Happy birthday, me!

Happy birthday, me!

Hey gang. Welp, another year has come and gone. It really has been a crazy year. Last year at this time, I was getting ready to move on top of doing massive work projects. This year, I have moved, and I’ve unpacked about 2/3rds of my stuff. And of course, work is as busy as ever.

One thing that has changed is that I’ve tried to blog more this summer. I’m not playing any computer games, so what little free time I have can go into blogging. If I had more time, I’d do some video reviews. But while blogging just requires writing drivel on the screen and adding some screen captures, a video review takes the extra step of getting B-roll footage and then editing a video. I think if I did those, they would do decently as blogs are passe now.

But I digress…

If you are reading this, I’m probably out of town to celebrate a bit. As such, enough of my blathering. Here’s to another good year, Lord willing.

Keroro Gunsou 87


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2 Responses to “Happy birthday, me!”

  1. Q Leo Rahman says:

    Hope you had a good birthday and may you have a good year.

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