Birthday Fun…I hope

Birthday Fun…I hope

Hey gang! As I write this, my birthday is still a ways off. But knowing that I’d be in parts unknown on my birthday, and since I wanted to actually make a blog post, I figured I’d do a cheap, “It’s my birthday and I’ll blog if I want to” post. 😜

Those Who Hunt Elves II 01

Last year this time, I was recovering from COVID, which is the most whacked illness I’ve ever had. πŸ˜… I’m glad that’s done an over. And in this one regard, I can truthfully say that I’m in a better place today than I was back then.

Still, my job has not slacked up at all. I usually do ~60/week on average (day and night). I even had a record six weeks, four days of consecutive work. I don’t mind the work (I do miss more sleep) as I’m getting paid. But I do miss getting to watch anime and blog about it. Last year, I knew I wouldn’t be able to blog as much. I didn’t think that I’d blog the least amount of my whole tenure. πŸ˜₯

That aside, I do thank all of you who’ve continued to stick by me, whether here, on Twitter, on Twitch (and a special thanks to you paying subscribers on Twitch), or on YouTube. It really means a lot to me.

I don’t have a clue how things will go for the near future. But I’m not planning on quitting.

With that, I’ll leave you with a picture of my yearly hotdog meal from Five Guys, with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. Yum, yum. Hopefully, what I eat on my actual birthday will be just as tasty.

Five Guys Burger Food Hotdog


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4 Responses to “Birthday Fun…I hope”

  1. Happy Birthday, Astroboy.

    Wish I could work.
    But soon enough I won’t be worrying about that.
    Too tired to even enjoy good anime.
    My birthday is this month as well and if I last another week I will
    wake up 84 YOA.

    Happy Birthday to all Augustinians!

    bliss – ‘Nearly any fool can use a Linux computer. Many do.’ After all here I am…

  2. Setsuna Sakurazaki says:

    Sorry for being late but HBD! Glad to read your reviews in all these years (more like decades :P). Sorry to hear you got super busy these days, but hope things are slowly getting better πŸ™ I used to be in the US but not anymore so really miss Five Guys. Take cares!! By your next birthday, we will figure out the fate of the magical world and our 3-A squads together TT

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Glad to read your reviews in all these years (more like decades :P).

      Haha! Where does the time go? πŸ˜… But thanks for reading!

      By your next birthday, we will figure out the fate of the magical world and our 3-A squads together TT

      Very true.

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