Keroro Gunsou Episode 130 (Copy Robots #SgtFrog)

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130
ケロロ軍曹/Sgt. Frog
Anime Review

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Natsumi and Fuyuki take note of how hard the Keroro Platoon cleans the house. Natsumi is a bit suspicious. Meanwhile, down in the secret base, only Giroro has any enthusiasm for their invasion mission. The platoon becomes concerned about Keroro’s use of the Copy Robots. However, he shows them in play mode, and all seems well. As the platoon attempt to decide how to spend their free time, the Copy Robots go overboard in eating snacks, making Gunpla, etc. Thus Natsumi doesn’t believe it when Keroro tries to explain.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130

Garuru’s platoon (Garuru, Taruru, Tororo, Zoruru, and Pururu) finish a mission. They receive new orders from HQ that a group of rogue Keronian soldiers have done committed crimes on a nearby supply planet. There, the troop learns that all of the Gunpla have been destroyed or stolen. Garuru gets a photo, indicating it is Keroro’s platoon. Another report comes from a planet that deals in snacks. Garuru figures their next target will be a munitions planet, and he’s right.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130

Garuru’s platoon square off against what they think is Keroro’s platoon, when it is the Copy Robots. Because of the single minded nature of the robots, they easily defeat Garuru’s platoon. Refusing to accept defeat, Recruit Tororo obliterates everything, barely surviving. The Copy Robots are destroyed, but Garuru’s troops think Keroro’s troops eluded them. As such, they go to Earth, where Garuru salutes Keroro for teaching Garuru’s platoon a valuable lesson.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130


Keroro Gunsou Episode 130 is a fun but silly episode. I vaguely remember the Copy Robots from episode 104. Regardless, the first half of the episode wasn’t that interesting. I mean, what’s interesting about Keroro and platoon trying to figure out ways to goof off? And the Copy Robots simply go overboard in cleaning, then overboard in doing the things they really like.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130

The second half of the episode became interesting thanks to Garuru’s platoon not realizing they weren’t facing the real Keroro Platoon. As such, it was fun watching Garuru’s platoon get all the wrong ideas as these fakes defeat them. I don’t get why they didn’t catch on that the featureless “manikin” robot bodies where their opponents. After all, each body had the mark for the Keroro Platoon member they emulated.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130

Finally, there was a new OP song for the midseason start. It didn’t do anything for me, but I suppose it was okay for what it was. I can say I have no desire to buy the song, unlike the OG “Afro Gunsou” song back in the day.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Keroro Gunsou Episode 130 was fine on the whole. I did enjoy seeing Garuru’s platoon in action.

Keroro Gunsou Episode 130

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