みなみけ ただいま Minami-ke Tadaima Episode 06 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kana uses her dart board pie chart to determine her day, annoying Chiaki since it isn’t a proper schedule and Kana doesn’t have a section for doing homework. The two fight over making a large section for studying, but when Haruka comes in and hands Kana
Posts Tagged ‘Minami-ke’

Minami-ke Tadaima – 05

みなみけ ただいま Minami-ke Tadaima Episode 05 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The Minami girls are packing up their winter clothing when Haruka finds one of her old summer dresses that fits Kana nicely. Chiaki is looking at her swimsuit when Kana produces Haruka’s old school swimsuit, implying that Chiaki would be able to swim well in this.

Minami-ke Tadaima – 04

みなみけ ただいま Minami-ke Tadaima Episode 04 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Maki and Atsuko are about to have their bento for lunch as Haruka is about to take off to the cafeteria to buy some bread product. Hosaka notes this and prepares to give Haruka the bento he made for her, but Hayami stops him, taking the

Minami-ke Tadaima – 03

みなみけ ただいま Minami-ke Tadaima Episode 03 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touma is at the female Minami residence, having taken a short bath and revealing that her brother, Natsuki is the one who takes very long baths. Since Touma’s clothing is in the wash, Kana produces Haruka’s and her own middle school uniforms. However, Haruka’s was too

Minami-ke Tadaima – 02 (Traps and Reverse Traps)

みなみけ ただいま Minami-ke Tadaima Episode 02 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Makato comes by the Minami residence while Chiaki and Haruka are out, allowing him to change into Mako-chan. He tells Kana that he wants to end this charade and wants Kana’s help since she put him up to this. Kana thinks he’ll be fine despite his

Minami-ke Tadaima – 01

みなみけ ただいま Minami-ke Tadaima Episode 01 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Chiaki and Kana are at the kotatsu, where Kana produces her school uniform, all nice and warm. Chiaki chides her for relying on the kotatsu when it is spring, but she changes tunes when Haruka enters the room and reveals she’s been warming Chiaki’s school uniform

The Joys of Me (with Minami-ke love on the side)

You know, sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and such is the case for your’s truly this week. Not only am I roughly mid-way through a 14 day stretch, I’ve had a couple of 13 hour days and one 16 hour work day so far. *_* So, my plans for “Final Thoughts” articles on Hayate

Anime Maids (Because I Can)

Anime Maids (Because I Can) I needed to do some image testing on the upgraded Blogger interface and figured what better way than an image post. ^_^ Since the Clannad Maids post I made a few days ago was pretty popular (I’m always surprised at what posts draw higher traffic numbers), I looked through my