Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 4 Review Nicola no Oyururi Makai Kikou ニコラのおゆるり魔界紀行 –> Buy Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 4 from It is difficult to believe that it has been roughly 3.5 years since I last read this series. As I unpacked a box of manga to put in my
Posts Tagged ‘Nikora no Oyururi Makai Kikou’

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 3 Review

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 3 Review Nicola no Oyururi Makai Kikou ニコラのおゆるり魔界紀行 –> Buy Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 3 from I’m so glad I found out about this delightful manga series. It really leaves me with a good feeling whenever I read it. Fortunately, Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s

Four Favorite Art Styles in Anime/Manga

Four Favorite Art Styles in Anime/Manga Well, another fun little game went around Twitter recently (you can see what rubbish I spew by following me on Twitter at was to name four favorite art styles in anime and manga. So I thought I’d give that a go. My Monster Secret (Manga) I love the

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Chapter 13 (Girls Adveture!)

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Chapter 13 Nikora no Oyururi Makai Kikou chapter 13 ニコラのおゆるり魔界紀行 13 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis Simon gets an invitation to a formal auction from Count (Earl) Prime. As such, he gets formal clothing for Nicola and himself. Nicola is happy to see Rosetta, and vice versa. The Count, Rosetta, Simon, and

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2 Review

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2 Review Nicola no Oyururi Makai Kikou ニコラのおゆるり魔界紀行 –> Buy Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2 from I had read the first four chapters of Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 2, so I was eager to read chapters 11 and 12 that are also

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 1 Review

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Volume 1 Review I don’t remember how I stumbled onto Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World. But I do remember something about the artwork telling me that this would be a sweet, wholesome title. And I was right. Thankfully, Seven Seas licensed the series and have released volume 1.

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Chapter 10 (Fly Robin Fly)

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Chapter 10 Nikora no Oyururi Makai Kikou chapter 10 ニコラのおゆるり魔界紀行 10 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis Simon and Nicola stop at a post office so that Simon can check his mail. He gets a letter that causes him to change their plans and go see his dad. Nicola is nervous and excited

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Chapter 9 (Big Things; Small Packages)

Nicola Traveling Around the Demon’s World Chapter 9 Nikora no Oyururi Makai Kikou chapter 9 ニコラのおゆるり魔界紀行 8 Spoiler Summary/Synopsis Simon and Nicola are being chased by monstrous bandits. One shoots Simon in the shoulder, but the pair manage to get away. However, the cursed arrow causes Simon to collapse. They are found by a friendly