Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 128 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 128 トニカクカワイイ 128 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Kaguya recalls showing off her armored creation to Hakase, prior to the start of filming. In the now, Kaguya is unhappy with Tsukasa’s performance. She consults with Hakase and learns who Tsukasa and Nasa are. Kaguya activates a loud
Posts Tagged ‘Tonikaku Kawaii’

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You 03 (Bath Time)

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You 03 Tonikaku Cawaii: Fly Me to the Moon 03 Tonikaku Kawaii/トニカクカワイイ SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Tsukasa is impressed that Nasa cooks. She’s not impressed that all he eats is nabe. As such, she makes an amazing breakfast for them in ten minutes. After breakfast, the couple head to a convenience store

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 127

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 127 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 127 トニカクカワイイ 127 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa ponders why people fear the darkness. Elsewhere in the mansion, Hotaru and Jessie are freaked out at not being able to escape the pursuing Masakado entity. Outside, Hakase likes the screams she’s hearing. Shirogane and Haru discuss how

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You 02 (First Night)

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You 02 Tonikaku Cawaii: Fly Me to the Moon 02 Tonikaku Kawaii/トニカクカワイイ SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Nasa lays in his small, single bed and wonders if he can make it work so that he and Tsukasa can share it. Tsukasa enters the room and says it wouldn’t be possible. She has brought

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 126 (Romance in a Haunted Mansion)

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 126 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 126 トニカクカワイイ 126 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Nasa, Tsukasa, Aya, Jessie, and Hotaru enter the haunted mansion. Outside, Usa reports to Hakase that Shirogane has disappeared. As such, a search for Shirogane begins. Aya, Jessie, and Hotaru go in one direction and chat about rumors surrounding

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You 01 (Tonikaku Cawaii)

TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You 01 Tonikaku Cawaii: Fly Me to the Moon 01 Tonikaku Kawaii/トニカクカワイイ SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: YUZAKI Nasa has a complex about his given name after learning its origins. As such, he works hard in school, determined to attend a prestigious high school. One snowy evening after school, Nasa sees a highly

Fly Me to the Moon Volume 1 Review (Tonikaku Cawaii)

Fly Me to the Moon Volume 1 Review (Tonikaku Cawaii) Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon Vol. 1 Despite not being happy with the way Hayate the Combat Butler ended (to say nothing of how Viz is crapping on their release of the manga), I still wanted to try this manga. And I’ve been

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 125

Tonikaku Cawaii Chapter 125 Tonikaku Kawaii Fly Me to the Moon 125 トニカクカワイイ 125 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis: Aya chats with Tsukasa about the paranormal. Their discussion leads to the abandoned mansion on the edge of town. Tsukasa mentions that Nasa’s students wanted him to accompany them for a film trip, but he refused. Aya races to