Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 10
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan 10
衛宮さんちの今日のごはん 10
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis
Shirou helps Issei with School Festival activities, which often makes him late coming home. MAKIDERA Kaede bursts into the Student Council room, followed by HIMURO Kane and an apologetic SAEGUSA Yukika. Kaede wants to know why her festival stand was rejected. Issei points out the elaborate seafood they plan to offer as the reason.
With two days left, Issei snaps at MITSUZURI Ayako for having an unapproved Archery Club display that is using flowers. Lancer, who’s delivering flowers, isn’t thrilled to hear this. Ayako gets mad, but Lancer’s charm and a flower cause her to blush.
There’s one more day, but the Student Council members are wasted and longing for a good meal. So Shirou gets drafted to fix something for them. He cooks some karaage (bite sized, multi-fried chicken) for them. He races out as Saber returns from a grocery run.
After feeding them, Shirou returns home to cook karaage for Saber.
I love me some karaage for sure. However, Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 10 wasn’t as good as the food it portrayed.
Boring Side of a School Festival
School festival stories are a staple of anime and manga. Unfortunately, Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 10 made it an ultra boring affair. Its not very interesting to have Issei and company doing paperwork and dealing with issues concerning the stands clubs were setting up for the festival.
I do appreciate that the series brings in minor characters. Ayako has had more of a presence than Kaede, Kane, or Yukika. I didn’t remember that trio, but they are legit in the Fate/stay night universe.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Today’s Menu for Emiya Family 10 was the weakest episode of the series to date. Even Lancer’s cameo couldn’t save things. Oh well…can’t win them all.