Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 06 社畜さんは幼女幽霊に癒されたい 06 Shachiku-san wa Yо̄jo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai Episode 06 Shachiku-san Wants to be Healed by a Little Girl Ghost SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Myaako brushes her hair, so Fushihara offers to do it for her. Yuurei-chan gets a bit jealous and cries when Myaako tells her to wait.
Posts Tagged ‘What I’m Watching’

Back to the Vaults: Armitage III OVA Review

Armitage III OAV Review This past weekend, I had a bit of free time on my hands. So I thought I’d take a moment to dust off an old anime DVD from the shelves and watch it. With only four episodes, the Armitage III OVA series was a prime candidate for watching during a small

Spy×Family 05 (Wish Granted! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 05 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Anya fails to get into Eden Academy (College). However, Housemaster Henderson shows them that Anya is on the top of the list of alternates, should someone decide to withdraw. Thirty-three Three days later, Anya is accepted. As such, Franky comes by to throw a party. Anya wants to celebrate by reenacting

Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 05 (Children’s Day and Getting Lost #しゃちされたい)

Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 05 社畜さんは幼女幽霊に癒されたい 05 Shachiku-san wa Yо̄jo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai Episode 05 Shachiku-san Wants to be Healed by a Little Girl Ghost SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Myaako (in kitten form) and Yuurei-chan are fascinated by the large, koinobori flying outside the apartment window. Fushihara explains why koi streamers are flown on

Spy×Family 04 (School Interview! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 04 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis The Forgers head to Eden College for the family interviews. Both Yor and Twilight sense they are being observed. Twilight realizes the teachers at the school are already grading them. Housemaster Henderson observes the Forgers and sees they have elegance, unlike most of the other applicants. He is most impressed when

Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 04 (Sisters of Sorts #しゃちされたい)

Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost 04 社畜さんは幼女幽霊に癒されたい 04 Shachiku-san wa Yо̄jo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai Episode 04 Shachiku-san Wants to be Healed by a Little Girl Ghost SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The kitten Myaako reveals her human form as a bakeneko. She gives Fushihara the bento she made and explains her situation. Fushihara goes to work

Lupin the IIIrd: Fujiko’s Lie Review (#LupinIII)

Lupin the IIIrd: Fujiko’s Lie Review LUPIN THE ⅢRD 峰不二子の嘘 Lupin the IIIrd: Mine Fujiko no Uso –> Buy this anime from Amazon.com SPOILER Summary/Synopsis MINE Fujiko works for a man named Randy, who lives in a badlands area along with his son, Gene. Randy embezzled $500 million from the Godfrey Mining company. As such,

Spy×Family 03 (Family Outing! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 03 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Yor moves into Twilight’s home. Anya happily shows her new Mama around. Twilight shows the forged marriage license, stating they’ve been married for a year. He figures they’ll need to come up with an explanation for Yor’s brother. Meanwhile, Yor has her own room, but for appearances, they will make it