うる星やつら episode 25 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 25 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ryuunosuke finds Ten-chan sleeping in a tree. She returns him to Ataru’s home. As a reward, Ataru’s mom makes dinner for Ryuunosuke. She’s so flattered by Ryuunosuke’s praise, she gives Ryuunosuke the food intended for Ataru’s father. When Ryuunosuke returns home, she demands her
Posts Tagged ‘What I’m Watching’

Lupin the Third vs. Cat’s Eye ONA Movie Review (#LupinIII)

Lupin the Third vs. Cat’s Eye ONA Movie Review ルパン三世VSキャッツ・アイ Lupin III vs. Cat’s Eye A year or so ago, I did a video on my second YouTube channel talking about Lupin the Third vs. Cat’s Eye. As a huge Lupin III fan, and as someone aware of the Cat’s Eye franchise, I was interested

Urusei Yatsura 24 (2022)(Magic Gum #UruseiYatsura)

うる星やつら episode 24 (2002) Urusei Yatsura 24 (2022) review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Astaru discovers Ten and Kotatsu-Neko chewing a magical space bubble gum that causes your fantasy object to appear in the bubble. As such, Ataru steals it with the notion of creating hot babes. Meanwhile, Ten complains to Lum, who suspects what Ataru is doing.

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 12 (#LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 12 Lupin III Part 3 12 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 12 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Lupin steals a painting from the Balutun Gallery. It is an image of a young woman Lupin’s grandfather loved. However, at his hideout, Lupin discovers the painting is a forgery. Fujiko arrives to state many paintings

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 11 (Dracula’s Heart #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 11 Lupin III Part 3 11 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 11 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis An assassin with a reversed pacifier kills a man for Mama, the leader of a crime syndicate called Union. Fujiko works for Mama as a maid. One night, Lupin sneaks into Mama’s mansion to steal the

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 10 (Heirloom! #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 10 Lupin III Part 3 10 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis An ad in a local paper saying “Dear Mr. Lupin III YOU ARE SO IDIOT” provokes Lupin. He informs Jigen that this is a secret, family cypher to arrange a meeting with the Minister of Justice,

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 09 (Athlete’s Foot! #LupinIII)

Lupin the 3rd: Part III 09 Lupin III Part 3 09 ルパン三世 – Part III Ep. 09 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Lupin and Fujiko visit Doctor Badwalser regarding Lupin’s athlete’s foot. The doctor says there’s no cure, but if Lupin steals a highly guarded, ultra rare lotus seed, the doctor can clone it and make a cure.

Spy×Family 37 (Walking the Dog! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 37 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis While Yor stays home with Anya, Loid takes Bond out for some training with Franky in the park. After a while, Loid realizes Bond’s not that into it. As such, Loid takes Franky’s advice and goes for a walk with Bond. The dog senses a kid will drop his ice cream