UQ Holder Chapter 64 SPOILER Image and Info (Update #1: More info)

Here is a SPOILER image and a bit of information for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 64, courtesy of MK. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 64 should come out Wednesday…or Tuesday, as it happened.)


The UQ Holder chapter 64 goodness begins.^_^

First up, the image.

UQ Holder Chapter 64

I had speculated that Eva might be the headmaster at Mahora. I’m not sure if she is (my Japanese sucks), but she’s certainly involved with the school. And yes, she shows up in Eva form (Touta asks if she’s cosplaying *lol*), not in Yukihime form.

Mana is in this chapter, which is to be expected. So it looks like I get my wish to see Mana and Eva together.

I think that Ku Fei and Yue are seen on screen as past tournament participants, but don’t quote me on that (they are apparently seen in the chapter in a video).

Oh, and Fate may be in this as well.

Hopefully, ChaosProphet (or someone) will have spoiler text for us soon.

Update #1: Info from ChaosProphet.

A summary of the spoilers. Between [] are my comments.

Mana explains about the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament. It will be held on summer of next year [that should be 8 months to an year from now]. It will be a national scale one and the first one where all kinds of battle techniques are permitted (magic, ki, etc). It will have all kinds of categories (1-on-1, 2-on-2, team battles, etc). Preliminaries are on the ground. The actual tournament happens as they go up the tower [not 100% sure on this one] with the finals held on the orbital elevator at the top.

Touta says it sounds incredible but wonders whether it’s okay for the likes of them to participate as the immortals lives hidden from the world. Mana says it’s okay as long he don’t let people know he is immortal, it’s against the rules to kill the opponent after all. Mana shows him a video of the tournament from long ago. As it’s the first since the magic ban was lifted, they should expect all kinds of opponents, even demi-humans from “inverse-mars (magical world)” so it won’t be easy even for being like them.

While only happening next year, entry submission are already being accepted as the tournament will be very big. Mana says a few days ago an entry was submitted with the name “Negi Springfield”. It may be just someone using his name, but the entry request letter fingertips, DNA and magic traces all match Negi (who whereabouts are currently unknown), so he must have at least touched that letter. Touta and Kuroumaru (?) decide to participate.

Later Karin is annoyed that he entered on it without asking for Eva’s permission. At that moment Eva in Mahora’s uniform appears and says he can participate. She had come to check on them after their report that a large incident happened. Eva says she is interested on the signature on the letter from Negi and asks Touta to show her. Fate appears and says he also is interested on it.


UQ Holder Chapter 64


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60 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 64 SPOILER Image and Info (Update #1: More info)”

  1. cold_menthol says:

    That’s such a nostalgic appearance of loli grandma.

  2. NML says:

    I hope Eva is intending to enter the tournament, I really liked her match against Setsuna.

  3. chaosprophet says:

    A summary of the spoilers. Between [] are my comments.

    Mana explains about the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament. It will be held on summer of next year (that should be 8 months to an year from now). It will be a national scale one and the first one where all kinds of battle techniques are permitted (magic, ki, etc). It will have all kinds of categories (1-on-1, 2-on-2, team battles, etc). Preliminaries are on the ground. The actual tournament happens as they go up the tower [not 100% sure on this one] with the finals held on the orbital elevator at the top.

    Touta says it sounds incredible but wonders whether it’s okay for the likes of them to participate as the immortals lives hidden from the world. Mana says it’s okay as long he don’t let people know he is immortal, it’s against the rules to kill the opponent after all. Mana shows him a video of the tournament from long ago. As it’s the first since the magic ban was lifted, they should expect all kinds of opponents, even demi-humans from “inverse-mars (magical world)” so it won’t be easy even for being like them.

    While only happening next year, entry submission are already being accepted as the tournament will be very big. Mana says a few days ago an entry was submitted with the name “Negi Springfield”. It may be just someone using his name, but the entry request letter fingertips, DNA and magic traces all match Negi (who whereabouts are currently unknown), so he must have at least touched that letter. Touta and Kuroumaru (?) decide to participate.

    Later Karin is annoyed that he entered on it without asking for Eva’s permission. At that moment Eva in Mahora’s uniform appears and says he can participate. She had come to check on them after their report that a large incident happened. Eva says she is interested on the signature on the letter from Negi and asks Touta to show her. Fate appears and says he also is interested on it.

    • chaosprophet says:

      ” (that should be 8 months to an year from now). ”
      This part is also a comment from me, so please change the () to []

    • chaosprophet says:

      I wonder about that Negi entry. Can people like Albiero using his artifact or someone with the same artifact as Shiori able to replicate all that? And like Mana said, someone may have used a paper Negi touched or something alike. I wonder if Eva will also let Fate see it.

      There is still a long time before the tournament. Will we get some arcs between now and it? Or we will get a few chapters to show they’re training and a timeskip (or timeskip and a few chapters to see how good they are now)?

      Something awesome would be if now very old man Rakan comes to participate.

      • Seimei says:

        Idem I thought Albireo IMMEDIATELY! Cool I can not wait to see him if was him!

        Regarding the appearance of Fate and the fact that it can therefore talk with Eva without trying to kill each other, I’m happy because it shows that UQ Holder and Ala-alba actually do not f’animosité between them, just a disagreement principles and methods to save the world.

        This opens the way to a much more complex relationship than just “Oh wicked Fate and ala-alba threaten worlds! We Good UQ Holder will defeat you for the all-powerful for light AMEN!”. (That feared Dargor and Over-including master).

        I’m not saying they are going to hug or not to send verbal peaks or threats, I say they can remain civil, so they have no absolute animosity between them

        This also proves that Fate is NOT true antagonnist (a antagonnist usually attracts the animosity of the hero of the group (and also other factions).

        Hmmm, Life-maker, the likelihood of your presence in this role is growing every day. Cool!

        On the other hand, the fact that the tournament takes place in about one year:
        1. it allows to place other bows before him,
        2. it allows to perfectly justify any future power-up to Tota and his gang.

        Whether one or the other (or both), the long wait will prophitable

        • Seimei says:

          “to place other ARCS before him”

        • Fate may be against UQ Holder, but he certainly didn’t do only evil in these years. To mention one thing: As Sakurame said in her speech, the Mars terraforming plan that is CURRENTLY in progress? He was one of the core driving forces behind it, and I think it’s very likely that he is still involved with these sorts of things. Though we still don’t know much about the balance EvilvsGood of Fate’s recent (offscreen) actions, I think it’s safe to assume that he’s more Gray than Black or White – heck, even Touta said that he doesn’t look that bad(Twice!), and we all know he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer. It’s not even a question of going back to old ways: Fate never was a black sort of antagonist, to begin with. If he was, his reaction to Negi’s plan would be akin to Dynamis, he wouldn’t even consider it.

          • Seimei says:

            Yes indeed as I said even life-maker is not a antagonnist “absolut Black, Dark Lord” (though it has the appearance and powers it class! ^^).

            Speaking of him, I repeat myself but lifemaker is probably the character I most look forward to seeing with Gravekeeper (even though I know Dargor and Overmaster likely scream of despair and engages in a LONG complain and lament the day it will happen lool !^^)

            If it ever happens, the probability that the lifemaker be the primary antagonniste is certainely, for my greatest joy, important, but I must admit that is not yet 100% sure ^^.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          This also proves that Fate is NOT true antagonnist (a antagonnist usually attracts the animosity of the hero of the group (and also other factions).

          I think Akamatsu-sensei has long tried to make this point for the Fate character.

      • LOL If Rakan appears, no immortality in the world will save Touta’s or anyone’s ***!

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        I wonder about that Negi entry. Can people like Albiero using his artifact or someone with the same artifact as Shiori able to replicate all that?

        Well, I suppose the perfect illusionary magic could mimic the DNA as well.

        There is still a long time before the tournament. Will we get some arcs between now and it? Or we will get a few chapters to show they’re training and a timeskip (or timeskip and a few chapters to see how good they are now)?

        I’m thinking some training chapters, followed by a timeskip, in order to push things along.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      As always, thanks. ^_^

  4. Mattcgw says:

    Is this comment system working?

  5. Mattcgw says:

    How annoying may first comment that was a wall of text did not get submitted?

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Sorry about that. 🙁 I’ve had that happen to me on various blogs/sites before. I always say that before I submit comments, I’m going to copy-paste them to a notepad, just in case the submit fails.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      What’s really weird is that the comment system shows three approved comments for you, but only two are in the database. So something got jacked up.

  6. Now THAT sounds like an interesting chapter. A huge tournament with the tower and participants from everywhere involved(as I said before, it might be a good oportunity to see both old and new characters, when the time comes), Eva in her good old form(Okay, I have nothing against Yukihime, but I got too used to seeing her as the loli-grandma, lol), some Negi impersonator(Or maybe not? o___O) and even Fate shows up again. I’ll look forward to this.

  7. NML says:

    I guess we’ll have a few arcs between now and the tournament, I’m guessing we’ll get to meet the rest of UQ Holder. I believe we still have to meet the vampire guy, the guy who looks like Dynamis(IIRC he’s the most powerful member of UQH after Eva) and the swordswoman.

    My interest in UQ Holder has risen a lot the past few chapters, I think each arc has gone from strength to strength.

    Also, I hope we see more of Chao Xingzai, I’m sure it’s not a coincidence that he has the same family name as Chao Lingshen.

  8. OverMaster says:

    Calling it: the Tournament will just end up with more questions than answers about Negi and everything else. More than half of which will never be addressed properly.

  9. LoneWolfx03 says:

    I’m pretty sure I’ll laugh a lot If “Negi” is Kunel Sanders. Just like how he did when he imposed himself as “Nagi”. haha

    LoneWolfx03 -]===-

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Yeah, that would be funny.

    • Rob C. says:

      I suspect that what this could be Kunel Sanders as well, unless its a clone.

      Frankly given we don’t know the origin of Touta in the first place, he could be clone as well. His parents were both scientists they could have been escaping whatever organization may have created him from Negi’s dna. He wasn’t suppose to be able reproduce in the first place after his final evolution into final form at end of the original Manga series.

      Cloning and being able to create a artificial child from his DNA with anyone science chooses would be reasonable solution to the problem.

      Tournament could be means to capture Touta in the first place or test him see if he became what they wanted him to become.

      • NT says:

        I would like to pose a question for you; Where exactly does it say that Touta’s parents were Scientists?
        I haven’t seen anything about who they were, so I think you may have to give me an image in the manga where it says that.
        Just wondering is all, since I am curious.

        • Rob C. says:

          It on the tomb stones in first chapter of the first volume of the story. There three, one for Negima Springfield, his two parents who died in the accident. Each tomb stone clearly says scientist.

        • It’s very hard to see but at chapter 1, page 20, in their tombstones:
          ??? Konoe: “Here lies a great scientist of biological and medical(?Not sure about this word) science.
          Jintetsu Konoe: “Here lias a great scient… *the panel cut the rest*”

      • AstroNerdBoy says:

        I think it really could be Negi, but we’ll see. As to Touta being a clone of some kind, I don’t completely buy that. A clone is a copy and Touta looks nothing like Negi. I do think Touta is some kind of created being and that he has Negi’s DNA as part of that mix. I think he may well have Konoe DNA as well.

    • Rob C. says:

      It will be nice see some familiar faces show up, but I’d like trucking on with new characters.
      Something new is still something better, than revisiting the past all the time.

      Kunel Sanders appearance would be interesting considering he disappeared 20-30 years ago since his hide out is ruins and Touta managed to grab the gravity sword.

      Him facing off with old version of Negi would be interesting, but I still like something new to happen instead. There plenty of time to reveal what’s really going on.

  10. Mz says:

    Negima hype train choo! choo! 😀

  11. Aki says:

    Everyone criticise me about the alberio theory saying its a repeat of before.

    Well this this seems to be a mix of the magic world and mahora tournament battles and arcs…

    I imagine a training and big battle arc at the end.

    Without a doubt the pairs is touta and koromaru and likely karin will be ordered to join.

    The negi Springfield letter is most definately a plot device or plot twist and the real negi may not appear unless sensei is in desperate need to bring him in… Either way negi is playing the nagi role in uq holder

    • Dargor says:

      The statement about saying how bringing Al into this while trying to defend the notions rings hollow between Negi serving the same purpose as Nagi and Fate having the same role as well. As much as I’d love to see Al again, this isn’t what I had in mind.

      I half figure that this “Negi” is a ploy on Fate’s part to try and lure Touta to the tower this time. Its not the first time he had one of his minions play charade with one of our characters before. Hell, even Primum had a thing for doing it himself.

      • Aki says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised… Evageline and Fate although on different sides may have a similar goal in mind. Whilst she doesn’t approve of his methods she cannot deny wishing the best for Touta and means she would want him to get stronger.

        So if the idea appeals to Fate then he of course would co-operate and help and since he knows where Negi is it might be possible to have the letter ‘pass’ by him, even if he isn’t active.

        Alternatively it could be a Negi fake like how Negi pretended to be Nagi or a Pactio artefact that replicates someones appearance and powers. Though it could be Abelrio artefact but it may not be the man himself.

        An artifact is granted to very few users so the same if not similar item can be given to another over periods of time. For example Negi’s own artifact was so atrociously rare because of the very fact he can manifest any artifact of his contracted partners.

        In this sense if Nagi dies then so does Alberio’s contract so his artifact no longer belongs to him and may even be passed on to another the same with Rakan’s hero of a thousand faces. I would be surprised if Touta inherits Hero of a Thousand faces lol… his brokenness reminds me of Rakan

    • Seimei says:

      “Everyone criticise me about the alberio theory saying its a repeat of before”

      If you mean is that you are in favor of the possible appearance of Albireo I understand.

      Me, the idea does not bother me, it gives one side “transmission of inheritance” as I said in the previous topic when you mentioned this theory.

      In fact the only thing that bothers me in this story is that sensei seems to want to try to create a pseudo-mystery “Oh, who is this false Negi?” While it has already guessed. I’m afraid he will get the opposite effect to the one actually expected (nostalgia and transmission of an inheritance). With me it works, because I see where Sensei wants to take us and I like the idea of “cycle” and inheritance transmitted.

      but I know some here or elsewhere (and even on the French forum which I participate) for which it will not work at all unfortunately!

      • Aki says:

        i know what you mean.

        Sensei has always tried to make both Touta and Negi inherit something from a previous generation so this may be it.

        Though having said that, its possible this is a trap since he quite good at misleading like he trying to create a Mahora festival repeat where your debating whether or not this is infact the real Negi Springfield or a fake.

        My belief that Negi was alive was true, even if people argued he does in fact die given the events of Negima and UQ Holder but the main reason I believe he was alive was that when Asuna went to search for him, Negi was still listed as Missing in Action on his Wiki profile within the manga (if you have the tokoban, I suggest people to flick through it).

        So its very possible this isn’t the real Negi Springfield and that his death is inevitable then he will continue being M.I.A for a very very long time unless this is an exceptional timeline where events leads to his much earlier reawakening and relocation.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      We’ll see if Al is actually going to be here or not. It is still to early to say one way or the other.

  12. Setsuyume Edenfault says:

    HELL YEAH!!!

    1- We can expect this tournament to be on the same level as the Magic World one!^^

    1.1. I also thought of Albireo Immediately! He certainly could inpersonate Negi with his artifact. His influence is present since the begining of story (gravity blade), so its not forced;

    1.2. Oh my gods! 2 vs 2 battles again! Do you realize what this means?! PACTIOOOOO! XDDDDD Haha, sorry for being a Pactio fanboy, but its true. As for team matches, we can expect Touta, Kuroumaru, Ikku and maybe Karin (hard to hide her immortality…);

    2- Yeah, it would be interesting if Eva turns out as Mahora’s principal…but shouldn’t Karin know about something like that?

    3- Nah, I don’t think Rakan will appear. At least not now.

    • Aki says:

      1. Unrestricted rules besides killing will yes make it the same as the magic world one 🙂 especially good since Touta lacks Magical Combat Experience.

      1.1 I have second thoughts… if Al is alive… his contract might have ended if Nagi is dead. though if he able to get the same item with a new contract then yes of course he can impersonate Negi though it could be someone else who has his artifact.

      1.2 2 vs 2 will have a rather nice tag team experience since Touta seems rather adapt at solo combat. Team battle will depend on the team size. Pactio will unlikely return for the UQ cast but may be shown by other participants and maybe Evageline may participate herself.

      2. It will be bemusing but I imagine it to be related to Konoe family.

      3. Rakan would have to be stupidly broken to survive this long without immortality.

      • cold_menthol says:

        3. But how old was he back then? IIRC, his race does have longer lifespan than human. Princess Theodora once said she is still 10 years old when in fact she has already lived for 30 years. Assuming Rakan already lived for 100 years before UQH, that would make him around 180 years old now, which would mean, by his race’s standard, he’s still 60 years old.

        • Aki says:

          The thing is… Rakan race wasn’t really explained… he not a demi-human like the princess so his lifespan is debatable but we do know for sure that he is a magical being from inverse mars but given how broken he is…. his cheats would allow him to live in some way.

          • cold_menthol says:

            Really? The wiki stated that he is of Hellas race though.. And chapter 236 kinda implied that he has long lifespan.

          • XXL says:

            Akamatsu confirmed that Jack is from a long-lived race. From what the princess said I assumed that he was from the Hellas race too but I don’t remember it being confirmed.

    • Aki says:

      Add on for point 3.

      Its possible we may see Koutaru who was Negi partner and most likely has survived thanks to his werewolf side.

      Alternatively we could have a time travel plot twist… like Chao Lingshen appearing… or a past/future version of Negi being brought to the ‘present’

      Imagine 10 year old Negi Springfield vs Touta Konoe.

      • Seimei says:

        Oh very goods ideas !

        Albireo (or someone who has recovered his artifact, it is indeed possible), a clone, or alternative Negi (from another timeline)?

        All the possibilities sound interesting for me !^^

        And yes, the “mahora tournament” combines the rules of classical mahora tournament with that of the magic world tournament. Cool yeah!

        • Aki says:

          It would be rather interesting if this theory is true… Time Traveling is after all possible and it would be a rather nostalgic call back to the previous series.

          Yeah the Pactio System does allow artifacts to be passed on since they are extremely rare and only rewarded to those who have a compatibility to wield them.

          For example Setsuna being contracted to both Negi and Konoka had received two entirely different artifacts as opposed to receiving the same item again, therefore an artifact is given base on the person and the master.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Well, if Akamatsu-sensei is going to introduce the pactio system to UQ Holder, now is the time to do it.

      2- Yeah, it would be interesting if Eva turns out as Mahora’s principal…but shouldn’t Karin know about something like that?

      Eva could be on the governing board for the school (assuming there is one).

      • Aki says:

        I don’t know… Touta doesn’t seem to need one and if he did… I doubt Karin will be happy since the master will likely be Evageline.

  13. sagara14 says:

    An that man whose using “Negi Springfield” is……

    Colonel Sanders AKA Albiero Imma,

    Using book of whatever is name skill is.. LMAO

  14. NT says:

    Imma going to repost this as ask that Astro delete that second reply I made to Rob C since the thingy screwed up.
    Hmm…. Well, if Fate is there, wouldn’t that mean in a technical way he may still be a Teacher there?

    As for who Negi is, it’s AL… he’s the only one with the ability to copy someone’s appearance and powers and can even record anyone’s personality, voice etc.

    If it’s all true then they had been fooled.(in a way he is immortal, since he is a magic book after all)

  15. With all this talk about Kuroumaru gender possibly being chosen during the course of the tournament, I was re-reading some chapters… And I just noticed that the chibi Female Kuroumaru(precisely at chapter 16, page 13) TOTALLY looks like Tokisaki Kurumi from Date a Live(in her casual outfit). Even the pose was the same! Was he/she partially based on her or something? One way or another, guess I already know how Kuro would look as a cute girl! xD

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’m sure Akamatsu-sensei did the pose on purpose. He’s well known for making little shout-outs to things he likes within the pages of his manga.

  16. Blacki says:

    As i readed “Mana says a few days ago an entry was submitted with the name “Negi Springfield”. It may be just someone using his name, but the entry request letter fingertips, DNA and magic traces all match Negi” was my first thought: Al – and my second: wait… he can change into people, but does it work with his DNA aswell?
    So yeah, lets see about that one. Maybe we well get to see the Master of the Gravekeeper’s Palace? As she/he is a very old descendant from Negi and Asuna… AND a friend of Poyo Rainiday, which kind of pushes my hopes of seeing either Poyo or Zazie in the tournament. ^-^

    That Fate or someone related from the old gang, like Kotarou, shows up is imo already a given. If Rakkan shows up my mind is blown *Rakkan fan-boy* ;P
    On the other hand, i would love to see how Rakkan would interact with Touta by reminding yourself how Jack interacted at first with Negi as he became his teacher lol
    Side Note: You can almost place a 100% bet that Rakken would make or pull a joke about Kuroumarus gender and his “feelings” towards Touta… XD

    o.O Thought i do wunder what happened to Chamo as he got no epilogue…

  17. Seimei: Indeed, I also want to see the MotB again. And as I said before, considering he is the ultimate immortal, he would be an awesome final boss for this series. Who better to strike fear in the hearts of even immortals than the strongest of all immortals? *Cough* If he really possessed Negi somehow, then it’s even more fitting. *Cough*

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