みなみけ べつばら OVA SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Hosaka is planning his next bento for Haruka when Hayami sees him lost in fantasy land. She tells him that his bentos will fail because Haruka makes meals with love and he does not. Hosaka dismisses this as nonsense since he loves Haruka and while Hayami understands his feelings, she
Posts Tagged ‘Minami-ke’

(Minami-ke) Chiaki the Teruterubouzu! How ANB Needed Her This Weekend!

(Minami-ke) Chiaki the Teruterubouzu! How ANB Needed Her This Weekend! With all the rain and snow we’ve been having in the area, I know there are some who’d love to see some sunny days. Me, I don’t normally complain about these rainy days because we’ll be dry soon enough. However, this time, I wish we

Minami-ke Okaeri — Final Thoughts

Minami-ke Okaeri — Final Thoughts Minami-ke is such a great series that when Minami-ke Okawari came out, I was very excited. However, Minami-ke Okawari ended up being a great disappointment both in terms of humor, in changes to story presentation, and the inclusion of the “Black-san” characters. With the announcement of Minami-ke Okaeri, I had

Minami-ke Okaeri 13 (finale)

Minami-ke Okaeri 13 (finale) みなみけ おかえり Episode 13 (final episode) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Chiaki notices that Haruka seems down. At first, Kana thinks Chiaki is making to much of it, but eventually even Kana has to admit that there’s something wrong when the following morning before school, Haruka seems depressed. Kana and Chiaki plan to meet

Minami-ke Okaeri 12

みなみけ おかえり Episode 12 Minami-ke Okaeri 12 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It is a warm spring day and Chiaki is sleeping with her feet out of the open sliding glass door when the noise from Kana, Uchida, and Maki wakes her up. She’s annoyed and wants them to shut up and let her sleep. Kana forces Uchida

Minami-ke Okaeri 11

Minami-ke Okaeri 11 みなみけ おかえり Episode 11 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Riko observes Kana and Fujioka being friendly and is depressed enough to have Keiko notice. She’s also noticed by Hiroko, who has an interest in the “banchou” stuff that Kana involved her in earlier, decides to help Riko win over the current banchou, Fujioka. To this

Minami-ke Okaeri 10

Minami-ke Okaeri 10 みなみけ おかえり Episode 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touma gets caught in the rain as she heads to the female Minami residence. After taking a warm bath to warm herself up, she’s waiting for her clothing to dry and asks for Chiaki to give her some clothing. Chiaki doesn’t like her attitude, which changes

Minami-ke’s Chiaki vs. Toradora’s Taiga

Minami-ke’s Chiaki vs. Toradora’s Taiga When I first became aware of Toradora!, I noticed that the lead female character (Taiga) had a character design similar to Chiaki’s from Minami-ke, especially with the hair style. So the other day when I saw an image of the two of them together, I laughed and had to share