Top 5 Favorite Anime Female Characters Recently, I was asked in a general fashion what my top four female characters were. Well, I decided to give a top five. My criteria is not based on their waifu possibility. I may do a list for that later. Also, I only include characters from titles I’ve watched.
Posts Tagged ‘A Certain Magical Index’

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017 Hey folks. Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very happy new year. 2016 was an interesting year for me to say the least. Lord willing, 2017 will be a positive one for me. I’m hoping I can stay motivated to do the things that need to be

A Certain Scientific Urusei Yatsura

A Certain Scientific Urusei Yatsura Hi everybody! Well, yesterday’s adventure in food, drink, and time with friends took longer than expected. As such, it is time for another filler post. Again, I’m going to the work of A Certain Scientific Railgun and A Certain Magical Index fan raika9. Check it out. This time, raika9 has

A Certain Scientific Dirty Pair

A Certain Scientific Dirty Pair Hey gang! As this article posts, I’m out of town, far, far away, hanging out with some friends from Japan. Hopefully, I’m checking out what’s supposed to be an awesome, new Japanese restaurant. ^_^ As such, I thought I’d do a filler post and share some art I found. This

"A Certain Magical Index II" TV Anime Review

Toaru Majutsu no Index II とある魔術の禁書目録(インデックス) II A Certain Magical Index II *SPOILERS BELOW!* For this 24-episode sequel to A Certain Magical Index, the “misfortunate” main character KAMIJOU Touma returns as well as his female nun roommate, Index, who still carries 103,000 forbidden grimoires in her noggin, for more Roman Catholic Church vs. Anglican Church

Finishing "A Certain Magical Index II"

Hey gang. I’d gotten about half-way through A Certain Magical Index II and then got distracted. Since I REALLY need to finish it, I’m currently taking the time to marathon it so I can get another anime series off my plate. ^_^; While I’ll save my thoughts for the final review, I do wonder why

"A Certain Magical Index" TV Anime Review

Toaru Majutsu no Index/とある魔術の禁書目録(インデックス) A Certain Magical Index *SPOILERS BELOW!* Normally, one would start a franchise from its beginnings, then work one’s way down through the sequels and spinoffs until one reached the end of the line (or lines). In this case, I started with the canon, spinoff manga, A Certain Scientific Railgun (which I’m

A Certain Magical Index — A Weekend Plan

I’m down to the final four episodes of A Certain Magical Index (first series), so I’m going to try to watch these during my weekend break and get a series review up. In the meantime, I couldn’t help be struck by some things. Had I not watched A Certain Scientific Railgun, I’d have no clue