愛・天地無用! Ep. 25 (31 w/ recap episodes)
Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 25 Review
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Note: The episode numbering used here is based off of the official video releases, which aren’t numbering the various recaps and such in the episode numbers.
Tenchi is cleaning the girl’s bath when Momo and company come in and force him to hide. Momo discovers him, but agrees to hide him as the Student Council members bathe and discuss the rogue Science Club, where Tenchi discovers the Science Club is looking for a treasure.
愛・天地無用! Ep. 26 (32 w/ recap episodes)
Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 26 Review
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Tenchi-sensei catches Yuki and Rui up past bedtime, sneaking instant ramen. He joins them, where he learns that Beni isn’t part of their club and apparently spends the night on the roof. Yuki makes things like her mecha, but doesn’t understand what makes her mecha go. The Gouriki-kun head alerts, but when the trio head to an underground place to dig, they find nothing.
愛・天地無用! Ep. 27 (33 w/ recap episodes)
Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 27 Review
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
In the past on Jurai, he orphaned child Beni is given charge off a young, royal child named Momo. A few years later, Momo is given the Juriaian ship Toshiuka, which heads to Earth. After its crash, Tenchi, Momo-chan, and the other girls find Beni’s escape pod. Tenchi uses his smart phone to try to reset things, but the spacial rift opens and the attempt fails, causing his phone to fall into a rift in the ground as he and Momo are pulled into the spacial rift.
愛・天地無用! Ep. 28 (34 w/ recap episodes)
Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 28 Review
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Tenchi-sensei goes to the roof to chat with Beni. She knows she’s not a normal human, and since she saw how Tenchi-sensei handled the rogue mecha robot, she decides to challenge him to a real fight. Momo comes up just as Beni is charging, causing Tenchi to get her (and Beni) to safety on the ground. Beni is frustrated by this, more so after having a memory flash when Momo touches her hand. Kurihara-sensei is not pleased to see Tenchi with two of his students in the middle of the night and drags him away for punishment.
Episode 25 is a cliched “hot anime babes bathing and feeling each other up” (’cause that’s what girls are supposed to do, apparently). The whole premise was right out of Love Hina, save for Tenchi getting blasted into orbit.
There was a tad bit of plot movement at the end.
For episode 26, another tad bit of plot movement. The crab thing in Yuki’s and Rui’s room is obviously a device of Washu’s, so Washu must be giving Yuki knowledge on how to build things like her mecha. As to whatever they are looking for, no clues there. Beni is probably looking for Momo without realizing it and Momo is drawn to Beni without realizing it.
Episode 27 continues to provide more plot info, confirming what I suspected in that Beni and Momo are from Jurai. It also seems to provide a clue as to why there was a Tenchi in the past, and one in the present. But it leaves a lot more questions than answers, such as why the child Beni was handcuffed and given charge of a royal child.
Finally, episode 28 doesn’t really do anything, but does confirm that the Beni in the present is in fact the Beni from the past.
Unfortunately, not a whole lot to write home about. The series is rather meh on the whole thus far, which is unfortunate. I think it is clear that the Science Club is looking for the crashed ship (or ships) and Beni is looking for Momo, even if she’s forgotten. Meh.
Yeah, but at least finally they’ve started with the real plot. From now on the ecchi is in the minimum but the plot progress continue.
That is a good point on the plot. The series really suffers from the short format though.
The short format is not such a problem, especially if you’re watching them back-to-back. And even with this short format, the cast and crew managed to pull some great episodes.
The problem is the content itself. The parts that suffer the most is the dumb ecchi and some other idiotic parts (butt sumo? wtf?!). I know that Tenchi has a lot of silly moments in it, but at least they were funny. It really worked. Here… too much funnyless “comedy” in it: either stupid scenes without being funny or so overdone in other anime that it’s not funny anymore (if they ever were!). And most of it was ecchi “comedy” as if it’ll stamp a smile on our faces.
Most of the previous anime series had some… “magic”… that was missing here on too many occasions and replaced with purporless ecchi. These ecchi moments here just feel like the monsters in Shin Tenchi Muyo!
I’m doing them in blocks of four. Even with the the back-to-back approach, the stories are not constructed as well because of the short format. Well, that’s how it comes off to me.
Very, very true. In my final thoughts piece on the series, I need to remember to remark on that.