Right Stuf Assimilated By Crunchyroll (Sony) Welp, Sony continues its march to corner the anime market in the U.S. by having Crunchyroll buy Right Stuf (and subsequently Nozomi Entertainment). As announced on Right Stuf’s website on August 4, all of Right Stuf is owned by Crunchyroll, except one thing — hentai and any H-related materials.
Posts Tagged ‘RightStuf’

Dirty Pair Features DVD Review (Rightstuf)

ダーティペア (Features Movie & OVAs Anime) Dirty Pair Features DVD Collection –> Purchase from Amazon.com! There’s a certain level of sadness for me as I write this post, seeing as how this is the last of the original Dirty Pair set of anime titles to be created in Japan, and now released in the U.S.

Dirty Pair OVA Series DVD Review (Rightstuf)

ダーティペア (OVA Anime) Dirty Pair OVA Series DVD Collection –> Purchase from Amazon.com! As I’ve said before, Dirty Pair is a franchise that I was introduced to when I lived in Japan, and the OVA series was how I was introduced to it. Years later, when ADV had the OVA series as a 2-disc set,

Dirty Pair TV Series Part 2 DVD Review

ダーティペア (TV Anime) Dirty Pair TV Series DVD Collection 2 –> Purchase from Amazon.com (Original box set) –> Purchase from Amazon.com (Litebox set) As I’ve said before, Dirty Pair is a franchise that I was introduced to when I lived in Japan. As such, it has long held a soft spot with me to remind

Dirty Pair TV Series Part 1 DVD Review

ダーティペア (TV Anime) Dirty Pair TV Series DVD Collection 1 –> Purchase from Amazon.com (Litebox set) Note: Amazon only has the Lite DVD set, not the original boxed set imaged below. Dirty Pair is a franchise that I was introduced to when I lived in Japan. As such, it has long held a soft spot

The Shock! Dirty Pair (TV) Got Licensed!

The Shock! Dirty Pair (TV) Got Licensed! So, I’m just getting myself together and planning to watch a few Dirty Pair TV episodes for blogging purposes when I notice that O-chan has dropped a comment telling me that Dirty Pair has been licensed. Since O-chan is a classic anime fan like myself, I knew the