うる星やつら episode 194 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 194 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Note: This was actually a rerun of episode 44. However, since I never blogged that episode, I’ll go ahead and do so now. Lum is sewing a small doll when she notices the time and forces Ataru to go with her to a
Posts Tagged ‘Classic’

Urusei Yatsura – 193

うる星やつら episode 193 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 193 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum finds Ataru flirting with Ran after school. After sending him packing, Ran sweetly wants to walk home with Lum. Lum is suspicious and worried, but agrees to do so. As Lum feared, Ran recalls a childhood incident where she was chased by

Urusei Yatsura – 192

うる星やつら episode 192 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 192 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum is cutely dressed, waiting for Ataru to show up for their date. However, he’s out on a girl hunt and actually encounters a girl who says “yes” to his proposal. An hour later, a “jungle boy” dressed in a leopard skin loincloth

Urusei Yatsura – 191

うる星やつら episode 191 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 191 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kitsune heads into the village one snowy evening to help Obaa-san shovel snow. Afterward, Obaa-san tells Kitsune a story of an adult kitsune who encountered an image wherein a young woman had been imprisoned by an oni. Since the only way to free

Urusei Yatsura – 190

うる星やつら episode 190 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 190 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ran installs a key-wound spring in the school’s clock tower and leaves. At the same time, Ten-chan decides to pay a visit to Lum’s class, where Onsen-sensei is attempting to teach English, but is distracted by Ataru loudly scarfing his lunch. Onsen-sensei flings

Urusei Yatsura – 189

うる星やつら episode 189 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 189 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A depressed Onsen-sensei heads home one evening from the public bath, and when a cockroach interrupts his meager meal, he imagines it to have Ataru’s face. Other roaches take on the faces of his other students, but after he traps them in a

Urusei Yatsura – 188

うる星やつら episode 188 (TV anime) Urusei Yatsura Ep. 188 review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Shinobu and Lum are in a local wooded area for different reasons when they encounter Sakura-sensei roasting some newts for medication. They aren’t interested in the different medicines that one can make from roasted newts until she mentions she can make a love

Dirty Pair Features DVD Review (Rightstuf)

ダーティペア (Features Movie & OVAs Anime) Dirty Pair Features DVD Collection –> Purchase from Amazon.com! There’s a certain level of sadness for me as I write this post, seeing as how this is the last of the original Dirty Pair set of anime titles to be created in Japan, and now released in the U.S.