Love Hina Manga Volume 1 Note: Volume 1 can be purchased as part of Omnibus Volume 1, which has a new translation. –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! Back in 2002, I watched the Love Hina anime and fell in love with this wacky, harem
Posts Tagged ‘AKAMATSU Ken’

Negima! Manga Vol 29 Ch 260 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 29 Chapter 260 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 260 Negima! Manga Vol 29 Ch 260 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Despite using everything they have, it only takes Jack Rakan five minutes to defeat the four attacking members of Fate’s “Lovely Girl’s Squad.” Only Homura remains conscious and Jack asks her again why she

Negima! Manga Vol 29 Ch 259 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 29 Chapter 259 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 259 Negima! Manga Vol 29 Ch 259 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Outside the ball, Jack confronts this third iteration of Fate, referring to him “Averruncus of Earth” and referencing how Nagi defeated the first two versions. Fate disagrees with Jack’s assessment that he has changed

Negima! Manga Volume 23 — What Happened With The Cover?

Negima! Manga Volume 23 Volume 23 is now part of omnibus volume 8. As such, links below are for omnibus volume 8, save for the Japanese tankoubon. –> PURCHASE FROM RAKUTEN.COM (formerly BUY.COM) –> PURCHASE FROM BARNES & NOBLE –> PURCHASE FROM RIGHTSTUF! –> Purchase from Yes Asia! (Japanese tankoubon) For detailed chapter summaries with

Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 258 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 28 Chapter 258 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 258 Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 258 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The news that the Magic World is in fact Mars has everyone in shock and even disbelieving. Nodoka tells the what is commonly known on the Magic World about it being on an alternate

Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 257 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 28 Chapter 257 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 257 Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 257 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Aisha and Lyn, Nodoka’s female treasure hunting companions, present a wardrobe of elaborate dresses for all of Negi’s female students to wear. Negi and Kotaro have tuxedos as well. Negi is troubled by the

Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 256 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 28 Chapter 256 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 256 Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 256 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Jack’s arrival causes a bit of hero worship with Craig and Tosaka but after that’s over, Jack has Negi play Governor-General Gödel’s invitation. Gödel not only invites Negi to come, but also his female

Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 255 Review

魔法先生 ネギま!Volume 28 Chapter 255 (manga) Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga Chapter 255 Negima! Manga Vol 28 Ch 255 Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: As Governor-General Gödel has Negi pinned down, he asks Negi which is Negi’s true enemy — the ones planning to destroy the world, the ones who took Negi’s father from him, or the ones