大魔法峠/Dai Mahou Touge (Great Magic Ridge) Magical Witch Punie-chan Magical Witch Punie-chan < — BUY FROM Amazon! ^_^ With limited time available to me, I have to plan what I watch and read when it comes to anime and manga as there is simply so much to watch and read (my anime DVD backlog is
Posts Tagged ‘Media Blasters’

Magical Witch Punie-chan DVD Review (Lyrical Tokarev, Kill Them All!)

This Is How To Market an Anime (Mostly)

My friend JSM made a post on his blog about something he saw on the show “The Soup” from E! Entertainment Channel. I’m not 100% sure of this, but I think this may have first appeared on G4TV’s “Attack of the Show.” So, what is this clip from? The show is called Dai Mahou Touge