Posts Tagged ‘news’

Shocking News: Japanese Idols’ Job is Making Male Fantasies

It has been a while since I did a post that some will see as controversial. I figure I’ll be in the minority on this one. (Can I blame my time living in Japan and coming to understand the culture and mindset? ^_~ ) Nevertheless, a recent incident involving AKB48 idol member MINEGISHI Minami and

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Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki’s KAJISHIMA Masaki Has a New Project – Paradise War

OK, this news is a bit old, though I did get it up on the new, “not ready for prime time” FAQ site.  KAJISHIMA Masaki-sensei, the creator of the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki series and subsequent canon spinoffs like Tenchi Muyo! GXP and Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar, has announced in the recently published 9th GXP

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Negima’s Akamatsu-sensei Planning Next Work

Long time Negima! fan Hata brings this interesting bit of news on what Akamatsu-sensei is up to of late. Ken creates a new BBS system GANMO for mangaka who are looking to hire assistants and for manga assistants looking for work. the trick is you do not have to sign up, your twitter account is

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KAJISHIMA Masaki’s (Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki) C82 Doujinshi Note (12.08)

Hey gang! Busy time for your’s truly, so much so that I’ve not been able to do much with the blog of late, including follow up on limbo comments.  As such, this news from Kajishima-sensei’s latest Comiket (C82) doujinshi is two days old getting to me, and for that, I deeply apologize.  Without further ado,

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Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar

FUNimation Licenses Canon Tenchi Muyo! Spinoff, Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari

Well, as many of you guys suspected after finding that new FUNimation URL, FUNimation has licensed the canon Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki spinoff Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari.  FUNimation is naming it Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar, so those of you expecting something like the long-established fan English translation Saint Knight’s Tale, oops. ^_^; For those unaware,

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Ala Rubra

A Bit More Negima! Stuff From Volume 38

Howdy folks. Well, it will be a while yet before we in the West get our hands on the official English translation for volume 38 of Negima!, but in the meantime, Hata provided a bit more info. [sic] nazinani negima 38 question: wasn’t Negi born in 1994? (book 02) Ken: this book is the correct

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Mahou Sensei Negima

Some Negima! News and a Bit About Volume 38

Hey gang.  Negima! fan Hata pinged me to let me know some news he’d uncovered regarding Negima!  Without further ado, here’s Hata. [sic] in the last? big Negima dojin meet, “The 10th day of Library Island Closure” at Kawasaki. one of the dojin put up by well known Negima blog catmania will have 10 Q&A

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New Proposed Japanese Law the Reason Ken Akamatsu Ended "Negima!"?

Hey everyone.  Akamatsu-sensei’s ending of the popular Negima! manga has left a bad taste in the mouths of many fans, especially since there are so many unresolved plot threads.  While many fans have focused their anger on Akamatsu-sensei for what they feel is his giving them the shaft, I’ve always felt there was something else

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