大魔法峠/Dai Mahou Touge (Great Magic Ridge) Magical Witch Punie-chan Magical Witch Punie-chan < — BUY FROM Amazon! ^_^ With limited time available to me, I have to plan what I watch and read when it comes to anime and manga as there is simply so much to watch and read (my anime DVD backlog is
Posts Tagged ‘Magical Witch Punie-chan’

Magical Witch Punie-chan DVD Review (Lyrical Tokarev, Kill Them All!)

This Is How To Market an Anime (Mostly)

My friend JSM made a post on his blog about something he saw on the show “The Soup” from E! Entertainment Channel. I’m not 100% sure of this, but I think this may have first appeared on G4TV’s “Attack of the Show.” So, what is this clip from? The show is called Dai Mahou Touge