Thanks to BWYS for the scans. Chapter 112 Sakura-chan is still asleep and Fai decides it might be best to let her sleep. Syaoran is also sleeping with a fever and Fai offers to keep watch to Kurogane. However, Kurogane says nothing at first until Fai continues to talk. Kurogane states he’ll answer Fai if
Posts Tagged ‘ツバサ-RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-’

Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol 14 (Ch 106-108) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to BWYS for the scans. Chapter 106 The second guardian is waiting for the group and breathes fire on them. The flames spread to the books, but the books are not consumed by the flames and are unharmed. Syaoran is relieved the books are fine while Kurogane carries Sakura-chan to safety while he remembers
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol 14 (Ch 103-105) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to BWYS for the scans. Chapter 103 Syaoran and company flee from the massive attack from creatures since as Fai acknowledges this is faster than fighting. They race to the goal of Sakura’s feather and suddenly they find themselves in Clow Country, where Syaoran and Sakura are from. Fai realizes that they are in
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol 14 (Ch 100-102) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to BWYS for the scans. Chapter 100 Xing Huo observes the boy in the canister at Fei Wong Reed’s residence and remarks to herself about Fei Wong’s dream. Fei Wong, sitting and observing Syaoran and Kurogane talking on a distant world via a scrying glass. Talking to himself, he remarks on how Clow Reed
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol 13 (Ch 97-99) *SPOILERS*

Thanks to BWYS for the scans. Chapter 097 Empress Amaterasu, her ninja, and her warriors from Japan face a wild-eyed Kurogane who immediately attacks them. The Empress deflects the energy of the attack with her sword, but is still cut in the process. Her soldiers plan to make the boy pay for his attack, but

Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol 13 (Ch 94-96) *SPOILERS*

Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol 13 (Ch 94-96) Thanks to BWYS for the scans. Chapter 094 Syaoran continues continues to observe the events from the book as if he were there, seeing the young teen boy that looks like Kurogane with his ill mother. As Syaoran observes, he recalls that Kurogane handled the book before him
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Vol 13 (Ch 91-93) *SPOILERS*

OK, time to cheat and leap ahead of Del Rey to find out what terrible event was hinted at in xxxHOLiC Volume 11. Anyway, onto Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Volume 13. Thanks to BWYS for the scans. Chapter 091 Syaoran is seeing himself through a thin, water-like barrier and recognizes the other Syaoran as the same

Back to the Vaults 01

Back to the Vaults 01 As readers of the blog know, I keep track of the things I currently read in manga or watch in anime. However, these are titles that I’ve never seen or read completely through before, so whether they are new titles or old, they are new to me. But, since I