Kyoukai no RINNE 2 Coming Spring 2016 Hey everyone, One of the anime series I’ve been episode blogging is Kyoukai no RINNE, which is an adaptation from the manga of the same title (published by Viz as RIN-NE). After nine volumes of the manga, I grew weary of it, but when I tried out the
Posts Tagged ‘news’

A Tale of Woe. (Break out the tissues, y’all!)

Hey gang! Well, things certainly have been “fun” for me for a while, and last night, things came to a crash or two. Or more like, quite a few crashes. 😉 Yep, my main PC is down for the count. The Alienware Aurora R4 machine I bought 2.5 years ago has all but stopped working.

Anime Blog 3.1: A New Host (KnownHost)

Anime Blog 3.1: A New Host (KnownHost) Hey gang! With no UQ Holder spoilers out at present, I thought I’d take a moment to update you all on the latest developments with the blog, focusing on my move from DreamHost to KnownHost. (Hopefully, anyone looking to move to KnownHost can gather some useful information here

UQ Holder Tankoubon Volume 2 Cover (and a little housekeeping)

UQ Holder Tankoubon Volume 2 Cover (and a little house keeping) Since there haven’t been any new spoiler images for UQ Holder (yet…the Chinese scans may come out first), I thought I’d share the UQ Holder volume 2 tankoubon cover, featuring Karin and Kuroumaru. Looking good. ^_^ As to the housekeeping for the blog, I’m

Anime Blog 3.0 News

Anime Blog 3.0 News Hey everyone! With no UQ Holder spoilers out yet, I thought I’d take the time to give a brief rundown of things going on with the blog. A week ago, I shifted to what DreamHost calls a Virtual Private Server (VPS). In reality this is a pseudo VPS environment as a

Best Laid Plans – Anime Blog 3.0 News

Hey everyone! Just a quick posts because my plans for my new blog have changed somewhat. ^_^; I had planned to flip the switch in a couple of weeks after revealing the Beta version of the new blog. Unfortunately, I’ve discovered that if anyone makes new comments on the Blogger blog, I’d have to manually

Anime Blog 3.0 Sneak Peek

For a long while now, I’ve been wanting to move this blog from Blogger (Google) to WordPress hosted on my domain. I already did that for my small, personal blog, and it went fairly smoothly. So I’m not too worried about the actual conversion. That being said, my first issue was finding a WordPress theme

New Canon "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki" Novel Coming

Hey gang! The good folks at Useless Tenchi have alerted me that the Kamidake Onsen 12.12 from C83 Comiket now has Kajishima-sensei’s note translated. So, without further ado, here goes. It’s been a long time since I’ve done the Tenchi characters.As far as it goes, I felt a little lost in creating the illustrations for