Ranma 1/2 06 (Ojousama Laugh! #ranma #らんまアニメ)

Ranma 1/2 06

Spoiler Summary/Synopsis

Female Ranma observes a girl from another school attacking bandaged up girls from his school. Female Ranma stops the girl from continuing to beat the defeated girls. After the girl discovers female Ranma’s strength, she identifies herself as Kodachi the Black Rose and leaves. The girls come to Akane, begging her for help. She agrees to stand in for them in the upcoming martial arts gymnastics competition.

Ranma 1/2 06

Akane starts training with Ranma observing. Ryouga, as the pig P-chan, shows up. He transforms to Ryouga to agree to assist Akane in her training. However, Akane is still bad at it. That night, Kodachi shows up to attack Akane. She manages to hold her own, but her bed gets destroyed in the process. Kodachi is impressed and vows to return. Outside, she runs into male Ranma and falls in love with him. Using deception, Kodachi paralyzes Ranma and goes to kiss him, only to be thwarted by Akane.

Ranma 1/2 06

The next day at school, Kodachi shows up and attacks Akane. The fight ends when she’s able to see Ranma and fawn over him. Kuno comes out and after a brief clash with Ranma, sees the girl and announces he approves of their match. Turns out, Kodachi is Kuno’s brother. Ranma proclaims that Akane is his fiance. KUNO Kodachi decides if she wins, she will take Ranma, something her brother agrees with.

Ranma 1/2 06

Ranma decides to help Akane train. However, she sprains her ankle and will have to forfeit. It is then that Akane, Kasumi, and Nabiki look at Ranma as the answer.

Ranma 1/2 06


The classic ojousama, complete with the trademark ojousama laugh returns in Ranma 1/2 06. You know, I’m trying to think if there’s been any recent anime title where the ojousama character does that fake, mocking laugh. Because it has been a while, hearing Kodachi do it again for the first time in forever actually made me chuckle. I can remember a time when said laugh would get on my nerves. 😅

Ranma 1/2 06

There were two other hilarious moments. The first was Ryouga, as P-chan, jumped into the warm bath with Soun, Akane’s father. He transformed in front of Soun’s eyes. I didn’t remember this moment at all, so it made me laugh. However, it also makes me wonder why he doesn’t prevent P-chan from sleeping with Akane.

Ranma 1/2 06

The final moment of hilarity for me came from Ranma accidentally bashing Kodachi in the head with the kettle, after which she fell in love with him. Naturally, Crunchyroll tries to KILL this, turning “Ranma-sama” into “My Ranma”, ’cause that makes bloody sense. 😑 These subtitles are already pure trash, and irritating moments like this kill the fun.

Ranma 1/2 06

Rant aside, things are set up so that female Ranma has to fight Kodachi. But, because it has been so many years since I watched the OG anime adaptation, I can’t remember how things transpire. So bozo “localizer” aside, I’m kinda looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Ranma 1/2 06

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Ranma 1/2 06 is a fun episode, marking the return of the ojousama laugh.

Ranma 1/2 06

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4 Responses to “Ranma 1/2 06 (Ojousama Laugh! #ranma #らんまアニメ)”

  1. Yue Ayase says:

    I gotta be honest, I sorta forgot this character even existed. She’s definitely the third… or fourth wheel I guess in the Ranma fiancé bicycle. Like even though Ranma will never return their affections, Shampoo and Ukyo at least are treated as somewhat serious contenders (even if Shampoo only has her looks going for her and Ukyo has the childhood friend angle), whereas Kodachi could’ve honestly been a one off character that vanished afterwards. In fact, were she not Kuno’s sister…

    I’d be interested to know where she was introduced in the manga and OG anime relative to this, because I feel like she was a bit further down the road originally.

    Also, definitely look forward to the onslaught of “The Kunos have no idea that the Ranma they’re both after is the same person” jokes that are sure to follow. 😉

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I don’t remember Kodachi being an official fiance, but maybe she was.

      Kodachi could’ve honestly been a one off character that vanished afterwards. In fact, were she not Kuno’s sister…

      Haha! Well, Takahashi-sensei does like bringing back old, “one shot” characters so as not to have to create another new character to keep things stirred up.

      I’d be interested to know where she was introduced in the manga and OG anime relative to this, because I feel like she was a bit further down the road originally.

      I got curious too. In the manga, she was introduced in chapter 17. In the OG anime, it was episode 11. So yeah, this anime adaptation brought her in faster.

      Also, definitely look forward to the onslaught of “The Kunos have no idea that the Ranma they’re both after is the same person” jokes that are sure to follow. 😉

      Haha! I hear ya!

      • Yue Ayase says:

        Although not an official fiancé, she’s still treated as a love interest even though Ranma has even less interest in her. I was talking with a friend last night about this series and I was curious how they’d “modernize” it since the formula is extremely dated and has been done better by other series. Kodachi sticking around would definitely be a “dated” sign as I feel that harem series that have only one possible solution have sorta faded.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          They already modernized it by having female Ranma’s nudity depicted in a Barbie doll style. That aside, based on how Urusei Yatsura went, it will be the subtitles that will be more of a problem than the actual adaptation (IMO).

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