Top 5 Female Anime Main Characters Recently, I did a top 5 favorite anime female characters. So then the question became, “Okay. But now do your top 5 female anime main characters.” Okay, I can do that, though there will be some crossover. Plus with as busy as I am, I need an easy post.
Posts Tagged ‘Slayers’

Top 5 Favorite Anime Female Characters

Top 5 Favorite Anime Female Characters Recently, I was asked in a general fashion what my top four female characters were. Well, I decided to give a top five. My criteria is not based on their waifu possibility. I may do a list for that later. Also, I only include characters from titles I’ve watched.

Four Favorite Art Styles in Anime/Manga

Four Favorite Art Styles in Anime/Manga Well, another fun little game went around Twitter recently (you can see what rubbish I spew by following me on Twitter at was to name four favorite art styles in anime and manga. So I thought I’d give that a go. My Monster Secret (Manga) I love the

An Acrostic List of Liked Anime

An Acrostic List of Liked Anime Hey gang! There was a bit of fun going around on Twitter earlier, whereby folks were spelling out their name by listing anime titles they liked. This is an acrostic game (thanks to Twwk for cluing me in on this), so I thought I’d give it a go and

“Maid Dragon” References “Slayers” – Now With a Translation

“Maid Dragon” References “Slayers” – A Translation Request Hey gang. I saw this post going around the other day from Pixv artist Kakki (かっきー). (Not safe for work alert on that link!) I don’t think this artist has anything to do with the official Kobayashi-san’s Maid Dragon manga titles that exist. Nevertheless, because they are

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone in the U.S. a “Happy Thanksgiving!” ^_^ I rather imagine much of the following images will be going on today. *lol* Followed by some football and no doubt, some napping. ^_~ I hope you all have a fun and good day. ^_^

A Nifty Slayers Wallpaper (and some not so nifty text)

No clue were I picked this up from, but the art looks like the same art from the various Slayers light novel covers. I’m not versed in all the cover art so one of you who IS edumacated can let me know. ^_^ I think this is my favorite piece of Slayers artwork. I like

Slayers Evolution-R 13 (Finale)

スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 13 (last episode) Slayers EVOLUTION-R Ep. 13 (final episode) Slayers Evolution-R 13 (Finale) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the Dark Lord, Ruby Eye Shabranigdu having come back to life, Xellos attacks what he refers to as the “Ghost of Shabranigdu” but his attack is easily thwarted. Shabranigdu increases in power and Xellos uses the