Much like all music I listen to, there’s not a single group where I can say, “man, I love everything they do.” Generally speaking, its a song here and a song there. Japanese music is no different, though there are some groups where I’ve liked a few things they’ve done, such as the Japanese gansta
Posts Tagged ‘Japanese Music’

Japanese Music: Nitro Microphone Underground – Ikkai Kokkiri (Isshou no Onegai)

A Japanese Music Video to Give You Seizures ^_^

A Japanese Music Video to Give You Seizures ^_^ I talked about this song a bit in 2007, but since the blog is so much larger these days, I thought I’d share the love again, especially since I’m behind and needed a quick entry. ^_^;;; The song is Strawberry Chips ~Tanaka Chigai Mix~ by HALCALI,

(Music) Yoshida Brothers — Rising

I mentioned that I was introduced to the music of the Yoshida Brothers at the 2010 Denver Cherry Blossom Festival. This is one of the songs that was played at the festival and the reason I’m buying their Greatest Hits CD. I love that fusion of classical Japanese shamisen sound merged in with some rock

Gangsta Rap, Japanese Style! (Riva side Jamm)

Since my friends all know I’m into Japanese things, they often show me stuff they think will amuse me or interest me. So the other day, someone hit me with a YouTube link for a Japanese gangsta rap video. ^_^ I’d already seen it a couple of years ago but what the heck — I

GANXTA CUE — 踏み出すだけ feat.弘Junior

Ganxta Cue — Fumidasu Dake feat. Hiroshi Junior In my ongoing attempts to find Japanese music that interests me, I came upon this promotional video for the Japanese rapper Ganxta Cue. Too bad the song is cut off, but I like the sound of it enough that once I get moved, I’m going to try

Scha Dara Parr — Disco System

スチャダラパー – DISCO SYSTEM I don’t know exactly when this song was done (2006 I guess), though it feels very much like 80’s electro-funk, which was something I was very much into. Its a quirky song and a quirky video, but I like it. If anyone has any other information, do share. I’m going to

Alpha — Ganbare Sugi DE Night

アルファ-ガンバリスギDEナイト I found this Japanese rap tune on YouTube a while back and started looking for the CD this song was on. Sadly, all the ones I found were now out of print. However, I did finally find someone on Amazon Japan who was willing to ship to the U.S. and had a copy of

Melon Pan Song

Thanks to the gang at Random Curiosity for steering me to this little ditty. I love melon pan but living in Colorado, it has to come to me frozen. So it can be a little dry at times, which is sad. However, I had to try it having seen it eaten in a few anime