I’d like to wish those in the U.S. a very happy Thanksgiving. ^^ Hopefully, you aren’t like me and stuck at work, away from friends, family, and Skyrim. ^~ Since I just read volume 1 of the manga (written by the author of the light novels, as I understand it), I thought I’d share an
Posts Tagged ‘Images’

So, I Took a Skyrim Break

So, I Took a Skyrim Break Hey folks. I skipped out on normally scheduled blog publishing today. Well, actually I didn’t. You see, I had blog posts scheduled for Sunday through Tuesday, but for some reason, Blogger published two of my posts early. I think the only reason the third didn’t get published was that

Negima! Some Asuna Love!

Negima! Some Asuna Love! In honor of what’s to come in Negima! chapter 334 (and because my blogging plans got thwarted), I thought I’d toss a couple of nifty images featuring Asuna. ^_^ Hopefully, I’ll get to blog the new chapter sooner rather than later ’cause despite what some of you may think, my Nagi

Another Year, Another AstroNerdBoy Birthday

Hard to believe another year has come and gone. ^_^; Where does the time go anyway? Regardless, your’s truly is a year older and hopefully a year wiser. I’m certainly a year busier, but I’m informed that at work today, SW will be bringing in large, authentic, Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches (oh, yeah) and MC has

Happy July 4th — Independence Day, USA! ^_^

Its that time of year again, when in theory, we Americans remember declaring our independence from Great Britain for self rule and a smaller, less intrusive, less tax-mad government. How time flies. To those of you who have off, I hope you have a great weekend. For those of you who have to work, I

2011 Denver Cherry Blossom Festival

2011 Denver Cherry Blossom Festival I wasn’t sure I’d get to do it this year, but I did manage to slip away for a few hours and attend the 2011 Denver Cherry Blossom Festival. The beef bowls were better this year (yay), there were sake samples (yay!), the cosplayers were out, the stage events were

Hayate the Combat Butler x Negima! L-O-V-E!

A fellow Hayate the Combat Butler and Negima! fan pinged me the other day and provided me with two, sweet images. Apparently, Hata-sensei and Akamatsu-sensei collaborated on these two images, which were an omake in volume 28 of the Hayate no Gotoku tankoubon in Japan. This is so awesome, especially since these are both favorite

Happy Memorial Day to Those Who’ve Served in the U.S. Military!

Happy Memorial Day! To those who are serving and who have served in the U.S. military, thank you for your service! A special thanks to those in various war zones around the world. Here’s a little Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind military love from Miyazaki-sensei.