Here is SPOILER info/rumor (assuming I get confirmation on this) for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 68, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 68 should come out Wednesday.)
The UQ Holder chapter 68 goodness begins.^_^
Here is the spoiler (as best as I can tell), in Japanese.
I talked to ChaosProphet earlier today, but he didn’t see this post, so he was unable to confirm it. Considering the increase in chatter on 2ch after this post was made, I tend to think these are the spoilers.
Now, until ChaosProphet or someone translates (and I know ChaosProphet is busy), as best as I can tell (and this is subject to my completely misunderstanding things), Afro-dude is in some sort of preliminary fight for the tournament from the Mahora Fighter Association. I don’t think the tournament is going on, just that this club is doing its own battles.
I get the impression that things are being set up for Touta to still participate in the tournament somehow, even if illegal betting is done to raise the cash for the entry fee of ¥3,000,000. But if Touta gets 1,000,000 points through the Fighter Association, he can get it.
If I’m right about this, I still don’t see how he gets in without Eva and Fate knowing about it and putting it to a stop. But I’ll refrain from saying more until I know if my “reading” of the text is correct.
Chapter 68 comes out Tuesday night on Crunchyroll.
Update #1: Here are three images from MK. Looks like I was reading things right, but hopefully, we’ll get more info.
And now for something completely the same.
I knew Akamatsu wouldn’t just set up a tournament and then not do anything with it.
The Mahora Budokai was one of my favourite parts of Negima so I’m excited.
I assume another immortal will be taking part in the preliminaries and they’ll end up joining UQ Holder.
Tota could enter using the age-deceiving pills.
I suppose I did too, but I just can’t shake the feeling we’re being trolled. I’m probably just imagining things though.
Maybe, but I doubt Eva or Fate would be deceived.
I think Eva would be secretly pleased if Tota managed to make it into the finals of the tournament under his own power. She’ll probably fight him to test him, like she did with Setsuna,
Also, if the tournament is a year away, I wonder if Kuroumaru will have to choose his gender before then.
How old was kuroumaru again?
I’d have to look, but Kuroumaru has a year before having to choose a gender or naturally sliding into one.
The more I’ve thought about what you’ve said regarding Eva, the more I think you may be right about her using this to test Touta about doing things on his own.
Yeah, hopefully Kuroumaru will become a lovely girl. ^_^
Although, before he chooses his gender we’ll probably have an arc where he confronts the people with the Tengu masks from his village, I’m looking forward to that but it’s probably a long time away.
I think those Tengu people are actually members of the tribe.
Oh, hey, look, it’s Hellboy.
*lol* It is.
Hey… is that one of Chachamaru’s sisters?
It certainly looks like it.
I assume robots should be pretty common in 2085 in this universe since we had Chachamaru in 2003 so I think that might just be a random robot, presumably related to the tournament.
Looking at the chapter, she does look a lot like a Chachamaru model robot, only with starry eyes.
Seems like a cat-girl from MM, unless we’re talking about the first image.
I think it was about the first image.
And no remarks on the new edit feature?
A more complete ‘spoiler’ is out. Well, the raw version to be exact. lol.
Yeah, I heard a raw was out but I haven’t taken the time to look for it yet.