TYPE-MOON Does “Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki” From time to time, I find something fun on my Twitter timeline. In this case, someone retweeted this from とい★DigitaReal. 武内崇と奈須きのこの天地無用イラストが出てきた pic.twitter.com/mOj0qruwOg — とい★DigitaReal (@toi_let) November 24, 2019 For Fate/stay night fans, you’ll recognize the artwork of TYPE-MOON’s TAKEUCHI Takashi. He drew Washu, Ryoko, Mihoshi, Sasami, and Aeka in his
Posts Tagged ‘Fate-Stay Night’

A late “Happy Valentine’s Day” (and some housekeeping)

A late “Happy Valentine’s Day” (and some housekeeping) Hi folks! Happy Valentines Day for those of you with sweeties. Although I’m not in that crowd, I do appreciate things for those who are. 🙂 As a result, here’s a lovely image from Fate/Zero, showing Iri, Ilya, and Saber, all looking very lovely. It made me

Merry Christmas 2014!

Merry Christmas, 2014! Hey everyone! Well, it is that time of year again, so I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. ^_^ I hope everyone has a good day today. As for me, well, it looks like a white Christmas in my neck of the woods. So I’m staying

My Thoughts On The Forthcoming New Fate/stay night Anime

Hey gang! Imagine my surprise (’cause I missed the memo last summer) that ufotable, creators of the Fate/Zero prequel anime series to the Fate/stay night series, are doing a new Fate/stay night anime series. I loved what ufotable did with Fate/Zero, which I understand was a pretty faithful adaptation to the original novels, so giving

Some Saber Love (‘Cause I’m Behind)

Hey gang. Well, the last 48-hours haven’t gone according to plan, thus I’m WAY, WAY behind on watching anime and blogging. I’ve got a couple of projects going on behind the scenes, one of which will wrap up Thursday, giving me time to devote to the second project, which of the two will be the

So, I Took a Skyrim Break

So, I Took a Skyrim Break Hey folks. I skipped out on normally scheduled blog publishing today. Well, actually I didn’t. You see, I had blog posts scheduled for Sunday through Tuesday, but for some reason, Blogger published two of my posts early. I think the only reason the third didn’t get published was that

Anime Maids (Because I Can)

Anime Maids (Because I Can) I needed to do some image testing on the upgraded Blogger interface and figured what better way than an image post. ^_^ Since the Clannad Maids post I made a few days ago was pretty popular (I’m always surprised at what posts draw higher traffic numbers), I looked through my

Happy Valentine’s Day (Fate/stay night)

Happy Valentine’s Day (Fate/stay night) It’s no “choco,” but here’s a little Fate/stay night lovin’ for Valentine’s Day. ^_^ Technically this isn’t a Valentine’s Day image, but Saber gets married (to “you”), so I’m going to include it anyway. ^_^ For those curious, this is an interesting piece on saying ‘I love you” in Japan.