Spy×Family 06 (First Day At School #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 06

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis

Anya gets measured for her school uniform. However, the seamstress tells of the problems Anya may face, including kidnappings. Days later, Twilight gets summoned to his agency. He gets scolded for his expenditures and gets briefed on the next phase of his mission. Yor and Anya pick up Anya’s school uniform. Anya wears it home and shows it off to everyone at the park. Yor decides she should be more of a mother to Anya.

Spy×Family 06

Some thugs observe Anya and Yor enter a supermarket. They decide to kidnap Anya since her Eden College uniform marks her as coming from a rich family. As Yor checks out, Anya steps outside and is nabbed. Yor knocks out one of the thugs and punches through a kabocha (large, green squash). The thugs flee, but the groceries are destroyed.

Spy×Family 06

Yor is depressed by what almost happened to Anya. However, Anya is most impressed with Yor. To that end, Anya asks for training so she can defend herself at school. Twilight comes home to find them training.

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At Eden’s entrance ceremony, Anya reads Twlight’s mind as he has a Plan B, should Anya not become an Elite. He arranged for Anya to be in the same class as his mark’s son, Damian. So when Anya goes to join her class, Damian mistakes her stares as attraction. Later, Damian talks with her. However, his clique starts bullying her. Anya remembers her training and brushes it off, smirking at Damian.

Spy×Family 06

A girl named Becky stands up for Anya as Damian’s group goes for another round of bullying. Anya makes sure House Master Henderson isn’t looking, then punches Damian in the face. Henderson is displeased, but Anya’s cover story ensures she gets minimal punishment. Twilight is horrified that his mission may be dead.

Spy×Family 06


Anya-chan for the win in Spy×Family 06!

Spy×Family 06

The Anya Show!

I think Anya goes through the full range of facial expressions in Spy×Family 06. That aside, when she gets her school uniform, she’s happily beaming. Indeed, it was cute seeing Anya going around, showing everyone her new uniform. That was a very real moment that a kid like Anya would do.

Spy×Family 06

Then we come to Anya’s second kidnapping. Good grief. Poor girl can’t get a break. BUT, it does help teach her valuable lessons about being careful. I’ll talk more about Yor later, but I loved Anya’s reaction to seeing Yor in action. I had wanted there to be some moment for Anya to get closer to Yor, and this was it. And thus we see Yor training Anya in the art of self defense.

Spy×Family 06

This is where we come to Anya going to the next level. Anya is so keen to help Twilight’s mission, she absorbs his every thought and attempts to carry it out. Thus she stares at Damian since Twilight wants her to be friends with him. But when he mistakes her stare for attraction, she snubs him. I laughed out loud. But it gets better.

Spy×Family 06

When Damian and his clique start to bully her, Anya’s smirk fest was really the best. Anya clearly thinks she’s doing a bright, disarming smile, not a disdainful smirk. 🤣  And though her smile isn’t working, she continues to smirk and fuel the fires. But then the icing on the cake was when Damian stepped up the bullying, she made sure the coast was clear before clocking him in the face. 🤣🤣🤣 I laughed so hard!

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But then adding to this, Anya initially blamed Damian for running into her hand. Then her quick thinking got her punishment reduced and made Becky admire her greatly. Anya’s the best!

Spy×Family 06


I really love how Yor has taken to her role as Anya’s mom. And that went up another notch in Spy×Family 06. We’ve already seen Yor’s assassin skills. Not only that, but we’ve seen how she gets angry when someone does anything negative toward Anya. Thus when the thugs briefly kidnapped Anya, it really says something about Yor’s self control that she didn’t kill the lot of them in her rage.

Spy×Family 06

As I mentioned earlier, this was when Anya’s bond with Yor went up quite a lot. Yor may be a scary assassin, but Anya knows that Yor will defend her no matter what. And thus in that moment, I think Yor truly became Anya’s mom in Anya’s eyes. Thus the impressed Anya was able to ask for training to defend herself. And that worked out quite well…mostly.

Spy×Family 06

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

As usual, work has me stupid busy, so let me wrap up with some final thoughts.

  • I suspect the bully Damian will have massive respect for Anya after this. So I don’t think Twilight’s plan is in real danger.
  • I didn’t speak much of her, but Becky is an interesting character. She’s clearly being set up to be Anya’s best friend.
  • Handler’s going off over Twilight’s expenses gave me a chuckle.

Spy×Family 06

In the end, Spy×Family 06 was Anya awesomeness, followed by some Yor awesomeness for dessert. Man, I love this series.

Spy×Family 06

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5 Responses to “Spy×Family 06 (First Day At School #SPY_FAMILY)”

  1. arimareiji says:

    What… is your name? Sir Arima, of Reiji.
    What… is your quest? To make a suitable Eastern-style Anyamoji smirk. But I may have to cheat and hope they make one for LINE, since that’s a whole lot of alphabets to sift through.
    ( ¯͒ீ ∀ ¯͒ீ ) (ᓀ ﹏ ᓂ)
    What… is your favorite color? Black, since it’s less noticeable if I get blood on it during an assassination. (^_~)

  2. pheeph says:

    Oh, man… that face….

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