うる星やつら OVA episode 07 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 07 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum finds Ran feeding Rei under a blooming sakura tree and gets permission from Ran to borrow her sakura mochi recipe guide. Ran gives Lum the computer code for it, after which Lum goes to Ran’s ship, inputs an apparent wrong
Posts Tagged ‘Classic’

Urusei Yatsura OVA – 06 – The Electric Household Guard

うる星やつら OVA episode 06 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 06 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Lum and Ataru are on their date to see a movie in Shinjuku, Shuutaro’s father decides it is time for Shuutaro to have his own oniwaban (ninja guardian), whom the Mendou clan have employed for ages. However, upon being summoned,

Urusei Yatsura OVA – 05 – Nagisa’s Fiance

うる星やつら OVA episode 05 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 05 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Shuutaro helicopters Ataru and Shinobu to a remote, tiny island that Lum has to find, where they Ryuunosuke fighting with her father, Fujinami-san, because he’s established a tea shop in a place where they can get no customers. Ataru and company

Urusei Yatsura OVA – 04 – Rage! Sherbert

うる星やつら OVA episode 04 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 04 review (Raging Sherbert) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ataru is sweltering in the summer’s heat, chafing at being watched by Ten-chan while Lum is away. So, he knocks Ten-chan out of the house with a frying pan to go on a girl hunt. Lum is with Benten,

Urusei Yatsura OVA – 03 – Inaba the Dream Maker

うる星やつら OVA episode 03 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 03 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Shinobu is walking home from the grocery store when Ataru, fleeing from Lum, grabs her. She knocks him far away, but then Soban races to her, proclaiming his love. The now angry Shinobu knocks Soban into the sky and walks away,

Urusei Yatsura OVA – 01 – Ryoko’s September Tea Party

うる星やつら OVA episode 01 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 01 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ryoko is bored and so decides to hold an autumn tea party for Ran, Ryuunosuke, Lum, Kitsune, Kotatsu-neko, Ten-chan, Asuka, and Shinobu. She recalls her first trip to see her oniisama (Shuutaro) and bring him a lunch she’d prepared nine-days earlier,

Urusei Yatsura – Final Thoughts

うる星やつら/Urusei Yatsura Anime Review (Final Thoughts) * * * SPOILERS * * * It was a little over eight years ago (2004) that I decided I should further my anime education by watching the beloved, classic anime title, Urusei Yatsura, the first big hit from the now mega-successful manga-ka, TAKAHASHI Rumiko-sensei, who’d go on to

Urusei Yatsura – 195 (finale)

うる星やつら episode 195 (TV anime final) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 195 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It is the end of spring with the sakura falling, when mysterious invitations go out all over. The night before the school’s costume festival, a bunch of folks meet at the Mendou estate (Lum having to keep Ataru in check because he