Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 109 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Dogramag decides to show off his power to Natsu and Suzaku by obliterating the dungeon around them. As Natsu tries to stay on his feet, Dogramag attacks him, forcing Suzaku to intercept. Reluctantly, Natsu requests Suzaku’s help dealing with Dogramag.
Elsewhere, Kirin starts beating Laxus. When Kirin’s coffin hits Laxus, he senses something unusual about its contents. Kirin informs Laxus that he is the Golden Dragon Lightening King. As such, his lightning attacks damage Laxus despite Laxus having Lighting affinity. Again, Laxus feels something pulling at him from the coffin.
Kirin announces that the lightning dragon slayer lacrima in Laxus belongs to Elexion, the dragon Kirin consumed. The soul within the coffin belongs to Elexion, and he wants his heart back. As such, Laxus says he doesn’t need the heart, and he’s going to free Elexion’s soul.
Since Kirin is the last, undefeated member of Diabolos, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 109 takes time out of the story to force a fight between Laxus and Kirin. Not going to lie, I was disappointed but not surprised since events in the dungeon should take priority. I’ve mentioned that I’ve gotten the feeling that we could get a redemption arc for Diabolos. Since Kirin is the last undefeated Diabolos member, he needs to be dealt with first.
The only element of interest in their fight is that Laxus’s lacrima came from the dragon Kirin ate. That’s certainly plot convenient, but I do find it interesting somehow. I suppose once Laxus defeats Kirin, the soul of Elexion thanks Laxus for freeing him. Then his knowledge/power somehow merges with Laxus (like what happens in Skyrim), thus making Laxus even more powerful. We’ll see if that happens.
Finally, Natsu shows some maturity by not getting offended when Suzaku saved him. Further, Natsu recognized that he couldn’t do this fight solo. Mature Natsu is by far more interesting to me than childish Natsu. But then maybe I think this way ’cause I don’t like his childish attitude. Oh well.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 109 takes a detour from the main story so that Laxus can eventually kick Kirin’s oshiri.