Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 112 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Suzaku and Natsu continue their futile attempts to scratch Dogramag. During a pause in combat, Dogramag admits that Elefseria did in fact kill him. However, because Dogramag consumed Elefseria’s heart prior to death, the heart resurrected him. Over the 100 years, Dogramag slowly built his strength and rebuilt his body. Ignia asked him to build the maze, but Dogramag won’t answer why.
Elsewhere, the very weak Selene explains the mission she’s sending the Fairy Tail members on. She opens portals for them, which they pass through. Gray notices that Selene is in bad shape. He asks why she’s expending the last of her power to help them. Selene states that the other dragon gods are her enemies, thus she has sought people and weapons to accomplish this. In the end, what she needed was Fairy Tail.
Gray questions her motives. However, Selene states that once the other dragon gods are dead, she once to live as a human, drinking under the moon. Meanwhile, the other Fairy Tail members find the orbs and destroy them. Selene sends them gate hoping to achieve their objectives. Gray finds himself in an area of the labyrinth and encounters someone holding one of the cores.
While I’m certain that Selene is on her redemption arc in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 112, one thing did surprise me. I expected Wendy to heal Selene, but I suppose I understand why that didn’t come to pass. I’ve become so convinced that Selene is getting a redemption arc, I neglected to consider that the other characters wouldn’t see this, injury or not. Maybe when this arc gets resolved, Wendy heals Selene.
That aside, Gray did take note of Selene’s severely injured state. As she’s bleeding to death, she does express a heart-felt wish to live a quiet life as a human. And in the end, Gray appears to believe her. I liked this moment between Selene and Gray. I’m almost surprised that there wasn’t a gag with Juvia getting jealous.
Speaking of gags, Mashima-sensei brings back Plue and Pyxis for a gag cameo. I’d completely forgotten about Pyxis. I’m not sure if he’s been around since the early days.
Finally, if you needed further proof that Diabolos is out as the ongoing villain guild, we get mystery new person, who belongs to some sort of guild. I suppose mystery guy is in a treasure hunter guild. Maybe they use magic items to do magic things rather than have magical powers to to do things. We’ll see.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 112 is a fairly interesting chapter, ending with a potential new foe since Diabolos is defeated.