ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review
UQ Holder Chapter 81
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
It has been three days since Touta’s training started, so Dana goes to check on him, only to find him cheerful, alert, and doing well. Touta reveals that he now understands the purpose behind Dana’s training.
In a flashback, Kitty (Eva) sees the training Touta is doing with the hoops and baseball and takes pity on Touta since this is clearly Dana’s doing. She pulls off her tattered covering and pulls Touta from the hoops while replacing him with her covering, fooling Dana’s spell for a time. Kitty examines Touta and determines that he cannot use magic, and that the cause of this is that a light-based magic from Mars that erases all and a dark-based magic from Venus, that swallows everything. This explains why Touta cannot be the strongest, but Kitty thinks that this training of Dana’s is designed to allow him to separate and channel these forces.
In the present, Dana is angry that Touta knows the answer and demands he tell her whom it was that informed him. Touta decides not to tell her, so she piles on the hoops on him.
Touta returns to the past, where Kitty is amused by Touta’s current number of hoops. She again pulls him from the hoops and inserts her tattered covering to give him a break. When he jokes about only being good as a street performer, Kitty tells him she used to work as a street performer. She produces a doll from a cloth (Chachazero), then causes this doll to dance as she dances with it. After their performance, Touta is very impressed.
Kitty mentions Touta’s condition and remarks that she thinks that she thinks someone created him. Based on Touta’s reaction, she figures he’s a homunculus or a doll. She assures him she won’t treat him differently because of this, especially since she likes dolls since they don’t lie or die. Kitty gets an idea to pull one over the “rotten witch” by training Touta herself.
Back with Dana, and exhausted Santa, Kuroumaru, and Kirie emerge after a week of segregated training. To their horror, she informs them that the tough training they’ve just been through was level one, and it gets tougher from here.. They walk over to where Touta is, where Touta is keeping three stacks of hoops off the ground. Kuroumaru spots that Touta is using some kind of power. Dana observes this as well.
CHACHAZERO! Although I REALLY wanted her to show up in this series, I honestly believed that Akamatsu-sensei would not go there. But he did, and I’m happy as a result. More on that in a bit.
It is very difficult to tell how much time is passing between Touta’s visits to Eva in the past. Whenever Dana shows up in the present, Touta is there. In the past, there’s no Dana of late. However, I get the feeling, based on all of their encounters, that some amount of time is passing, possibly years. First, we have the fact that Eva is speaking Japanese. While it is possible that Wonder Boy picked up French because “reasons”, I think Eva learned Japanese. So when we see her in chapter 80, I think it has been years since she saw Touta. She’s weakened and starved and doesn’t know how much time has passed. She knows there’s another resident, and since she’s always been about leaning, she might have learned Japanese to try to communicate with this boy who kept showing up.
At the end of chapter 80, Eva mentions it has been a while since she last saw Touta. She’s a different person though. She doesn’t have the same attitude that she had before. I’ve no doubt that part of this is due to Touta being the one who saved her life, although when they parted previously, Eva was being aloof. Now, she appears wiser and is no longer obsessed with killing Dana. Further, she’s schooled on the light magic of Mars and the dark magic of Venus.
Still later in chapter 81 when Eva meets Touta again, she’s much more open with Touta (though not enough…darn you, Akamatsu-sensei — you better give us more info on Eva’s past). She even produces Chachazero and shows off her Doll Master skills. In the end, Eva decides to use training Touta as an opportunity to “steal a march” and thus put one over on Dana. I think she’s able to do this because she’s been trapped here so long, she’s had time to learn a ton. As such, I think that Eva might be over 100 years of age by this time.
Does this mean that Touta will use magic, as in spells. I suppose that is possible, but Touta may be using something akin kankaho. This may give him more OP abilities without having to use traditional spells. We’ll see.
I’ve also had second thoughts on whether Akamatsu-sensei is forcing an Eva x Touta pairing. I base this on Eva’s evolution in attitude. Her interaction with Touta has softened her, but I’m wondering if this will be the retconning that ultimately leads Eva to fall for Nagi.
Then there’s Dana. I’m starting to wonder if Touta’s time shifting is happening without her knowledge. She appears to know something is happening, but not exactly what.
And finally, there’s my lovely Chachazero. This is the first time we’ve seen Chachazero before she became “alive”. While I know this arc is about getting Touta powered up (*_*), it would be SO much more interesting to me to see more Eva’s back story, especially when it comes to her and Chachazero. I want to know how Eva came about her Doll Master skills. I want to know how she came by Chachazero in the first place. I want to know how Chachazero became ensouled, so that the doll could be a real partner for Eva. (Remember, Chachazero had an artifact, thus her pactio with Eva was real, unlike Chachamaru, who had a doll contract and thus no artifact until she formed a real pactio with Negi.)
So for me, it was a good chapter, starting with Chachazero’s return, but also because of Eva. Yeah, I’m cheaply bought that way.
Hmmn so light magic from mars and dark magic from venus i always thought the demons had there own plane of some sort maybe they from there. i wonder if well get to see venus at some point. and chachazero! loved seeing that little doll i also agree that i wanta know more of her and evas past. lastly at least this time touta got some coaching from eva and didnt just master this training cos of you know “reasons”
Very true.
Touta had need a fine ajustment
Or something.
Explain, please? I don’t remember anything about that.
When Chachazero came in during the Kyoko arc (chapter 52), she has a massive blade with the inscription “Ministrum Magi Chachazero” on it, which is her pactio artifact. Pactio artifacts all had that kind of stamp on them.
Astro : I would like to clarify one point, Eva talks about the magic of Mars as a magic that “erases”, and we would try to think of the ability to Asuna but I do not think so.
1. From what we know the capacity Asuna is extremely rare.
2. The power of Asuna looked more like a “unique ability” like Kirie’s power that magic. But Eva speaks of “white magic” so this is indeed a form of magic, certainly a rare but not as rare as “unique capabilities”
3. There are no real means for the one or ones who created Tota may have taken DNA of Asuna and mixed with DNA of Negi I think.
Conclusion: I think the “white magic of Mars” is … the royal magic of Arika and the dynasty of Ostia. If we remember well, Tosaka said in Negima that Arika had “destroyed” rocks with her magic. Certainly, any elemental attack spells have the same effect. But I think the royal magic must help destroy things at a sub-atomic level, for example, but not “erase” literally their existence, as could do the special power of Asuna. And can also affect the physical world, not only magic, contrary to magic cancel ^^
What’s more is much more logical since Negi being the son of Arika, he also had his royal magic, although he never used it, was indeed the royal magic that has allowed him to master completely magia-erebea, had implicitly said.
Anyway I found it all very interresting, we had VERY LITTLE information on the royal magic in Negima. Learn more through Tota would agree me. ^^
Otherwise, other interresting thing we have an implicit confirmation that Mazoku are really natives of Venus (or rather “Inverse-Venus” because I do not think the Makai literally be on Venus, I think that was a parallel dimension like Mundus Magicus (“Inverse-Mars”).
And suddenly I think … The mage the beginning would be a native of Makai? I mean, even apart from the fact that he created the Mundus-magicus I always had a hard time to see as a magician native to Earth. I am always treated him as an alien magician, from a distant planet or even another galaxy. But to come from another planet in the solar system is not bad lol.
According to this theory he could be an ancian human left in the Makai and raise among Mazoku and he become immortal with their advice and teaching (hence his affinity for “black magic Venus).
Or he even come from another planet, of the solar system (Jupiter?). In any case if the magic of darkness is associated with Venus and the mazokus come well out there, that explains a lot. For exemple, why Mazoku are so many know the life-maker and the gravekeeper, or even for some to be his servant and disciple , as in the case of Dynamis.^^
Or, another possibility is a Mazoku came to earth and became MOTB’s teacher or something like that.
Well, we don’t know where or how exactly Asuna is “sleeping” (if she is indeed sleeping in UQH!’s timeline), so there might be a way to recover a bit of her DNA. However, I also think that “light-based magic from Mars that erases all” may refer more to Royal Magic in general instead of Asuna’s more specific Magic Cancel.
1. Yeah I also thought about the theory that life would be a Mazoku-maker, so a being who is already immortal from birth .. And I must say that since UQ Holder I am increasingly fascinated by the Mazoku of people ^^ (Damn, I want to see Juuzo! ^^) and strongly implied link between Venus (hence Mazoku) and magia-erebea in this chapter makes me VERY want to know more!
So I find this theory, a life-maker member of the race of Mazoku, very interesting.
But I think I’d prefer anyway that is life-maker or human that would have pushed his mastery of magic to the point of becoming almost a god. Or whether it comes from another planet and another mysterious race. ^^
2. We are of agreements on “white magic” = “royal magic of Arika” ^^
At least we get another piece to the puzzel. Little one, but it helps forms things.
I like idea of fine tuning touta. I’m not in rush over powerup the characters, but it’s nice to see progress. Hopefully we’ll get good couple years out of Akamatsu-sensei before he wraps things up and moves on.
The torture of Dana was useless with Touta XD, I liked to see Evangeline, I missed that character from her…
I surprised Chachazero! I think that Evangeline still didn’t put a soul into Chachazero (I wonder when and how she did it.) When did she learn to control puppets? Will Dana have told about it?
Dana seems be that doesn’t know about Evangeline… Or Is she lying?
The end of the chapter, lol, so many hula hoop, I didn’t even can do one… XD
“I see not bad at all, but…” ‘But’ what? What happens now?
PS; The cover of the volume 7, Evangeline looks like the image of the chapter 9
Hard to say.
Yeah, they are similar.
Hmmm… I getting the vibe that the White Magic is Magic Cancel and Black Magic is Magia Erebea.
Not exactely, Personnaly I think that “white magic” is “Royal magic” of Arika. Because cancel magic of Asuna, wasn’t consider like a magic in Negima. In fact it was even literaly a “anti-magic power” lol
Yes but Magic Cancel is a form of a Royal Magic that only Asuna possess among the know Royal family members.
Mage of Beginning, Negi and Erika also possess such magic but does not display abilities like unique Royal Magic/ability ‘Magic Cancel’.
Touta would have inheritted Magia Erebea which fits the descripting of the consuming characteristics of his ability.
The erasing magic, if its is the royal magic inherited through Negi and Arika then he might have a rare case where he manifested a form of magic cancel.
Though hard to say… we need sensei to explain it in further detail.
Yeah, maybe. Hard to say without more info, which hopefully we’ll get soon.
The time paradox is getting more and more apparent..
It’s nice to see Eva acting this way in this chapter, I like it better than the Yukihime persona. :p And also nice to see Chachazero again, even if, apparently, she is still a normal doll. If your theory about time skip between each meeting is right, maybe next time we will see Chachazero talking, or even holding a blade. lol. Man, I miss her interaction with Chamo.
One negative point for this chapter though, because I’m very curious in how Kirie managed to clear her training.
“The time paradox is getting more and more apparent.”
I recall anyway in the concept of a multiverse temporal paradox does not exist.^^
That’s true, but I’d rather say time paradox triggers a parallel universe, hence canceling that time paradox.
But in this case, I’m talking about Eva and Touta’s relationship. It’s hard to describe, but if you’re aware of Doraemon’s (fan-made?) ending or Interstellar, or even Negi’s little adventure using Cassiopeia in Mahora fest (which I’m sure you’re aware of), you’ll know what I mean.
Kinda seems that way…either that or we are in (or about to shift to) another timeline.
Yeah, Chachazero was awesome. She pretty much stole the scene whenever she showed up. I think that’s why Akamatsu-sensei ended up “losing her” at the end of Negima and giving her the boot in UQH.
As to Chachazero speaking, that would be awesome. I have finally formed a theory on how Chachazero became “alive”. In Japan, there is the belief that objects can come alive once it reached 100 years of age (Tsukumogami — a type of youkai). Chachazero being with Eva during her “must kill Dana” moments and more could be what fuels the personality she gets born with when she turns 100. Once alive and fueled by magic, then Eva can form a pactio with her.
Man, that would be awesome if it came true.
It would appear that the twins may of taking to much of a liberty with the use of the term “homunculus” considering the term never came up in all of negima, especially with the averruncus series being quite close to the popular archetype made so by arakawa hiromu. I can easily see this coming back to haunt them, if touta & Co, ever fight any proto lifemaker homunculus.
Their is also a BASIC distinct difference between clone and homunculus. A clone, is well a copy of something, that often is modified in SyFi to be a bio-wepon or super solider. While a homunculus is created out of “thin air” with various inorganic materials, with some Satanic elements (again depends on the story type, dark senien like berserk would have them, while something casual like bleach or Fullmetal ignores the association)
Second translation nitpick; couldn’t the term be Ventus? As a reference to the domestic magic that should constitute about a 1/3-1/4 of touta’s makeup. As well as the other donor’s DNA origin.
Thanks for your concern, but if anyone is going to be haunted by use of the term “homunculus”, it’s going to be Ken Akamatsu. If you must have the specifics, the kanji is 人造人間, which we probably would have translated to something like “construct” if the furigana had not been ホムンクルス, or “homunculus”.
I am honoured and grateful, for your response and input.
人造人間 jinzouningen – lit. man-made human, artificial human
Thanks for the clarification here.
You both are welcome to weigh in at any time you’d like to enlighten us. 
UQH has introduced a few new concepts that weren’t in Negima. They’ve also dropped pactiones, at least for now.
Also Touta reaching his limit with kids and strength?! What B.S. Jack mother freaking Raken, silent fist takamichi and Eishun Konoe would like to present evidence to the contrary on this matter.
Even if touta gains magic, theirs no point! He’ll only ever use it for high Ancient spells to armament his magia and whatever and whenever akamatsu brings in the next tier. Which he could easily circumvent, by storing the spell or having a external party cast it for him.
*edit kids to ki
Eva says that is valid for Tota only because its opposing forces that move blocks in his martial normal development.
And any faço, as I said in the previous topic. For attaindre level Rakan it would take much time trops using conventional means. Now all come Negi had no time at the time (he had to gather and protect his students) Tota either did not have time. The tournament is in less than a year and I recall that in this tournament there are:
-The psycho sister of Tota
-and perhaps even life-maker himself!
So you can turn the problem as you want, he NEEDS to progress very quickly.
In addition I allowed me to notify that if Rakan is a good example, Takamichi it is not one. Certainly his “invisible hand” is very powerful, and his kanka also BUT himself said to be well below the level of the rest of ala-rubra, while saying averruncus or life-maker!
Whether magic or ki, there is always a limit that humans (or other mortal races) can not exceed. This limit varies individuated but it exists. In addition mortals older and therefore weaken with age. Is a simple observation. Eishun itself was not at his best at the time Negima.
Rakan is according to me the only pertinant example you gave, the others are not suitable I think. ^^
I can accept you discrediting Takamichi, but not Eishun. The shinmei-ryu is feared and respected by many, notable Eva and Fate. http://manga.redhawkscans.com/reader/read/mahou_sensei_negima/en/0/102/page/7
It has also been stated that jack and Eishun are around the some strength, but jack would probably win if they fought.
Even so Setsuna, Ku-fi, Keade and Kotaro progressed incredibly quickly in the 2-3 months they were in the magic world, Tout is in his series version of Eva’s training resort, controlled by a true time magus who can give them all the time he needs to get his Ki proficiency down!
iM A LITTLe confused but how does touta or eva goe back in time to meet each other and how does dana not notice ??
Im glad we get the manga early now
Touta is Wonder Boy and can do anything.
I have a werid theory to follow up but since Touta is a clone and there are many other like “Siblings” does it make sense that Negi mixed with every Pactio partners to form this clone and Touta is Clone with Asuna since there is the “White Magic” and there should be many more
and people are pusruing all the “brothers” to collect them to idk maybe fully seal Negi and Nagi into that MOB
I don’t know about that, but then again, we have very little info at this point.
I repeat myself : “I think it is “Royal Magic” that Negi possesses thanks to his mother, NOT “cancel-magic” of Asuna. But it is only my opinion.^^”
But Asuna would also be “royal” AND Im pretty sure Asuna couldnt use magic and Arika can soo
Except that, Tota can not use magic because light and darkness in him collide. It has nothing to do with the Magic cancellation.
The other by the “light” is called “white magic” it is so much a magic spell. The ability to Asuna was not even “magic” may be, had even “anti-magic”. It was more like a “unique ability” as the power to Kirie.
NOTHING says “cancellation magic” would have prevented Asuna to learn magic.
I recall that:
1. Asuna perfectly controlled hr power, she could choose to cancel a spell or let it affect her. Note that it could cancel ONLY the spells, not erase the magical creatures or the spiritual beings.
It is NOT as “imagined breaker” of Kamijou Tma in To aru majutsu eh?
2. To use the kanka, you must merge the mana and ki, which she does perfectly. If “cancellation of the affected magic itself, it could only use the ki, so she could not use the kanka.
The real reason Asuna did not use the magic is that she had no intellectual profile for that, as Takahata.
Moreover Negi being the son of Arika, he possessed as she, the royal magic in a “sleeping state”. It was this power that has allowed him to control the M-E completely and become immortal.
It therefore seems more logical that the “white magic” Tota is the royal magic Arika rather than power Asuna.
Of course the creators of Tota could very well have taken DNA Asuna and Negi mélenger to that but I do not see how or why they would. Already because Asuna asleep at the heart of the “Palace of Gravekeeper” and serves as a “pillar” in-Mundus magicus until the terraforming Mars is complete and is probably under guard, starting with the Gravekeeper herself .
Who has more, Tota creators wanted to create a copy of Negi to preserve his legacy, not a copy of Asuna.
She couldn’t? Or is it just that she never learn to use magic? If you want to say because she has magic cancel, then why can she form pactio with Negi? I myself honestly don’t know or forget the answers for this though. :p
I don’t know either whether your theory is right or wrong, but the implied reason why Touta can’t use magic is because of the powers conflicting within him. not Asuna’s magic cancel. So, that “light-based magic” doesn’t have to be Asuna’s power.
I’m thinking Touta is less a clone and more a homunculus. But that homunculus could have been sourced from multiple people.
He never really used chi in any of his fights if you look(Note, he uses it sparingly because he can use instant movement and physical augmentation): and if you look back realistically he only used the sword and his immortality as his weapons. He’s always been bad with magic and ki, and they could never really find out why. Magia erebea was his first real dictation at things, and looking back…
KEN YOU ************* SORCERER.
He’s been pointing this out to us blatantly. The entire time.
Also, after this arc we will have a real main character guys.
1-he was taught basics in physical combat. He used his talent for it to further it a bit, but not far. He then gets a gravity blade, and pushes that– again however, not far. He gets that ass beat, magia erebea shows up, he uses it here and there, but doesn’t seem to have any real control over it (look back). Everything has been lining up to this happening. Eva can’t fix this cause she doesn’t know how I’d say, and this is why Dana showed up. Ken is a godamn genius.
Ken is known for doing things like this too us too, so I can’t put it past him when the info slaps us right in the face. what do you think Astro?
I think you’re absolutely right in your overall analysis (including about Sensei planificaions, and when i think that some here have accused him of not knowing where he was going, and to do and I quote “random battles with no logical” I laugh at throat deployed!)
I’ll bring just a LITTLE nuance to your analysis on the fact that according to you, the anomaly of Tota also a little discomfort him in his learning of ki. I’m not agreements. Tota has nothing awkward in his learning of ki. Do I recall you, that in the akamatsuvers, mana (magic power) and aura (ki), although have very similar in appearance and wich product the same effects (Oriental mages use of ki for their spells by example, and Western mages use mana to strengthen their body and increase their strength and speed), were actually opposing energies? The problem of Tota, only affects mana, not the ki.
The reason why he is limited in his learning of the ki (dixit Eva) I think is caused by the fact that the conflict between his two different mana (light and darkness) wich, insidiously damaging his body from the inside. OR simply roof, ki being energy produced by the body, there is a limit to the amount that the body can generate. Although ki is an energy “supernatural”, it remains subject to the physical limits of the body that produces it.
“Scientific legend” says that we only use 20% of the capacity of our brains but also our body and our muscles. Ki would go beyond these “20%”. But it remains that we CAN’T go beyond 100%. Tota is only a 14 year old boy, vampire or not! He probably already reached his own “100% physical llimits”. For the brain I think exceeding 20% would be the awakening of psychic powers, but again, you can not exceed 100%.
Magic is, according to me, the only thing that has no “wall of 100% unsurpassable” because it is not based on physical laws but its own laws, magical laws and magicals theorems. Moreover, it does not rely on the hidden potential of the body or brain but on the hidden potentail of the soul. And the soul is the only thing that has no real limit because it is a unphysical thing (and no proved in our reality but perfectly real in the fiction univers like the akamatsuvers lol)^^.
All that to say that in the end I’m avectn agreements same analysis if there are some differences ^^.
magic limit (temporary ones) that I could think of.
1 max mana (sholud be able to expand by training?) limit how large you can cast a single magic. I can recall Eva said that Negi and Konoka have a large mp tank but can’t recall if they talk about able to expand it. But still not real limit as you could use external magic source or channel while regen mana.
2 mana regen/speed that ones could convert surround natural mana to their own. don’t know if this could improve. if not this will be real limit
3 knowledge and skill of caster is definitely could improve.
Yes, but these limits are only valid for human mages. Effectively becoming a old man the magician is weakening because his mental and spiritual strength weakens.
But an immortal does not weaken with age, his soul rather strengthens century after century, so he has an unlimited magical potential.
As against the ki or psychic powers even if they can increase the capacity of the body or the brain up to 100%, remain subject to biological limitations as I said in my theory. So even an immortal can not indefinitely increase his power by ki or psychic abilities. Only magic can allow him to have potentialy no limit.
Where this all this info about the human mages getting weak from? I forgot where this is from? If it’s true, would the headmaster of the Academy during the Negima original run would been weak? I guess it possible that it’s because it’s hadn’t been finalized yet.
Rob C : I did not say they were weak! I said they were weakened with age. Konoemeon is very powerful but compared to the force he had in his youth can be assumed he is much weaker.
And not it is never say nowhere, but one can easily assume. After all Sandaime Hokage in Naruto, while still very powerful, has been shown to be much less strong than in his youth.
I think the same principle can be applied to human and semi-humans warriors and mages (but NOT to the immortals^^) of the akamatsuvers. ^^
If you are saying this is part of a planned buildup of Touta, I’m not sure I buy that. You may be right, but if so, Akamatsu-sensei is going about it poorly in my opinion. Most everything just feels random for “reasons'” sake to me..
hello astroboy i just wanted to tell you that uqholder volume 7 cover had been release
and here is the picture http://i.imgur.com/hLS4cVf.jpg
Yeah, I saw that. Thanks for letting me know though.
Actually, if Asuna’s magic cancel really is a form of Royal Magic, that would be the only known Royal Magic in Negima. MOTB, Negi, Arika, and perhaps Gravekeeper, probably just didn’t get to show their Royal Magic in more detail.
Besides, Eva also possess ME, so Negi-Asuna or Negi-Arika aren’t the only possible combination, Eva-Negi is also one. Heck, even Zazie is possible to be the source of that “dark-based magic from Venus”..
And I don’t think Touta manifested a form of magic cancel like Asuna. It’s more like two conflicting powers prevent him from using magic. He can still be hit with magic attack, unlike Asuna.
Edit: Astro, can you move this post to be below of Aki’s post on June 4, 2015 at 11:41? I’ve seen this case in one of your previous review..
Yeah it is confirmed that asuna is a member of the magic royal family from Mars and is a direct descendant of the Mage of beginnings.
Pactio system is apparently base of such magic…
Asuna among the known royal family members has magic cancel.
In negi case, some characters speculate his advanced growth rate is due to his inherent royal magic and it is thanks to his royal blood and magic that he survived dying and reviving through magia erebea.
Arika who has no known magical talent is still able to punch and harm the likes of nagi… It may be a gag but arika does possess a degree abnormal strength which is likely due to the royal magic.
Mage of beginning has done a lot of incredible feats… Creating artificial being, creating immortals, creating magical world, pactio system and body hoping and ability to erase existence.
Not entirely correct. While Asuna was born into the family, the power she was born with is more akin to the powers the Lifemaker used when he created MM, and not entirely linked with Royal Magic in of itself. The “Magic of Creation and Destruction” and all that. Ergo, she was a freak among freaks. While MC is not entirely unique in the setting (Turns out, that’s not what Asuna has been using at all), her powers are not quite in line with what little we know of Royal magic.
Asuna is an anomaly. I’ve long seen her as the entity that attempts to restore balance to a system out of balance. It is an old trope.
People seem to be forgetting a main issue with negima, was that no could tell the distance between arika and asuna, was asuna really within two generations of arika or the last real direct decendant of th mage of the beginning and arika from a close branch house? It was made apparent that asuna was the last in epilogue, and completely ignored negi.
Body hopping is still a theory and one that took a hit when she showed up in UQH in the body that should have been abandoned along with Negi and Nagi.
Hmm, I wonder if the touta’s genetic base is mazoku, if the Venus comment is proven correct.
No, Venus and mazoku are just the source of the M-E not the source of Tota’s genes. Negi wasn’t a native mazoku, was he? He was a “magus erebus”.^^