UQ Holder Chapter 79 SPOILER Info (Update #2: More info, now with images)

Here is some SPOILER info for the upcoming UQ Holder chapter 79, courtesy of 2ch. (My review of UQ Holder chapter 79 should come out Friday.)


The UQ Holder chapter 79 goodness begins.^_^

This looks to be chapter 79’s spoilers.





■再び現れた幼き雪姫!!寝首をかきに来たのか…!? 25号につづく

It appears as if this is a training chapter for Touta (“Sparta Training” as the spoiler title says). I think Kirie discovers that you can’t leave without Dana’s say. Touta may get killed 196 times, but I’m not totally sure about that. As usual, we’ll have to wait for those with actual Japanese knowledge to enlighten us. 🙂

In the meantime, I’ll keep an eye open for spoiler images. Should there be any images, additional info, or translations, I’ll make an update.

Update #1: This time Cube gives us a translation.

Warning, my Japanese reading is still at a very basic level, but with that out of the way…

Sparta Training

And so, under Dana, Touta and company undergo strict endurance/physical training
Can they do it!? And uninterested Kirie wants to return home (something about panties?)
You can only leave with Dana’s permission

Dana lets Kirie interfere on purpose
Kuromaru and Touta are split apart, from Kuromaru’s lower torso and Touta’s upper body
And so, they measure the time until they revive, slow! (Someone) screams (I’m assuming Dana)
Dana can a single arm in 0.1 seconds, even the whole body from being blown apart in 0.5 seconds
I’ll show you a perfect rebirth, including clothes
After this, Santa gives exorcism magic a try and goes to Nirvana (???????)

With this, the murders continue 196 times
Touta returns to his room, without energy he passes out

■再び現れた幼き雪姫!!寝首をかきに来たのか…!? 25号につづく
Once more, the apparition of a small girl Yukihime!! It came to (Touta’s?) sleeping body…? Continued in chapter 25.

I think that’s issue 25 Weekly Shounen Magazine. I’m not sure what issue the last chapter was in (it was a double issue), so I’m not sure if this means another break or not. Regardless, thanks to Cube for this!

Update #2: Spoiler images, courtesy of MK.

UQ Holder Chapter 79

UQ Holder Chapter 79

UQ Holder Chapter 79

UQ Holder Chapter 79

Man, I hope that’s just a gag about Santa passing on. Well, I guess we’ll find out Tuesday evening (my time).

UQ Holder Chapter 79


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25 Responses to “UQ Holder Chapter 79 SPOILER Info (Update #2: More info, now with images)”

  1. dominic says:

    What how bad is he. Damm

  2. Gamen says:

    It also mentions at the end that young Eva shows up again

  3. NML says:

    I wonder who Touta will train against. Dana? Or maybe the vampire kid from the UQH colour spread? I think this would be a good point to introduce him.

    I wonder if time in this place will be similar to Eva’s resort where 1 day inside = 1 hour outside. Although since the tournament is a year away we don’t really need that plot device.

    • NT says:

      Neh, hopefully ntohing that drastic. We’ll possibly see him get trained to the point where he’ll be able to fight the A class people, maybe even fight the Duo again, but this time he might fight both of them at the same time.

      Though i’m more curious about how Touta ended up being a failed clone.

      • NML says:

        Probably won’t find out Touta’s history for a while, maybe when he defeats Hoodie they’ll have a talk.

        • NT says:

          That’s possible if Hoodie is not the person we think.(as in, actually nice just annoyed at Touta for being a moron)

          Yes, I would threaten to kill people if I knew a fellow clone was being a idiot.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            That’s possible if Hoodie is not the person we think.(as in, actually nice just annoyed at Touta for being a moron)

            So a semi-redemption route for the character, similar to what happened with Santa and to another degree, Sayoko.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I suspect you are right.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I wonder who Touta will train against. Dana?

      Assuming Dana is the one who gave Eva a lot of training, I’d say that Dana is training Touta.

      I wonder if time in this place will be similar to Eva’s resort where 1 day inside = 1 hour outside. Although since the tournament is a year away we don’t really need that plot device.

      I’d say that while Eva’s resort used that rule to exist, I suspect that Dana’s domain allows her to be in any time period she wants. As such, she could end up depositing them with a year skip.

      • NML says:

        That would help Akamatsu hold off Kuroumaru choosing his gender.

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          *lol* I hadn’t thought about it like that, but Kuroumaru would still have a year (or whatever amount of time) to make a choice. Of course, I’ve often wondered if the modifications on Kuroumaru mean that the choice could be held off indefinitely.

          • NML says:

            That’d be a great twist. I think at some point Touta and the gang are going to confront whoever experimented on him, I’m looking forward to it.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Assuming that story doesn’t get swept aside because of Touta. (Can’t have anything that would detract from the main character.)

          • NML says:

            Kuroumaru’s race chooses gender at 16, he was born in 2072 and the tournament is in 2088 so his gender choice will probably coincide with the tournament in some way.

          • AstroNerdBoy says:

            Yeah, but if they skip a year, then Kuroumaru would still have a year to choose to become a lovely girl.

  4. Cube says:

    Warning, my Japanese reading is still at a very basic level, but with that out of the way…

    Sparta Training

    And so, under Dana, Touta and company undergo strict endurance/physical training
    Can they do it!? And uninterested Kirie wants to return home (something about panties?)
    You can only leave with Dana’s permission

    Dana lets Kirie interfere on purpose
    Kuromaru and Touta are split apart, from Kuromaru’s lower torso and Touta’s upper body
    And so, they measure the time until they revive, slow! (Someone) screams (I’m assuming Dana)
    Dana can a single arm in 0.1 seconds, even the whole body from being blown apart in 0.5 seconds
    I’ll show you a perfect rebirth, including clothes
    After this, Santa gives exorcism magic a try and goes to Nirvana (???????)

    With this, the murders continue 196 times
    Touta returns to his room, without energy he passes out

    ■再び現れた幼き雪姫!!寝首をかきに来たのか…!? 25号につづく
    Once more, the apparition of a small girl Yukihime!! It came to (Touta’s?) sleeping body…? Continued in chapter 25.

  5. mattcgw says:

    So they are training to overcome touta’s main immortal vulnerability, time till respawn/regain consencious. Which has been illustrated in the past 10 chapters, To be counter-intuitive to the concept of a highly-indestructible body that Touta holds.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I think it is just hardcore training, but in the process, since Touta is immortal, he can die for his mistakes, so hopefully he doesn’t make them again.

  6. Magnum says:

    i only say, hype.

  7. Seimei says:

    Astro: “Man, I hope that’s just a gag about Santa passing on. Well, I guess we’ll find out Tuesday evening (my time).”

    Logically yes it is a gag, because Santa is part of the main cast. Or it is a semi-gag (Santa goes well in the Other World, but Dana he’s re-invoked by Dana worldwide just after taht, or in the next chapter (the most likely), By the way, if is the case, it would be funny to see Santa describe the after-life wen he returns lol ^^)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Well, we’ll see. I agree that it is rather doubtful that Santa will be dispatched, but at this point, one can never truly tell.

  8. Rob C. says:

    I’ve read the chapter, it’s interesting training session. Dana wants everyone to be beautiful or scary when facing mortals. She’s training entire crew’s bodies to regenerate faster. She demonstrates on her self! Touta apparently is made to disappear into time again after konking out.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’ve read the chapter, it’s interesting training session.

      To put it mildly, if you don’t mind getting killed nearly 200 times. 😆

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