Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2 Review

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2 Review
Nicola no Oyururi Makai Kikou

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I had read the first four chapters of Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2, so I was eager to read chapters 11 and 12 that are also in in this volume.

The Story in Brief

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2In chapter 7, Simon wants to buy a mummy arm from a vendor. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the money and must raise the cash. Nicola discovers the vendor selling it to another entity. As such, she makes it her mission to get the arm for Simon.

For chapter 8, Nicola and Simon arrive in a village with an upcoming festival. A flute performer named Milly is nervous, so Simon and Nicola help her by pretending to cast a spell on her flute. Her male friend Lastri uses it to get courage to ask Milly to marry him.

Chapter 9 sees Simon seriously injured. As such, Nicola must be very brave to face the bandit guardian on a bridge that leads to the herbs she needs for Simon.

Simon gets a letter from his father in chapter 10. He and Nicola go to Simon’s home. Simon’s father and Nicola get along well. Simon discovers his dad has been attempting to fly. So he makes a parachute device, which pleases his father greatly.

For chapter 11, Nicola and Simon search for a village for a supposed treasure. They find giant, friendly, furry monsters. Simon discovers proof this is the right place they’ve come to. The Zumomo show Nicola a flower garden, containing the flower she magically produces. Nicola finds evidence that her mom may have visited this place.

Finally, Simon and Nicola travel to a town that Nicola’s mom Arma may have visited. After a major false start, Nicola finds the proof she sought.

Learning More About Nicola

I’ve already written my thoughts about the earlier chapters of Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2. The links are given in the story section. However, chapters 11 and 12 were new to me. Further, they were surprising in that they were part of a story arc. For the first ten chapters of the series, the stories were just self contained adventures of Simon and Nicola. And those were cute and lovely in their own way, but I always wanted to know more about Nicola.

Chapter 10 let us know that Nicola’s mom, Arma, had apparently visited Makai (the Demon World) prior to Nicola’s birth. In addition, we learned that Arma died shortly after giving birth to Nicola. So that explains why Nicola was living with her grandmother.

It does seem that Nicola’s mother knew magic as well as medicine making. So Nicola’s grandmother must have been OK teaching Arma, but not teaching Nicola.

Still, I wonder why Nicola’s mom came to Makai in the first place. And I wonder what drove Nicola here.

Seven Seas

I’m still disappointed Japanese honorifics aren’t used. Yeah, I know that the series isn’t based in Japan. I just prefer the Japanese take on things. But as you see, it doesn’t stop me from purchasing the series, which is saying something.

As I said in my review of the first volume, the print work for Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2 isn’t crisp as I feel it should be. Maybe this is how the Japanese tankoubon releases are. The printing is serviceable enough, but I would prefer sharp, crisp black inking. Instead, we get this soft, black inking.

Finally, there are no extras in the volume. There are the after chapter omake, which were no doubt in the Japanese release. But that’s it.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

In the end, Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2 is another lovely trip into the “demon world” with the young, human girl Nicola, and her devil guardian Simon. I’m really glad I found this lovely little series.


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