 😅

    Now also the question is where the other immortals go after Asuna destroyed them??? Are they stuck in imaginary intermediate world waiting for the rewrite of the Magic world by Gengorou???

    Funny tie with corona is also unexpected lol.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Now also the question is where the other immortals go after Asuna destroyed them??? Are they stuck in imaginary intermediate world waiting for the rewrite of the Magic world by Gengorou???

      That’s a good question for sure.

  3. Urbanspacemonkey says:

    I believe I can empty d&d logic to explain asuna…

    Magical and psychic powers are not the same thing. #solved

  4. arimareiji says:

    That aside, Asuna was her normal OP self. As such, I couldn’t help but think, “If Asuna cancels magic like she does, then how come she couldn’t just cancel whatever that caused her to turn?” But then maybe I’m thinking too much on this.

    Nit-picker. (^_~)

    Ever the bane of good storytelling: Making the Good Guys too OP so that nothing can pose a credible challenge, and succumbing to the temptation of “But then the Bad Guys find a way to force a Good Guy to fight the other Good Guys”.

    I’ve seen the formula for adventure stories described as “Sympathetic Wahoo”:
    1) Make the audience feel connected to the Good Guys;
    2) The Good Guys face something that feels like a real threat;
    3) They overcome it, making the audience feel like they won vicariously.

    Sending the Good Guys up against something that’s no more threat than a Tribble destroys #2. But making a Good Guy easily subverted destroys #1, because humans really really like to think they’re in control of everything that affects them. (It’s at the root of most fallacies, imo.)

  5. Yuiitsu Yumeji says:

    Wow, Gengoro is more and more an isekai protagonist! XD

    Things are going badly really fast, so I think next 5-6 chapters will be full of action!

    P.S.: There he is! The demon of a single, epic pose! On the first page right side! And he didn’t change at all! LOLOLOL

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      There he is! The demon of a single, epic pose! On the first page right side! And he didn’t change at all!

      I need to go back and look. 😅

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