AstroNerdBoy Status Report Hi everybody! It has been ages since I gave a status update. As most of you know, my blog output has dropped to infrequent at best. ? But since I had a tiny window to write, I figured I may as well update you all. (As I write, I’m actually waiting a
Posts Tagged ‘Status Report’

AstroNerdBoy Status Update

Hey gang! Man, the last two weeks have been nuts for me. My PC decided to go south on me and in addition to my having to do a lot of work projects. I’ve been trying to find the source of my PC problems when I have free time. So I’ve been even more delayed

Where is AstroNerdBoy?

Where is AstroNerdBoy? Hey gang! Whew! It has been a rather nutty last month or so. I wanted to make a quick post to say I’m still alive and kicking (at least, as of this posting). However, I’ve been on the road for weeks now, which is why I’ve not done anything much with the