スクールランブルZ School Rumble Z Volume 1 –> Purchase “School Rumble Z” from Yes Asia! I’ve not read School Rumble beyond what Del Rey has currently published. However, for some reason, I felt compelled to give the sequel manga School Rumble Z a try. I’m not exactly sure what Kobayashi-sensei was trying to accomplish with this
Posts Tagged ‘School Rumble Z’

School Rumble Z Chapter 9 Manga Review

School Rumble Z Volume 1 Chapter 9 (manga) スクールランブルZ Chapter ♮9 “Patch Adams” School Rumble Z Chapter 9 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Yakumo goes to the United States, where she is met by Tenma. Yakumo is impressed that Tenma knows how to drive and speaks good English. Driving to the hospital, the two sisters catch up with

School Rumble Z Chapter 10 Manga Review

School Rumble Z Volume 1 Chapter 10 (manga) スクールランブルZ Chapter ♮10 “Goodbye Again” SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It is time for Tenma’s class to graduate, so Yakumo and Sara get ready to leave while Eri makes sure Harima attends. At Yagami High School, Akira lets out the news that apparently Mikoto and Hanai are going to be

School Rumble Z Chapter 08 Manga Review

School Rumble Z Volume 1 Chapter 08 (manga) スクールランブルZ Chapter ♮8 “Secret Society” SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Karen is waiting for the late Imadori arrive for thier movie date and when he does, he’s hitting on another girl and takes a beating from said girl. After the movie, Imadori again hits on another girl and again takes

School Rumble Z Chapter 07 Manga Review

School Rumble Z Volume 1 Chapter 07 (manga) スクールランブルZ Chapter ♮7 “Madagascar” School Rumble Z Chapter 07 Manga Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Karasuma and Tenma go on a date to the Tokyo Dome to hear Lala in concert when Napoleon (Harima’s pig) arrives to tell him of a space monster attacking. Karasuma excuses himself, leaving Tenma

School Rumble Z Chapter 06

School Rumble Z Chapter 06 School Rumble Z Volume 1 Chapter 06 (manga) スクールランブルZ Chapter ♮6 “The Game” SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: During high school after Karasuma went to the U.S., Harima finds himself short on cash and in need of supplies to do his manga. So he prostrates himself before the rich “Sawachika-sama” in order to

School Rumble Z Chapter 05

School Rumble Z Volume 1 Chapter 05 (manga) スクールランブルZ Chapter ♮5 “Michael Clayton” SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: NISHIMOTO Ganji is rich and the head of a huge empire and with the help of trusted aide Yoshidayama, he plans to win the election and rule Yagami City. His opponent is Haruhi, who’s married to Mikoto and they have

School Rumble Z Chapter 04

School Rumble Z Volume 1 Chapter 04 (manga) スクールランブルZ Chapter ♮4 “Scrooge” SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A junior high school aged Harima is not thrilled with Christmas and he accidentally knocks down a young girl his age (Tenma). In the process, he ruins her Christmas cake and wants to make amends. Tenma tells the story of her