El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2 Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2 Review
Shinpi no Sekai El Hazard 2
El Hazard OVA 2

Since the Community Anime Reviews site frequently has problems, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB  note.”  😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.

–> Buy El-hazard: Magnificent World Ova 1 & 2 BD Collection on Amazon.com!

Community Anime Review of El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2

(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 02-May-2003.)

El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2El Hazard: The Magnificent World 2 takes place shortly after the first OAV series. This time Fujisawa is about to marry the priestess Miz but decides to run away instead. Miz, Shayla-Shayla (yeah baby), Afura Mann, Makoto, Nanami, Alielle, & Princess Fatora head off to find Fujisawa. Fatora goes around trying to sleep with the various female characters by making herself look/act like Makoto. Alielle is toned down some from the previous OAV, but is pretty worthless. In fact, all of the characters suffer greatly here because they go mainly just go through the motions of trying to recapture their OAV 1 glory.

The story is pretty weak. Kalia is created to be the new bad guy who’s supposed to be even more powerful than Ifurita. And speaking of Ifurita, they find a way to bring her back without destroying the continuity by making her a non-unique character. Apparently everyone had an Ifurita back in the ancient days of El Hazard which made no sense. No real explanation of why she was created was given. Everything just happens and her defeat was anti-climatic to say the least (IMO).

Bottom line:

This 4-episode OAV seems to have been thrown together. (I suspect it was an attempt to milk the cow by AIC and Pioneer.) While trying to recapture the magic, the writers sadly miss the target.

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