Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05 (Stop! Harem Time!)

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05
天地無用! 魎皇鬼 OVA 5 Ep. 5

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

A few years after the events of episode 4, Washu gives a report to Seto on Kenshi’s progress. Meanwhile, Funaho, Misaki, Yuuzaki (Yuzaki), and Kuis plan to crash in Kenshi’s training. They rope Ringo in as well. Ringo’s first visit is to the Yamada residence to see Seina’s harem. She then grills the boy on finances. Next is Minaho, who quickly schools Seina on not underestimating her because she’s in Intelligence.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

Minaho briefs Rea on Kenshi’s evaluation. She then scolds Tenchi since he will be marrying before her. Minaho demands two days of Tenchi’s time and lays down the law with his harem at the same time. Meanwhile, Funaho, Misaki, Yuuzaki, and Seto pay Seina’s harem a visit to have some fun. They then proceed to Tenchi’s home so that Yuuzaki can evaluate Kenshi. At the shrine office, Airi visits her husband Yosho (in Katsuhito form) for a chat.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

Later, a handicapped Misaki has no trouble defeating Kenshi. Minaho takes a turn, using only thread as a weapon. Seto takes a turn, trashing Kenshi at a computer game simulation. That night, the Juraian women prepare a feast. The Kuramitsu family are there waiting while in the shrine office, Emperor Azusa, his father Kazuki, and Utsutsumi join Katsuhito and Nobuyuki for tea.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

The following night at Seina’s house, an unofficial, formal ceremony is held to announce the marriage of Tenchi to his harem. After Emperor Jurai says his piece, Tenchi stands and speaks of his journey with the girls that began when he was 15 and how they’d become family. Airi and Katsuhito pressure Minaho about getting married, when she learns that her parents never had a formal ceremony.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05


Good grief! It has taken way too long to get my review of Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05 out. But, my job is insanely busy, hence the lack of posting here. Nevertheless, I do want to write something about this episode before the next one is released. 😅

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

Wrapping Up the Kenshi Training

I suspect that Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05 was the last time we see Kenshi training, at least in a formal sense. With Misaki, Funaho, Seto, and other highly important Juraian women there to evaluate Kenshi, it is basically endgame in terms of training. Next is to see Kenshi off to the world of Geminar.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

I think when the final episode is released, I’ll try to rewatch War on Geminar. That is, assuming I have time to watch it at all. 😅 That aside, it would be interesting to see how OVA 5 impacts the viewing experience of WoG.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

Harem Accepted

Back in my early fandom for Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki, I was a Tenchi x Ryoko shipper. But after debating fans like True Sheol (I miss him), I came to realize that the harem ending was in fact the best ending for the story. Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05 doesn’t actually touch the politics of the situation. However, the fact that all parties accept the harem marriage shows how advantageous it is for everyone involved.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

Basically, all that remains is the informal marriage as this was basically an engagement ceremony. The final episode may show us the marriage, or it may skip ahead to where Tenchi is already married. I’m not sure how they’ll handle things. That aside, it is nice seeing the harem ending actually coming to fruition after all these years.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

Good Times

Aside from the official harem engagement, I think the thing I enjoyed most about Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05 is seeing Funaho and Misaki. Yes, both characters have been seen, Funaho more so than Misaki. However, we get to see Funaho in a more lighthearted moment. For a start, she’s part of the silly cabal plotting to crash Kenshi’s training. Then, she uses string to “school” Kenshi, though that also shows how awesome she is.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

As for Misaki, we’ve already seen how she’s more lighthearted in nature, even when semi-serious. If we look back at the final OVA 2 episode, we see this in action in how she toys with Ryoko, pretending to believe Ryoko is Sasami while casually beating up Ryoko in the process.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

The only problem I had with Funaho and Misaki returning is their lack of interaction with their kids. Yes, OVA 2 episode 6 showed this, and Kajishima-sensei is always loathe to retread previously covered ground (except for jokes about Minaho being single). But it would have been fun watching Ryoko flee for safety from Misaki as Misaki greets Sasami and Aeka. And Yosho should at least say hi to his mom. But what do I know?

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Let me wrap up my review of Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05 with some final thoughts.

  • I kinda wish Sasami had given Minaho a bit of a fight, more so considering she is Tsunami. But I guess Kajishima-sensei wanted to show just how powerful Minaho is.
  • I like seeing Airi visiting her husband. But somehow, I’m always disappointed that Yosho retains his Katsuhito form rather than reverting to his Yosho form. Maybe Airi likes the Katsuhito form more than the Yosho form.
  • Also, I thought it strange that Minaho didn’t know here parent’s were never officially married. Not sure why that seems to be such a tetchy topic with Azusa, Seto, Funaho, and Misaki.
  • If you don’t the one Kuramitsu guy, that’s Nakita, Mihoshi’s dad. He was seen in OVA 3, though his relationship to Mihoshi and wife Mitoto isn’t stated in the OVAs, which is annoying.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

I’m sure I’m missing stuff, but I’ve been struggling to get this done for weeks. Nevertheless, I did enjoy watching Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05. And now for the harem wedding.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05

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14 Responses to “Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 5 Episode 05 (Stop! Harem Time!)”

  1. Mellon says:

    I have been waiting for you review.

    I cant wait for the 6th episode.
    Maybe we get to see some of the Seina’s children.

  2. Leonard Eugene Norwood Jr says:

    One more to go. Enough said

  3. Shadow_s_writer says:

    Yes, I also miss True Sheol and the rest of the Ayeka Fan Club cohort.

    I would not be surprise if they skip a formal wedding for Tenchi and the Harem, as I expect politics to interfer and will block it. This was the reason Yosho and Airi did not marry in the novels after all. And if there was not a reason not to announce the forthcoming marrage why keep the engagement a secret.

    One thing, this does explain the Royal Council’s reaction to Airi in GPX, they were not at all pleased when she addressed Azusa as father.

    I suspect Eps. 6 will show the arrival of Tenchi first two daughters, and possible Ryo ohki triplets ( Note I not sure Techi is the triplet’s biological father, then again with Washu anything is possible). This would explain the arrival of the Seina family with gifts as depicted in the latest youtube ad .

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Sorry, don’t know how I missed this.

      Yes, I also miss True Sheol and the rest of the Ayeka Fan Club cohort.

      Likewise. I did chat with Jeff the other day. He and the Mrs (who had the Onihime website) are doing well.

      I would not be surprise if they skip a formal wedding for Tenchi and the Harem, as I expect politics to interfer and will block it.

      Yeah, it will likely be an informal wedding, only attended by the folks we just saw.

      I would not be surprise if they skip a formal wedding for Tenchi and the Harem, as I expect politics to interfer and will block it.

      That could be it.

      This would explain the arrival of the Seina family with gifts as depicted in the latest youtube ad .

      I need to watch that.

  4. hibikigamer02 says:

    Greetings to all, the review was very good and it makes the best of the chapter and I think the same in Sasami’s fight, and a question comes up, someone knows where to find the ending
    thank you very much to all

  5. Alex says:

    I have to say the harem ending is one of the things I truly struggled with accepting. I respect universe and it’s movies for seemingly having Tenchi pick Ryoko…and I say that even though I much prefer Ayeka. I just find a harem ending disrespectful to the girls personalities, because I struggle to believe they would all be ok with it; maybe I’m just a more traditional romantic. In fact the proliferation of accepted harems is one of the things I have a problem with regarding the franchise as a whole…it’s a far cry from the Emperors two wives being an important political manoeuvre, and I just think in general it would have been more appropriate to have Tenchi pick a girl instead of Ayeka, Ryoko et all be ok with sharing him. Obviously this is subjective and for those who are ok with the harem ending that’s fine, but it left a sour note in my mouth and I can’t help but compare it to the earlier content. Least I still have universe!

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I have to say the harem ending is one of the things I truly struggled with accepting.

      I completely understand. It took me years before I accepted it. But after talking to the Tenchi guru’s of the time, one of whom was Japanese, I understood the political reasons the girls would be okay with a polygamous marriage. And after I watched some documentary years ago about a traditional Mormon family where they guy had multiple wives, I felt I could better understand the girl’s side of things.

      Plus, the Japanese attitude on sexual pairings tends to be “anything goes as long as there is love”. Therefore, since all of the girls love Tenchi, and politically, all of them marrying Tenchi alleviates Jurai’s fears, then I could accept it.

      • Alexander says:

        That’s fair enough. Indeed the Japanese prioritise love over everything which is kind of nice in and of itself even if I am not keen on the polygamy angle presented here, and I suppose you could argue that none of them wanting to give him up shows how deeply they love him. Which is a nice thought?

        I still struggle to accept that some of the personalities in the group would be ok with sharing, and I can’t help but feel a lot of it was due to not wanting to upset the fans of any one particular girl, which is of course an understandable motive. Perhaps they don’t regard it as sharing, and only focus on their own individual marriage to Tenchi instead of worrying about the presence of the others.

        That said I do miss the old angle where multiple wives was rare and exceptional. It seemed to make more sense somehow. For example I can’t help but feel that the Emperor seems to sliiiightly favour Funaho over Misaki since Funaho was his love marriage and Misaki the political one.

        It is always going to be something some fans struggle with, but it doesn’t mar my enjoyment of the earlier content. Since a lot of the production staff and directors, even the art style changed, one can easily separate the canon if one wishes. Thank you for responding!

        • AstroNerdBoy says:

          I still struggle to accept that some of the personalities in the group would be ok with sharing, and I can’t help but feel a lot of it was due to not wanting to upset the fans of any one particular girl, which is of course an understandable motive.

          In almost any other franchise, I think you’d be right. In this case, Kajishima-sensei loves him some harem. 😂 I’m trying to think if he’s done a work where the lead male doesn’t have a harem whom all agree to share said male. It is the ultimate male fantasy and I suspect it is Kajishima-sensei’s biggest fantasy. 😅

          It is always going to be something some fans struggle with, but it doesn’t mar my enjoyment of the earlier content.

          That’s how I’ve always felt. Back in the day, I was a Tenchi x Ryoko shipper and disliked the whole notion of a harem ending. But it didn’t bar my enjoyment of the series.

          Thank you for responding!

          You’re welcome and thanks for writing!

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