Azumanga Daioh and Yotsuba&! News (SPOILERS!) Hey gang. Man, it has been YEARS since I posted any spoilers here. However, this one is pretty amazing since the spoilers for chapter 114 of Yotsuba&! just appeared in the wild. Thankfully, @PicoSpicy posted the leaked Yotstuba&! spoilers on Twitter/X. So if you don’t want a spoiler (and
Posts Tagged ‘AZUMA Kiyohiko’

Back to the Vaults: Azumanga Daioh (Manga Review)

Back to the Vaults: Azumanga Daioh (Manga Review) あずまんが大王 Back in my early days of anime fandom, Azumanga Daioh was an anime title that I was steered to. I loved it and bought the ADV box set. However, I lamented the fact that the source manga material was never properly adapted. That changed in 2009

Yotsuba&! Volume 14 Manga Review

よつばと! Yotsuba&! Volume 14 Review –> Buy Yotsuba&! Volume 14 from! I literally have mounds of unread manga volumes collecting dust on my bookshelves. However, I was informed that the next volume for Yotsuba&! is coming out in September, so I thought I’d find my copy of Yotsuba&! Volume 14 and actually read it.

Yotsuba&! Volume 13 Manga Review (Grandma visit goodness.)

よつばと! Yotsuba&! Volume 13 Review *SPOILERS* After what seemed like forever, we finally get Yotsuba&! volume 13 released to us in English. As I’ve stated, this is the one manga I look forward to most, simply to escape from a world of stupidity all around me to one of innocence. Getting things started, Yotsuba visits

Yotsuba&! Manga Volume 12 Review (Autumn goodness, complete with Halloween and camping.)

よつばと! Yotsuba&! Volume 12 Review –> Purchase from Barnes & Noble –> Purchase from (formerly –> Purchase from RightStuf! –> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) *SPOILERS* Yotsuba&! is the one I look forward to most, simply to escape from a world of stupidity all around me to one of innocence. Of all the manga purchases I make,

Yotsuba&! Manga Volume 11 Review

よつばと! Yotsuba&! Volume 11 –> Purchase from Barnes & Noble –> Purchase from –> Purchase from RightStuf! –> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) *SPOILERS* In brief, Yotsuba walks to a neighborhood udon restaurant and learns how udon noodles are made. Next, Koiwai-san decides to order pizza after seeing a flyer Yotsuba kept from the mail, leading to overeating

Some "Yotsuba&!" Christmas Love

Hey everyone. Since it is Christmas time and I have quite a number of Christmas images, I’m going to buy myself more time and share more of the love. This time, it comes from one of my absolute favorite manga titles, Yotsuba&! For those unaware, Yotsuba&! is the tale of a young, foreign orphan girl

Yotsuba&! Manga Volume 10 Review

よつばと! Yotsuba&! Volume 10 –> Purchase from Barnes & Noble –> Purchase from –> Purchase from RightStuf! –> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) Yotsuba, Yotsuba, Yotsuba. ^_^ I think I’ve mentioned this before, but whenever a new volume of this manga comes in, I have to stop and read it immediately. Sometimes, this