Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 113 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
Gray runs into a man, who identifies himself as Sai from the alchemist guild Gold Owl. He refuses to give Gray the orb as his guild needs it to grow. Gray apologizes in advance and starts and attack. However, Sai uses alchemy to change Gray into Juvia. Gray-Juvia freaks out a bit over this change since it means Gray cannot use his ice magic.
Elsewhere on a ship returning Fairy Tail home, the guild are astonished to see Juvia is now Gray. Juvia-Gray freaks out, feeling her love for Gray caused her to turn into him. Overwhelmed by the experience, Juvia-Gray passes out.
Back in the dungeon, Sai thinks he has an easy victory against Gray in Juvia’s body. Because of Juvia’s combat experience, Gray is able to elude Sai’s attacks where Sai uses a long chain. Sai realizes Juvia is also a wizard and freaks out since his Love Bond transmutation would normally bring a weaker woman.
Sai lands an attack, but Juvia’s body instinctively goes to water. This lets Gray know that he can use Juvia’s water magic. As such, he starts to use water magic, which Sai thinks is water alchemy.
Hahahahaha! Okay Mashima-sensei, you got me good in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 113. First, I figured that the man Gray ran into at the end of the previous chapter would be a treasure hunter. The word “alchemy” didn’t even come to mind. Well, I suppose wizard guilds are old hat now. So let’s introduce another kind of “magic”.
Second, I didn’t expect to see Juvia return in this unusual way. Juvia may be my favorite Fairy Tail character, ever since her initial fight with Gray oh so many years ago. I admit, it amused me seeing Juvia become overwhelmed at the notion of turning into Gray. Likewise, I found amusement in Gray having to deal with learning Juvia’s body and apparently magic.
Regardless, now we have a new enemy to fight. No doubt, we’ll get the rest of his guild. Heck, we may even get Diabolos to help in the fight. We’ll see, but I do expect that Gold Owl will replace Diabolos as the pain in the butt guild Team Natsu have to deal with.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 113 is an amusing chapter since Gray and Juvia swap bodies, thanks to the newly introduced art of alchemy.